Chapter 45

Lin Yu transferred 2000 million to the crooked hat, just to allow them to modify without money restrictions.

After all, the opponent is Su Hongliang, but he is the owner of the supercar club.In his place, there are a wide variety of sports cars, and there are all kinds of sports cars, even the limited editions of Daniel can be obtained.

Most importantly, he lost to Lin Yu in the top lane solo match, which was sent to Lin Yu as a pure gift.

Now Lin Yu wants to win Su Hongliang again by virtue of the racing car. Firstly, for the live broadcast effect, it can be regarded as further enhancing his popularity.

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Lin Yu scolded the golden dragon and made him vomit blood angrily.

Moreover, he directly threatened that Jinlong Jewelry must get out of Chengnan City within three months.The entire jewelry industry caused quite a stir.

Lin Yu's popularity, along with their scrambling to gossip, began to increase crazily.

However, it can be regarded as a kind of popularity only if it makes others feel admiration and admiration for Lin Yu.

When Lin Yu was live broadcasting, he found that many black fans would also bring some popularity, so the hatred that others have towards Lin Yu can also be counted as a kind of popularity.

As long as Lin Yu's name is deeply imprinted in someone's mind, the popularity will be directly converted into a numerical value for Lin Yu.

The popularity in Lin Yu's hands at this time, as time went by, slowly rose to the number of [-] again.

"Three days after the detection of the host, a small-scale racing competition will be held, and the system will issue a side task: get No.1 in all the competitions!"

"Task completion reward: 10000 popularity!"

The system directly sent a notification sound, and the side mission came. Lin Yu was just curious, and Su Hongliang came to the news at this time.

[WeChat News] Su Hongliang: In the competition the day after tomorrow, many people heard that you are going to challenge, and they all want to play together.I specially held a small competition in Chengnan City. At that time, a group of Chengnan City's top racing masters will come to play together.

When Lin Yu saw the news, he replied again and again: "Okay, it's interesting to have a lot of people!"
It has triggered a system side mission!
Lin Yu is naturally very happy, and the increase in the number of people racing has turned into the nature of the competition, so people from the whole Chengnan City may come to watch this competition.

[WeChat news] Su Hongliang: I just got the news that people from Sports Satellite TV will come to live broadcast, and the live broadcast room of our Shark platform is also open. Where do I have equipment, I will have a good game then!
After Lin Yu finished watching, he repeatedly urged the crooked hat brother: "Brother, it has been changed to a multiplayer game, but the bet remains the same, so hurry up and change it!"

"Don't worry, brother, my crooked hat has absolutely nothing to do with cars!" The crooked hat squinted at Lin Yu.

And the latter, at this time, received a message from AD teammate Li Mao: Lin Yu, please go back to the base, there is a business boss here, and I want to see you by name!
Lin Yu frowned slightly, curious.

Business boss?Want to meet me, a top laner from Team Yanhua, by name?

Are you looking for me in double row?
Funny, could it be that the Golden Dragon gang came here to make trouble?
Lin Yu felt something was wrong, ordered a Didi, and quickly returned to the city.

At the gate of Yanhua base, Lin Yu is hurrying towards the team base in the style of the ancient fortress.

Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar young woman dressed in denim, with long braids behind her, Kazilan's big eyes flashing, she looked very weird, and she was eating a lollipop.

Judging by her appearance, she seems to be waiting for someone here.

Lin Yu passed by and took a look at her, who dodged her head in disdain.

It seemed that she was still very proud, but after thinking about it, the young girl realized it.

"Hey, idol, wait!"

Li Xiaoting chased after her again and again and stopped Lin Yu.

"We've been looking for you as an idol for two or three days, but it's been too much effort. Your combat base insists on turning us into fans and won't let us in!" Li Xiaoting said anxiously, frowning.

Her voice was extremely light, she couldn't see a social woman in her eyes, and she looked more like a student with the extremely materialistic look in her eyes.

