LOL I am invincible

Chapter 49 Sports Car Transformation Plan

Chapter 49 Sports Car Transformation Plan

Lin Yu quickly returned to the supercar accessories and modification workshop where the crooked hat was located.

Now his Ferrari's 458 visceral engine, a series of configurations, have already been hoisted out by a small crane, leaving an empty car frame.

Since it was converted into a racing car like a concept car, not only the engine, but also the gearbox, bearings, wheels, etc., all needed to be replaced.

Only the frame and appearance of the Ferrari 458 do not need to be changed too much. After all, this car itself is an entry-level super sports car. The simple [-]-meter speed increase can be regarded as entering the four-second mark, and straight-line racing is not considered weak.

"Boss, according to your drawings, we can build a 64-cylinder purely super-powerful engine today, and the horsepower will easily exceed [-] horsepower, or even reach [-] horsepower."

"Even if it is Su Hongliang's concept car, it will take 1.5 seconds at the fastest with nitrogen gas to rush up, but the battery life and stability are far worse."

"At that time, you only need to compete with him at a distance of more than 3000 meters, and he is definitely not an opponent!" Wai Mao said excitedly,

In front of him, the four sixteen-cylinder engines have been completely dismantled, and according to the special drawings given by Lin Yu, they are being welded, and a number of auxiliary parts are being rebuilt to make him reach a stable state.

Theoretically, the 64-cylinder engine has four times the stability index compared to the sixteen-cylinder engine, and at the same time, it is more than four times the horsepower.

Pure mechanical power can bring absolute strength, and the maximum speed of this car will far exceed the requirements for take-off.Even faster than an airplane in the air.

It's a pity that the car body itself can't control him from taking off unevenly, so Lin Yu decided to make it harder!
Let this car have enough weight to improve stability.

After all, with a 64-cylinder engine, there is no need to worry about power.

Lin Yu wanted to make it a speeding tank, so he directly found a way to get a lot of accessories and materials for off-road vehicles, modified them, and installed them on his sports car.

The crooked cap is busy, and he doesn't take it as a task to transform Lin Yu's car.

For an avid car fan, this is his ultimate hobby.

"Brother Yu, I think how about replacing the car door with a mechanical door? The electric suction door is a bit sorry for the beast." Crooked Hat suggested.

His eyes turned to the door of Mercedes-Benz Big G and the doors of several American muscle cars.

"Okay, let's replace it with a mechanical door. Ensure its weight and strength, and seal the co-pilot's door!" Lin Yu nodded slowly.

If the speed of the vehicle is too fast, the impact of the door also plays a big role.

Once the car body turns into air fluid that cannot be completed, the resistance will be terrible. In order to reduce the resistance more extreme, Lin Yu directly blocked the co-pilot's door.

In that case, there is no need for the co-pilot of this car to exist.

"The co-pilot is all transformed into a gearbox. This car only needs three gears: low speed, fast, and extreme speed!" Lin Yu commanded from the side.

He exchanged the D-level modification ability, and now he is watching the super concept car gradually take shape in front of him.

Of course, these are all theories, and the actual results need to be produced and tested to see the outcome.

"Gearbox, use the drawing I gave you!" Lin Yu gave Wai Mao another drawing.

A group of young people who refitted supercars gathered frantically. First, they wanted to see what the gearbox made by Lin Yu was like.

However, after just a brief glance, this group of guys who have been dealing with sports cars, engines, and machinery for many years showed shocking expressions.

"Fuck, the design of this gearbox is simply ingenious."

"Every component is designed just right to minimize energy and work consumption!"

"These mechanical arms are all designed by no one in the world. They are really ingenious. I feel hopeful to compete for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Realize mechanical mechanics and achieve the highest honor in physics!"

"It's too arbitrary. Did you design it at this time?" The crooked hat looked at Lin Yu.

At this time, all the people in the assembly workshop stared at Lin Yu with admiration.This look is definitely the shining look that can only be condensed by looking at one's idol.

"The engine and gearbox are all prepared for me to compete with Su Hongliang. I hope the result will not disappoint me!" Lin Yu shrugged and said with a smile.

The ability of system D level is also the top existence in the world, surpassing all the existing mechanical technology designs in the world.However, it is theoretically an achievement that can be achieved.

These crazy supercar fans naturally worship Lin Yu extremely in their hearts.

"No problem, I will definitely not disappoint your design!"

"Don't worry, Boss Yu, leave it to us to win Su Hongliang's concept car, it will definitely not be a problem!"

"Come on guys, we're building a beast!"

Crooked Hat soon led the team to develop a special mechanical gearbox. It is not so easy to control the too fierce 64-cylinder engine in front of him.

As for some accessories, the processing plant even used some tank accessories obtained through relationships, and even heavy parts such as excavators, and applied them to Lin Yu's car.

This car, once built, is a mechanical concept car that is second only to armored cars and faster than supercars.

"What kind of oil do you use for the 64-cylinder engine? Ordinary diesel oil, definitely not!" Lin Yu touched his chin.

He continued to redeem the ability of System D level: gasoline knowledge
Consumption popularity: 100 points

Lin Yu had his own idea in an instant. He came to the factory of Nord Pharmaceuticals with a series of petroleum products.

Nederson now welcomes Lin Yu very much: "Welcome my good friend Lin Yu back to the laboratory. I don't know Brother Lin Yu, what good ideas do you have this time?"

Nederson, as the master of the laboratory, greeted him.

The whole laboratory and all the experimenters have the utmost respect for Lin Yu.

Lin Yu simply said hello, and brought three barrels of oil under his feet.

Gasoline, diesel, and one type of cooking oil.

"I want to fuse into such a gasoline structure, so that the heat energy released by its combustion can be increased by more than three times!" Lin Yu took out a chemical formula structure.

Many researchers gathered here one after another.

"But, this doesn't belong to the field of medicine?" a researcher questioned.

"Medicine and chemistry are neighbor fields. Besides, we have no reason to refuse to help Lin Yu's good friend!" Nederson said in support of Lin Yu at this time.

"Yes, we are all good friends!" Lin Yu also grinned.

Soon, with Lin Yu's chemical formula and fusion method, a new type of super gasoline was successfully refined.

"Friend Nederson, I need [-] liters of super gasoline. I hope you can help me refine it!" Lin Yu handed over the task to Nederson, who nodded happily.

"Engine, gearbox, accessories, frame, tires, gasoline are all done." Lin Yu clapped his hands and grinned.

Immediately, he had full confidence in Su Hongliang's speeding concept car, and he got it!
(End of this chapter)

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