LOL I am invincible

Chapter 47 Healing Li Xun

Chapter 47 Healing Li Xun
Lin Yu came to the urban central hospital and was invited by that professor Xu.

Professor Xu is a doctor of medicine who came back from the United States to study abroad. He has also won many awards, including many important medical awards.

She is a top expert in blood diseases. This time, she came to Chengnan City to investigate the patients with blood diseases in Chengnan City.

And, participate in the ranks of clinical treatment.

Their group is not simple. Among them, there are many medical academicians in Huaxia Kingdom, accompanied by deadly doctor tycoons. They want to use such a strong team lineup to take advantage of the situation to overcome the difficulties of blood diseases.

"You are Mr. Lin Yu, you are younger than I imagined!" Xu Ruoyun, wearing a white medical mask and glasses, looked at Lin Yu curiously.

Xu Ruoyun stretched out her hand, she didn't wear gloves, her palm was very slender and white, and it was much smaller than ordinary palms.

"Please sit down!" Xu Ruoyun invited Lin Yu into the office.

Lin Yu was treated like a patient, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Since you can come here, I'll cut to the chase. The polyphenols in the kiwi skin can help imatinib wither off diseased white blood cells. Have you discovered anything?" Xu Ruoyun picked up a pen and asked Lin Yu.

Even without looking at Lin Yu, he just planned to record what Lin Yu said,
This can't help but remind Lin Yu of the scene of taking notes in the police station.

Lin Yu frowned suddenly, shook his head and said, "Am I your patient? You want to ask me that?"

Obviously, Lin Yu is very dissatisfied with her attitude.

"I'm sorry. But I really want to know if you really understand the way to cure chronic leukemia!" Xu Ruoyun explained.

"If you want to know, do I have to tell you? Why do you?" Lin Yu got up and was about to leave.

Although she is a doctor of medicine, Lin Yu is very displeased with her attitude towards people and her tone of voice.

Treat him as a criminal?Ask like a patient?
Who gave you this high note?
Xu Ruoyun was also taken aback, she stood up again and again, blocking Lin Yu's way.

"Wait, you can't go. You haven't answered my question yet, do you understand the way here?" Xu Ruoyun's eyes were extremely serious, and he came to stare at Lin Yu.

"Hehe. I don't understand. Get out of the way!" Lin Yu immediately lost any interest in Xu Ruoyun, who was rigid and paralyzed, and walked around her to leave.

But she didn't expect that she followed Lin Yu directly.

The speed at Lin Yu's feet was not something she could catch up with, and Xu Ruoyun was thrown off after a few corners.

He headed towards Mr. Li Xun's ward, but he didn't find him.

Even with the golden eyes turned on, searching the entire floor, they couldn't see through.

"Strange, where did you go?" Lin Yu murmured in doubt.

As a last resort, he could only go to the nurse's station to ask.

"Excuse me, miss, grandpa Li Xun, was he moved to that ward?" Lin Yu saw the nurse very familiarly.

It happened to be the nurse who inquired before. When she saw Lin Yu again, she was immediately annoyed.

"It's you brat who caused me to be scolded by the head nurse, and even came to me to ask about the whereabouts of Mr. Li Xun. What exactly do you want?"

"Security, security guard, come here, it's dangerous!" The nurse in pink rang the security bell directly, and the security guard quickly chased after him. Lin Yu had no choice but to enter Xu Ruoyun's office.

Xu Ruoyun pushed the black glasses frame and looked towards Lin Yu. There were two security guards with batons at the door.

"You'd better leave the professor and go out with us to make sure you're okay."

"If you don't come out, we will call the police!" The two security guards said aggressively.

"It's okay, I invited him!" Although Xu Ruoyun was puzzled, he also opened his mouth to help Lin Yu.

The two security guards backed away. Xu Ruoyun recorded the information and said calmly, "Aren't you unwilling to say it? Could it be that you have changed your mind?"

Xu Ruoyun's tone made Lin Yu feel very uncomfortable, but it would take a lot of time to find Mr. Li Xun in the hospital of Nuoda University.

Lin Yu took a deep breath and explained helplessly: "Making this polyphenol into a spherical shape can completely make imatinib a brand new version, and the other party's diseased chronic leukemia and acute leukemia can be cured. Eliminate, completely heal!"

Suddenly, Xu Ruoyun's room fell into absolute silence.