"Aren't you a fan?" Lin Yu frowned slightly, reacted, and then realized.

"You're the girl in the hospital. I have to thank you for talking about it. Fortunately, you brought kiwi fruit that day. Otherwise, I would have to find a way to get kiwi fruit skin for the patients to eat!" Lin Yu thought of something and pointed to the inside of the base.

"Want to visit our base? May I take you in?" Lin Yu warmly invited.

"Yes, I'm that girl!" Seeing that Lin Yu thought of her, Li Xiaoting was overjoyed.

"My father and I came to see you, and we want your help to cure my grandfather's illness!" Li Xiaoting's eyes sparkled.

She came staring at Lin Yu, who touched his chin. Li Xiaoting fed the kiwi skin to the old man Li Xun that day, which seemed to have some effect.

In this case, it is reasonable for Li Xiaoting to come to look for Lin Yu.

"So it is!" Lin Yu suddenly understood something.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was rushed out of the base by the security guards.

"You people are really disgusting. I want to see him, Lin Yu, so why not? Let me put in an advertisement!" The middle-aged man was so angry that he cursed at the security guard.

The corners of Li Xiaoting's mouth twitched involuntarily, her face was very embarrassed, she called out: "Dad, Lin Yu is really not at the base, he is here!"

That middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, but fortunately Li Xiaoting did not inherit his face shape.

He wrinkled his thick eyebrows slightly and looked at Lin Yu.

"Are you the boy who asked Xiaoting to feed the old man and eat kiwi fruit?" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand again and again, intending to shake hands with Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was still in formal attire, and was still participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. At this time, he hurried back to the base to see this unknown bigwig.

"I am. You two must have come here for the old man's condition!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

The middle-aged man nodded again and again, but Li Xiaoting seemed rather obedient in front of her father, and didn't speak.

Just, standing quietly, looking at Lin Yu and leaving.

Lin Yu, who is dressed in a formal suit, can be described as extraordinary and handsome.

As her idol, Li Xiaoting blushed for a moment.

"You don't have to worry. After a while, Yu Muyu, a drug for chronic leukemia, will apply for a patent and get certified, and then it will be produced." Lin Yu explained at this time.

"In a month at most, patients can take medicines. With your family's wealth, you shouldn't have to worry about it!" Lin Yu said.

A middle-aged man, with a puzzled look on his face at this moment, took a careful look at Lin Yu.

"Could it be that in medicine, the corresponding medicine has been researched?"

"Then, when you got the news, did you ask Li Xiaoting to feed the old man the kiwi skin?" The middle-aged man still frowned, although he didn't seem to be in a good mood when he saw Lin Yu.

"It can be said that leukemia will be cured soon. You can take good care of the elderly and just wait for the news." Lin Yu waved his hand and prepared to go back to the base to change clothes.

"Wait, this is Professor Xu's postcard from the Central Hospital. She asked me to pass it on to you!" The middle-aged man with a square face, although puzzled, did not stop Lin Yu forcibly.

Instead, he gave Lin Yu the postcard of Professor Xu in the hospital.

Lin Yu saw the above WeChat and the introduction: a well-known medical professor in the country of Murray, the youngest winner of the Cahors Medicine Prize.

Not simple, not simple!Lin Yu nodded slowly in praise, and added a wechat.

"Just wait for the news at ease." Lin Yu said, waving his hands towards the two of them.

Li Xiaoting looked at the back of Lin Yu leaving, her face flushed.

"Father, do you think it's him who developed the corresponding medicine?" Li Xiaoting guessed by combining Lin Yu's previous performance in the hospital with the kiwi's straightforward statement.

"How is it possible? Are they professional gamers?" The middle-aged man said with an unhappy expression.

In his eyes, he didn't approve of the e-sports players.

Obviously, he was very annoyed to be kicked out by the security guards!

(End of this chapter)

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