A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 10 10. Parents from the Stars

Chapter 10 10. Parents from the Stars
"Then besides the substantial improvement in physical fitness, do you have any other discoveries?" Nansen asked out. Skye is actually a stranger, and Nansen understands this.

One day in the future, she will awaken her abilities through the obelisk and become Daisy Johnson, the shock wave girl.

What Nansen is most concerned about now is whether her ability has been awakened because of the strengthened apple.

Regarding Nansen's question, Skye carefully felt his physical condition, and then shook his head.

She just really felt that her physical fitness had improved a lot, but she didn't notice any other abilities.

It's not like other mutants who have awakened any superpowers.

However, Skye thought of how weird some mutants would look after their abilities were awakened, so he felt chills.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly found a mirror and looked at it, and was relieved when she found that there were no extra spikes, hairs, scales or anything like that.

That kind of appearance is ugly, and I don't want it.snort!

Of course, after further observation, she decided to wait until the bathroom. After all, everything is always inconvenient in the living room.

In other words, that fruit now makes Skye's physical fitness stronger, but his own abilities have not been awakened.

Regarding this, Nansen is not disappointed. From the perspective of aliens, they must awaken superpowers through the abnormal gas evolved from the crystal in the obelisk.

Nansen was also considering that his strengthening fruit could not stimulate their awakening.

Skye was still looking at the mirror at this time, but he took the time to ask Nansen: "You said that the fruit is only a little bit of your ability, so do you have other abilities?"

Next is the focus of Nansen's flickering. He said with a smile: "Yes, this ability is about the people who ate those fruits."

"Hmm, what then?" After confirming that he didn't have any mutations, Skye sat next to Nansen, his eyes wide open, like a curious baby.

"Then I can get some information about you, it's very troublesome to explain, after all, some mutants' abilities are essentially unreasonable.

Let me try my best to make you understand, that is, because you ate my fruit, the so-called we have established a connection in the dark.

This connection allows me to discover something causally related to you. "

The core of these words is that because you ate my fruit, we will have causal entanglements that are constantly being cut and messed up, so that I can spy on the secrets.

Well, the above sentence is always a bit weird, and for a while, Nansen couldn't help giving himself a middle finger.

Stinky stick, ah bah.

Although Nansen's passage is full of loopholes when read carefully, Skye's current thinking ability has actually been compromised by the joy of physical strengthening.

In addition, as a hacker, she has come into contact with those incredible things in reality on the way to find her parents.

Among other things, she knew that there was this big bald head in New York, which could control the thoughts of countless human beings in an instant through a brain wave booster.

You can do whatever you want.

If he is given more time, he can even issue an order to make all human beings commit suicide.

So under such prophetic conditions, Skye didn't have much doubt about what Nansen said at the moment. After all, he could only be regarded as a prophetic ability at best.

Moreover, after learning that Nansen might know that she was causally involved, Skye became even more excited, "Then, do you know who my father and mother are? Why did they abandon me back then?"

Regarding this point, Nansen could only shake his head to express that he didn't know, and there were some things that he still couldn't tell her.

After thinking about it, Skye could only suppress the expectation in his heart. After all, Nansen has given her a lot, if this continues, it will become difficult for others.

"So what are you going to tell me?" Skye whispered, half-cooled by the fact that she couldn't find her parents.

Nansen comforted Skye with a smile, "Although I didn't know exactly who your parents were, why did you abandon you back then?
But I know a very interesting situation, you are not a purebred human being. "

After saying this, Skye was still crying, but it quickly turned from cloudy to cloudy, and it seemed that the cloudy sky was about to turn to light rain.

What do you mean?Turning the corner and scolding my old lady for not being human?

Nansen saw it and hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think, I'm not saying that you are not human, I just want to say that you should not be a pure-bred earthling."

Skye's complexion didn't improve after hearing this. He's not a purebred earthling, so this situation is also very bad.

But in a flash, Skye imagined another version of Nansen's words.

Parents from the stars!

Is your father or mother an alien prince or princess?

After giving birth to himself, for what irresistible reasons did he return to his own galaxy to complete his mission?

But because they were too young, they put themselves on the earth first, and they went back to face the unknown danger together...
Regarding Skye's whimsical ideas, Nan Ran naturally couldn't guess that his real age is actually in his twenties.

But at the age of 17, although he is no longer a sophomore in junior high school, his daily fantasies have never been less.

I don't know how many boys have sat in the classroom and looked out the window, hoping that there will be a row of convoys suddenly coming from the downstairs. The convoys should all be Rolls-Royce and above.

Then a row of long-legged and thin-waisted lace girls came down from the convoy, and they came to the door of their class surrounded by them.

The most beautiful team leader knocked on the door of the class very politely, and apologized for disturbing the teachers in the class.

After finding out that she was in English class, she said in fluent and gentle English: "I'm sorry to disturb your class, but the time is really urgent now, we are here to pick up the young master, he should go home. "

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and bowed down to apologize, and a row of people behind him also apologized.

Then, amidst the dumbfoundedness of the whole class, he directly picked himself up, and the girls flocked away, followed by the bodyguards.

It was only at this time that the top students in the class came to their senses, stammering and translating the leader's words, the shock level of the whole room was +10086.

Of course, this is the male version, and the female version is also definitely more exaggerated.

As for Skye, she is now imagining when her parents will pick her up in a spaceship.

The spaceship is best to have a high-end atmosphere, which can turn on blue light, the kind of Bling Bling.

When Skye was full of beautiful fantasies about his life experience, Nansen was not idle. He found paper and pens from his home and wanted to draw that thing.

He actually wanted to tell Skye that the thing that was inextricably linked to her was called the Obelisk, which would allow her to awaken her superpowers.

But in order to be more vivid, he finally decided to draw it to increase the credibility of his words and let Skye understand that he can indeed see things that are causally connected with her.

The obelisk is actually not very easy to draw. It is not a regular object, but a prism at one end, and a pyramid at the other end. The connection between the two seems to be stepped on and dented.

However, under Nansen's wonderful pen, he felt that his flowers were still very vivid, vividly depicting the soul of the obelisk - the depression.

"Skye, look at this is what I said, which has a lot of causal ties to you." After Nansen finished speaking, he closed his pen and showed the painting to Skye.

At this time, Skye had already thought about whether his parents would come to pick him up, and whether he would take them to the homes of his former classmates.

But I can't go to anything else, the most important thing is to go to the homes of those classmates who have bullied her, and walk three times to the left and three times to the right.

What Skye guessed was that the thing that had a causal connection with him might be the wreckage of a spaceship, or some mysterious alien relic, and that relic was the civilization product of his parent galaxy.

As a result, she received the painting drawn by Nansen and saw it, and she suddenly felt cold, "The thing you said has a huge causal connection with me is a hammer? It's really not as good as a hammer... "

One side is a flat head, the other side is a pointed head, and the middle is recessed, if you insert a wooden handle.

Not to mention, it does look quite like a malformed hammer.

 The status has changed, and the next step is to wait for the recommendation.

  I also arrived in Sichuan, and silently said that the young lady here is really beautiful, and the food is also excellent, but unfortunately it is too hot, probably because I have stayed in Kunming for a long time.

  Finally, thank you for your support and thank you for your recommendation votes.

  Next, continue to ask for tickets and place bowls. (pious thanks)


(End of this chapter)

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