Just after Lin Yu finished speaking, he kept staring at Xu Ruoyun, while the latter's limbs were stiff, and his eyes were looking forward with incomparable dullness, as if he was deep in thinking about something.

According to Lin Yu, she began to deduce the shape of spherical polyphenols in her mind.

Then he used a pen to draw something in front of Lin Yu, and looked at Lin Yu suspiciously.

Lin Yu's golden pupils could catch every trace of her. He held her arm and drew a few new traces. The latter's eyes widened suddenly.

"It's really possible! Let's go to the laboratory!" Xu Ruoyun prepared to go straight to the medical room without saying a word.

Lin Yu was shocked by the concentration in her eyes.

Perhaps, this is what a medical madman looks like, which really shocked Lin Yu.

"Wait!" Lin Yu held Xu Ruoyun back.

"Success has been confirmed in the laboratory. I have been to Nordisk Pharmaceuticals. Now I am in the process of developing pharmaceuticals. After obtaining the license, I can treat leukemia patients all over the world." Lin Yu explained.

Xu Ruoyun clenched her little hands in surprise, and even looked extremely excited, but she didn't seem to know how to express it.

He was extremely excited to see Xu Ruoyun's beating heart through the golden pupil.

"Great, really great!" Xu Ruoyun said happily.

She suddenly thought of something, held Lin Yu's hands tightly, and said with trembling eyes: "Nord Pharmaceutical is not a company of Huaxia Kingdom, you must keep this drug in Huaxia."

"Otherwise, there will be countless patients who can't afford the medicine. I came back from the Meili country to serve the motherland. If I can persuade you to lower the value of the new medicine, it can be regarded as helping others." Xu Ruoyun was serious. Said.

Lin Yu's face twitched, and he suddenly felt that Xu Ruoyun was a weird person.

"So, you have to sacrifice my interests and petition for the common people?" Lin Yu questioned.

He couldn't help but patted his forehead. Communicating with a woman like Xu Ruoyun was an extremely thought-consuming process.

"Anyway, you just want to lower the price of medicine!" Xu Ruoyun said with a single brain.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this matter for now!"

"I just want to know where old man Li Xun is?" Lin Yu asked Xu Ruoyun, who was lost in thought and suddenly thought of something.

"Mr. Li Xun, now his condition has progressed. We have moved him to the intensive care unit!" Xu Ruoyun immediately pulled Lin Yu and walked towards the roof.

In a tight room, Lin Yu could see Mr. Li Xun through the glass. He was still plugging in the oxygen machine, but his vital signs were intact.

At the place where his dantian was, a faint yellow breath could be seen, and Lin Yu's eyes froze for a moment.

"Innate Qi!"

Sure enough, as Lin Yu expected, this old man Li Xun controls the innate qi.

"The system releases a side mission: Heal Li Xun with the help of current medical methods!"

"Mission reward: 20000 popularity!"

A good news came from the mechanical and electronic sound of the system, and Lin Yu rushed directly into the heavily guarded intensive care unit.

"Wait, you can't go in like this!" Xu Ruoyun hurriedly prepared to stop Lin Yu, but unexpectedly the latter had already entered.

Grandpa Li Xun opened his eyes immediately, and his eyes were filled with killing power. The special forces back then were really not simple.

It seems that he is still a top master in mastering the innate qi, but he did not expect to lose to the innate genetic defect.

"Mr. Li Xun, what an offense!" Seeing Lin Yu coming, Li Xun didn't resist, but followed Lin Yu's lead and used his innate qi.

"Let me feel the power of Qi!" Lin Yu used the acupuncture technique of traditional Chinese medicine.

Holding Nuoda's needle tip, he stabbed directly at Li Xun's body.

Xu Ruoyun was stunned, but he didn't dare to stop him at all. At this moment, Li Xun's complexion was extremely rosy, and if he was not careful, something serious might happen.

Through the acupoints, Lin Yu stimulated the orange-yellow breath of the congenital qi to flow into the spinal cord, and by stimulating the congenital qi, let the qi exert its original repairing effect.

Soon, the hematopoietic stem cells were repaired through the power of innate energy.

"Congenital one qi, the primordial qi that gives birth to everything in life!"

At this time, Lin Yu's golden pupil analyzed the result.

As Lin Yu guessed, the original ancestral qi can repair people's birth defects, but it only needs a reasonable activation method.

The combination of Golden Eyes and Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion happens to have this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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