LOL I am invincible

Chapter 7 Was Conte the second hand?

Chapter 7 Was Conte the second hand?
After a while of quarreling, there was no follow-up, and the five walked out of the lounge together.

But this time, Lin Yu walked at the forefront, as if he was the big brother in the team, followed by four younger brothers.

Xingyao fought with five people, all eyes locked on Lin Yu, this evil spirit was compelling.

"Brother Yu, they probably want to mess with your mentality!" Jungler Liu Xiaofan said with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, you choose a pig girl, the master will help you get off the road, don't worry about going on the road." Lin Yu sat down and warned Liu Xiaofan.

"No, don't care? Don't I need to squat back for you?" Liu Xiaofan was extremely surprised.

In the top lane, the jungler is extremely important.

Especially for a wave of artillery line, if caught dead, it is very likely that the line will be blown up and lead to an avalanche.

Lin Yu nodded confidently. Liu Xiaofan's coming to the road would only scare the opponent's jungler.

And Lin Yu's purpose is that the Xingyao team's jungler comes to help give away the head.

The battle began quickly, and commentators were in place one after another.

"Okay, audience friends, welcome back, now the BP of the fifth game of life and death, the first three moves are support?" Frog saw that Xingyao team banned three support in seconds.

Team Yanhua also seemed to have their own ideas, banning three junglers in a row.

"What kind of operation is this? Didn't Akali be banned? For support?" Miller's eyes were strange, and he didn't understand.

"Xingyao doesn't intend to respect Lin Yu's Akali, but judging from the selection, both sides have great ideas." Duoduo watched the selection and left.

"Akali? Who is this Akali for?"

"A stable person like Fengge definitely won't play Akali. This probably comes from the self-proof of one of the strongest top laners in the LCK." Miller guessed.

"Sty was slaughtered by Akali in the last game, will he also perform Akali's demeanor this time?"

"I don't know what countermeasures Lin Yu has to deal with it. It stands to reason that Lin Yu's Akali operation level should be very familiar with Akali, so what hero will he choose to back up Kantel?" Frog said curiously.

"Sword Girl? No way, Sword Girl will be hanged and beaten by Akali!"

"It's locked, Jian Ji beat Akali, and it's reasonable to blow up the line."

"Is this... the sword girl in the middle?" Miller smiled stiffly, and exchanged glances with Frog.

"The gods fight, let's watch."

In the end, Team Yanhua settled on the combination of Jianji in the top lane, Galio in the middle lane, Wild Boar Girl in the lane, and Xialuo in the bottom lane.

As for the Xingyao team, Akali is the top laner, the trick enchantress is the mid laner, the signature blind man is the jungler, and Thresh is the bottom laner Draven.

"I really can't figure it out. Yanhua banned three junglers, and out of the blind man, it's clear that you are asked to choose a sign." Frog supported the commentary stand with both hands, and couldn't help laughing.

"The sword girl on the road beats Akali, who will be picked by Kantel?" Wang Duoduo was also extremely puzzled.

"To be honest, I've never been so incomprehensible in explaining the games in the six major regions." Miller said and shook his head. He didn't understand Team Yanhua's strategy at all.

Countless spectators outside the arena also cheered one after another.

"In the passerby game, I am the golden Akali and beat the diamond sword girl. If you don't agree, you can solo."

"This one was chosen by the sword girl, we lost this year's champion..."

"God damn ban selection, Wang Yao's blind king has 1600 points, why did you ban three junglers and release him?"

"Team Yanhua doesn't want to win? They are all passive, how do you play this?"


Everyone was surprised by this ban pick, and this ban pick was all dominated by Lin Yu alone.

His purpose is very simple.

Teammate, just send it off.

If not, how to complete the latest task released by the system: kill 25 people!
As for the reason for choosing Sword Fairy, it was because of his lottery draw. The Wushuang Sword Fairy's control proficiency has reached the level of the supreme king.

In front of the world's three games, Lin Yu can't deliberately release water. Only when all his teammates explode can he have more chances to kill.

"Look at you, Brother Yu!" Although the four teammates didn't know why, they could feel strong confidence in Lin Yu, so they all chose passive heroes.

"Fight hard, come on!" Lin Yu smiled and encouraged him actively.

The battle finally started, the canyon appeared, and the ten heroes entered their own field positions.

