LOL I am invincible

Chapter 69 Encountered a Raid

Chapter 69 Encountered a Raid
Lin Yu received a private message from Lao Zhou, inviting him to visit the current Tianyu Building.

Among them, Chunyu Jewelry Group has arranged to put a new batch of top-quality glass jadeite on the shelves.

The entire Tianyu Building has been restored to its former glory, and it has even been strengthened a lot.

Because now, it is only the construction stage, and the publicity is not in place.So much so that the entire city of Chengnan has not paid attention to this jewelry building.

If it cooperates with Lin Yu to promote it, their perfect glass jadeite and the craftsmanship of making jade will surely attract more jewelry lovers.

Among them, rich wives from the urban area and young beauties will all come to visit the jewelry building.

Zhang Feichi has become Lin Yu's full-time driver, and he still has a somewhat unconvinced look on his face.

He drove the Ferrari Rafa, deliberately driving fast on the city's ring road.

But Lin Yu believed in his driving skills, although he was only the champion of the straight-line driving race.But the age of the car is not young, and the skills are top-notch.

With him as the full-time driver, Lin Yu can sleep in the car with peace of mind.

However, several familiar cars appeared around the Ferrari Lafa that Lin Yu was riding in, always following around.

As an experienced driver, Zhang Feichi always looked at the rearview mirror and the surrounding vehicles, and took the lead in reminding Lin Yu, "You boy. Did you offend someone?"

"These cars are not simple, they are special vehicles for the chamber of commerce!"

Zhang Feichi spoke in a flustered tone, and his face was not very good-looking.

Obviously, he saw something.

The surrounding tracking vehicles are all elongated cars with obvious traces of modification, but they are not super sports cars.

It is enough to prove that they have special uses.

Such cars are generally used by the Chamber of Commerce in the country.

Zhang Feichi's eyes were flickering, showing a little panic.

After Lin Yu checked, he just waved his hands and said, "Aren't you the champion of straight-line acceleration? You should also be able to do special driving. Show me your skills and let me see whether you are worthy of the five-year championship."

A word, in Zhang Feichi's ears, seemed to be an explosion.

Lin Yu deliberately provoked Zhang Feichi to speak directly.

Zhang Feichi just became angry in an instant. His temper is not small.

"Since you want to see, then see and see."

On the third ring road, the Ferrari supercar that Zhang Feichi was driving was shuttling through the traffic at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, without any scruples at all.

With the speed of his car, he quickly threw off the pursuers behind him.

However, it is not easy for those car owners who track Lin Yu's Ferrari Lafa.

They can also increase the speed to more than 180.

Even if you can keep opening the distance, you still can't get rid of it.Above this loop, it would be very dangerous to increase the speed further.

Although Zhang Feichi was stimulated by Lin Yu's words, he knew in his heart that safety came first.

At this time, Lin Yu is waiting to chat on WeChat.

The minister who once met at Panjiayuan's private stone gambling venue sent his Ferrari license plate to prevent his full-time driver Zhang Feichi from being deducted driving points.

The latter soon sent an OK expression.He said it was nothing to him.

Lin Yu is not yet a special chamber of commerce and needs to abide by the regulations of the urban area.

Like those who followed Lin Yu, they were all members of the special chamber of commerce.

But now, Lin Yu doesn't know whether these guys who are following him belong to Xiong Jiahao, Li Wenbin or Jinlong's subordinates.

Although Xiong Jiahao's attitude towards Lin Yu feels good.

But Lin Yu always felt that he had some problems.

Li Wenbin, on the other hand, had a shady face. He lost a McLaren P1 and left immediately.Lin Yu doesn't know whether he will take revenge on Lin Yu.

As for the golden dragon, it has long clamored to deal with Lin Yu.

It's just that I haven't seen any movement yet, and the tracker behind this time is likely to belong to the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce faction.

Zhang Feichi, controlling the Ferrari supercar with great concentration, gradually got off the high speed from the third ring road.

