A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 107 106. You are dying

Chapter 107 106. You are dying

Twenty or ten minutes later, Nansen was already sitting on Tony's large sofa, drinking red wine leisurely, while Tony was applying an ice pack to his face.

His face was swollen twice from the beating, like a pig's head.

"Sir, do I need to call the police?" At this time, the considerate Jarvis asked. Nansen sipped the red wine and looked at Tony strangely with the corners of his mouth raised.

Tony hurriedly said sharply, "Jarvis, you really need to reprogram now. Why are you getting more and more stupid? Is this something the police can solve? Shut down all the systems in the house, and get out.

Oh, by the way, while preventing Ms. Pepper from coming, this Mr. Cowboy and I need to discuss something. "

As soon as he finished speaking, even the lights in the room were turned off, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

Tony couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and then fumbled to find the manual switch to turn on the light.

After opening it, I also poured myself a glass of wine. Alcohol can relieve his pain now, "I said Mr. Cowboy, it's not very good to call you like this, can't you tell me your name?"

Nansen said casually, "Then you can call me McCree, I've always been a happy cowboy."

When Tony heard this, he hurriedly made a note, since he couldn't find any clues from the identity traits, at least there would be some clues from the name, any clues would be fine.

Tony no longer has the arrogance he had before, but has become very humble. Of course, this humility is based on the fact that he was beaten up by Nansen.

Nansen first held a shield and let Tony output for a few minutes. Seeing that the shield was about to be broken, Tony already felt the dawn of victory.

Then Nansen smiled evilly, read a second line in his mouth, and took out his revolver. The next thing was a nightmare for Tony.

It's the first time I've seen someone who can play with the revolver so smoothly, and the supernatural bullets of various attributes seem to be free of money.

Because this is in Tony's house, and Nansen is not his serious enemy, Tony didn't use any powerful weapons.

So instead, he was captured by Nansen, and when he was pulled down, he was beaten violently. The buffer zone of the steel armor was deformed, and he ended up with a swollen face.

As a result, even though Tony was able to show off his coolness in the military committee before, he has become honest now.

In addition to these, he also heard Nansen say that he came to save himself. After thinking about it, Tony thought that the only thing he needs to be saved now is palladium poisoning, but how did Nansen know about this? ?
That's why he's willing to sit down and talk now.

After a brief silence, Nansen spoke first, "Mr. Tony, what do you think about the survival of mutants?"

It is impossible for Tony not to know that Magneto did such a big thing before. According to his arrogant character, the reason why he did not appear is probably because the anti-Magneto armor has not been made yet.

Tony shook his head after thinking about this topic, "In less than 30 years, mutants will eventually disappear on this planet.

This is entirely because the leaders of the mutants are too stupid. If they were a little smarter, the fate of the mutants would not be what it is today.

An extremely arrogant person who wants to start a war with humans with a size smaller than one-thousandth.

The other seems too conservative, gathering mutants together, which can indeed avoid the risk of being persecuted by humans, but how can they integrate into this society?
Since they can't blend in, it's no wonder that human beings regard them as aliens. Human beings have always been like this since ancient times. If you don't play with us, we will beat you.

If the time could be five years earlier, the mutants would still have a turning point, but now that the potion has come out, the mutants have nothing to play with. "

After finishing the drink, Tony took a sip of the wine, looking very leisurely.

Nansen did not deny Tony's rhetoric. Although what he said was ugly, it was actually very pertinent.

Nansen thought for a while and said, "Then if I want Mr. Stark to become a mutant, will you agree?"

"Impossible Mr. McRae, I won't let myself be so stupid." What Tony said could be said to be ruthless.

Nansen was not angry about this, he just drank the remaining red wine in the glass and said to Tony: "You are dying, and you will agree soon, now only the road of becoming a mutant can save you.

Palladium metal poisoning is a difficult problem for you after all. I guess your current blood concentration has reached at least 30.00%. "

Nansen drew his trump card this time, and Tony's aura changed in an instant, from a relaxed rich man to a cheetah with sharp fangs.

He said with his fangs in his mouth: "I don't care who you really are or what organization you belong to. I will entertain you with fine wine today, but I hope you can control your mouth. This is still a secret."

Nansen seemed dismissive of this, "Secret? It's okay to tell you, I am a member of the Shadow Watch organization, and our organization has been guarding this planet in the shadows for an unknown number of years.

There are not many things in the world that can be hidden from us, and I also remind you that your so-called secret will be made public soon.

People who know your physical condition now are not just our organization. A visitor from the Far East will come to your door soon. "

After finishing speaking, Nansen left here directly. After Nansen left, Tony smashed the wine glass in his hand angrily, but his hand was still shaking.

"Jarvis, have you found any useful clues?" Following Tony's question, Jarvis, who was already 'offline', replied instantly.

"Sorry sir, there are no useful clues on the Internet. If this person and organization are not too powerful, then they must not exist." Jarvis replied.

But Tony didn't believe that McCree and the Shadow Watch behind him didn't exist.

What's more, now he has also matched the doubts in Afghanistan. Once in Afghanistan, a queen appeared inexplicably among the kidnappers, and the kidnappers even asked him to make personal wearable armor.

No matter how I think about it now, it feels like a layout of the other party, just to facilitate him to become Iron Man.

Later he sent people to search there, but there were no women's bodies at all, and all the dead were men.

Tony squinted his eyes and thought quietly on the sofa, the world has become more and more interesting.

At this time, he saw a business card that he put on the corner. This was a shop, and he vaguely remembered that it was given to him by Nansen.

Because Nansen saved him and Pepper, Tony didn't throw it away on the spot, but brought it back.

The business card is not just the name of the person, but the appearance of a shop.

The name of the shop is taken as: Don't come if you don't have money.

There is also a couplet: become stronger krypton gold flashes the dog's eyes; if you are afraid of being broken, don't enter this door.

Horizontal batch: minimum consumption of 1000 yuan.

Tony thought for a while, since he had been targeted by mutants a long time ago, he might as well get in touch seriously.

Besides, Nansen's shop suits his taste very much. He has a lot of money, and he is dying, so he can't spend it all!

So the next day, Nansen was still awake in bed when he was woken up by a rapid knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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