Xingyao team assisted Thresh, and at this time five people invaded the red buff area.

Lin Yu slid the mouse, looked intently at the small map, "buzzing", his voice trembled, and he found the other five people.

"They are here!" Lin Yu marked it.

The four members of Team Yanhua quickly gathered in the f6 bushes, ready to intercept the retreating Team Xingyao.

The blind monk wanted his teammates to help counter the red buff, but the teammates were about to retreat, and the blind monk hesitated a little and fell to the end of the team.

"Team Yanhua is in ambush, is there a chance in this wave?"

"Flash is blind!" Girl Zhu rushed forward.

Immediately after Luo's lift, Galio slapped half of his HP with a swipe of the wind, Xia gave the q skill, and finally Sword Fairy poked the sword and took the head off with precision.

"First Blood!"

The applause sounded, and everyone could see clearly from the perspective of God.Team Yanhua's ambush was just right, and of course the blind man also gave them a chance.

"Oh, the Obsidian team can't steal chickens and lose money, and they want to be popular but they are not decisive. It seems that they have different opinions!" Seeing Yanhua get first blood, Frog laughed again and again.

Quickly returned to the line, got the sword girl with first blood, and made up an extraction.

"Development still needs to be paid attention to!" Lin Yu recalled that a legendary top laner once said that he liked to develop, and Lin Yu naturally implemented the concept of development.

On the first level, Lin Yu manipulates Jian Ji, as if he is slapping a soldier with a long sword in his hand, and the blow feels extremely real, as if he was in the scene.

Facing Akali in the early stage, he directly QAed up and made a flaw.His style of play is extremely fierce, and he forced a hole in the follow-up, suppressing half of Akali's blood volume.

At the first level, Akali didn't dare to go up to touch the soldiers.

And soon, the second wave of soldiers was promoted to two levels, Lin Yu directly crossed the line of soldiers and pushed Akali out of the experience area, preventing him from getting experience.

"It's so fierce, this sword girl!"

"Akali at the first level is indeed short board, it depends on the blood exchange after the third level, these two people seem to be going to fight!"

Lin Yu slid the mouse and placed it on the upper triangular grass, and there was a "buzzing" sound there.

"Come here, if you catch me at the second level, you will definitely kill me!" Lin Yu grinned, knowing that blindness and hatred were around, but he had no intention of leaving.

"The blind monk started to go around, there is no vision, this position is basically doomed."

"Jian Ji is hanging around in front of the tower, why don't you withdraw?" Frog and Miller became more and more anxious.

The current blind monk has a red buff at two levels. Although Akali only has one level, Jian Ji is still very dangerous and may have to dodge.

"Hmph, 15-0, you're going to burp soon, I think you're 15-0, retire now!" Chen Ming cursed in the lounge, wishing that the blind monk would go up and kick Jian Ji to death.

"Don't go yet!"

"Is it mindless suppression?" Countless audiences were also sweating, and Jian Ji's death would be extremely hurt.

At this time, half-blooded Akali stepped forward directly, preparing to Q Lin Yu at the farthest distance.It's a pity that Lin Yu is extremely proficient in controlling Akali. A Q skill on the side was directly twisted, and he caught up with two flat cuts, and Akali retreated again and again.

He was drugged to half blood, but now he is completely disabled.

The blind monk rushed to Moyan, and used the effect of the red buff to fight against Jian Ji, while Lin Yu controlled Jian Ji, who could grasp the fastest attack speed of each sword attack, and stretch his body to the limit.

In this way, against A, the blood volume of the two people is almost the same, and it is halved at the same time.

Seeing the situation, Akali approached slowly. The blind monk was still taking damage from the minions. If he couldn't hit q, he might be shown off.

At this time, "Boom!" Lin Yu suddenly flashed, full of Conqueror Q flaws, A followed by E skills, directly killing Akali, he didn't even have time to hand in the flash.

"Oh, I'm slow to react!" Sty looked distressed in the camera, very annoyed.

As soon as the blind monk sent out a Q, Lin Yu moved extremely small to dodge, and hit the face with the e of the second critical attack, and the blind monk knew in his heart that he had gone far.

"Double Kill!"

The sound of killing was extremely pleasant, and countless nice people outside the field roared loudly, their morale was high!
(End of this chapter)

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