He turned his head, looked at Lin Yu, and said in a slightly sad tone: "you can't escape when you get off the high speed. What do you think about it, or we go directly to the police station for help? "

"No need, get off the Third Ring Road in a while, and pull over on the side road. You don't need to pay attention to me, just go straight to the Tianyu Jewelry Building and wait."

At this time, Lin Yu shrugged involuntarily, and said indifferently.

He now controls the world's highest level of fighting skills.There is an innate qi in his body, as the foundation of the tiger's body, he is not afraid of these people from the chamber of commerce who come to find fault with him.

Zhang Feichi looked slightly worried, but still nodded.

He didn't want to get involved in this kind of dispute, so he let Lin Yu get off the car directly on the side road.

Zhang Feichi disappeared directly, while Lin Yu looked at the ring road behind him, waiting for the special car to arrive.

In a black business car, four strong men suddenly appeared, with fierce eyes fixed on Lin Yu.

On their arms, the imprinted lines are all golden dragons.

Looking at the patterns of these tattoos, Lin Yu can guess that these people are the subordinates of the golden dragon.

Not surprisingly, it was the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce among the special chambers of commerce.

It's just that Lin Yu can also perceive their aura, which is not as powerful as he imagined.

Four strong men in black immediately surrounded Lin Yu.

One of them directly started to pick up Lin Feng and drag him into the commercial vehicle to take him away.

Lin Yu has sharp eyesight and extremely fast reaction speed.

Holding his shoulder with his backhand, the strong man frowned instantly.He caught Lin Yu in the first place.

Lin Yu clasped his arm and punched him hard in the abdomen.

This muscular-looking brawny man suddenly slammed his stomach with his hands and spat out bitter water from his mouth.The tight face looked extremely painful at this moment.


"Dare to resist."

"It's not easy for a brat."

The other three people immediately realized that something was wrong, and shot again and again.

Two flying kicks, one fist punch, each attacking Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took a small step back, then swept his legs, and brought down two strong men in black.

"Plop" Both of them fell to the ground with a wail, facing the straight punch.

Lin Yu even rushed up to hug his waist, exerted his strength, and fell on his back.

Throwing this fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms on the ground cracked the stone slabs he smashed on.

All actions can be described as one go, even special forces can hardly do it.

There is an extra innate energy in Lin Yu's body.Physical fitness.Compared with the body of a normal person, I don't know how many times stronger.

The top comprehensive martial arts exchanged by the system is equivalent to a special soldier king, training the fighting ability that can only be possessed in a lifetime.

It's not enough for four ordinary people to be sent to deal with Lin Yu.

"It's really a vulnerable waste. Will such a thing be sent to deal with me, Lin Yu?"

Lin Yu stepped on one of the strong men, who just suffered a punch from him on a weak spot in the abdomen, and then became weak all over and could no longer stand up.

On the opposite side, the two strong men who were brought down stood up but did not dare to step forward easily.

But he also threatened Lin Yu and said, "You boy, those who offend my Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce will die a terrible death."

The two couldn't help but shouted fiercely.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly felt a chill behind him, and subconsciously moved his footsteps.

A flying kick, attacking from behind,

Several cars from the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce approached from behind, and dozens of strong men in black clothes who looked like bodyguards came rushing to chase Lin Yu.

"Stinky boy, come and lie down with us obediently."

"Stop for me, I'll ruin you if I run away!"

Lin Yu saw dozens of people chasing and intercepting him, and his body was moving fast. His body was sharp and his speed was so fast.

Follow the side road and enter a nearby shop.

These thugs from the Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce all rushed to give chase.But I didn't expect that Lin Yu escaped at an astonishing speed.

In the shop, Lin Yu jumped more than three meters high and easily climbed many stairs.

At the other end of the shopping mall, he left calmly, shook his leather jacket, took a taxi, and headed for the Tianyu Jewelry Building.

"Golden Dragon Chamber of Commerce, these disgusting guys still rely on the large number of people." Lin Yu couldn't help murmuring.

He has unparalleled special forces combat experience, so this kind of scene is nothing to him.

Although he has the ability to fight back, it is difficult for the enemy to be numerous and powerful. Heroes do not suffer immediate losses, so Lin Yu simply retreats first and is not in a hurry to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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