LOL I am invincible

Chapter 35 Are you playing Bomberman?

Chapter 35 Are you playing Bomberman?
Lin Yu's captain, after getting the first blood, the level of terror directly soared.

In the quiz column, more and more water lovers began to bet on the left side.

After reaching the fifth level online, Lin Yu went back directly and released Yaoguang. At the same time, he also replenished the dagger to increase the attack speed so that Jian Ji could not fight the captain.

With Lin Yu's control over the captain and his understanding of Jian Ji, the current Jian Ji has no chance to fight with the captain in a weak period, so Lin Yu can safely control the line of troops.

Jian Ji was looking forward to the river bank in the middle line, her pawn line was blown up, and the wild death song went directly to the bottom lane, without any intention of approaching the top lane.

In the live broadcast room of SKT base, Khan's face was not very good-looking, and he was still muttering Xiba.

"Let's go to level six first, and it will be easy to beat level four from level six."

"This swordswoman has very little experience and no money in her hands, so she can only follow our pace. Let's start with a two-barrel barrel and see if he pays W. If she holds W, we will go up and give it to him. shot."


"Cut minions and continue to stack indestructible, indestructible hold Q, biu."

"Biu him under the tower, Jian Ji will be beaten for eating tower knives, and the jungler doesn't want to care about him now, it's really uncomfortable brothers." Lin Yu said, and the water friends in the live broadcast room also began to interact frantically.

"That's it?"

"The LCK used to be the number one top laner, but the current top laner sty is said to have shut himself up at the team's base, playing wildly in training matches."

"Check downstairs, sty knelt ten times after the match."

"Son of Jian Ji Tower, but I feel like I'm going to die."

"This captain biu, biu is too cheap."

"You're bad, I love giving away Super Rocket x22"

Lin Yu suppressed Jian Ji under the tower, and the effect of the program was very good. Soon Jian Ji chose to evacuate under the tower directly, but the captain did not intend to let him go.

From level [-] to level [-], the captain will block the route with a big move, chop the barrel and accelerate up, just shoot Q to catch up with the fire knife, and hack directly to death.

"Brothers, it's the second solo kill. I hope Brother Khan won't quit the game. Let's use explosive barrels to quickly clear the troops!" Lin Yu placed the barrel between the two towers, clearing the line very quickly.

Live room: 666
"Sword Princess gradually shuts herself up!"

"I feel sorry for Brother Hanzi for a second!"

The water friend was very excited. Lin Yu checked the time in the upper right corner, and Jian Ji's flash was about to turn better again.

Lin Yu went online again. In front of the defensive tower, Erlian Tongzi rushed up and slashed his face with a fire knife, and then shot a Q.

Jian Ji is half-blood when she goes online, and she is very confused when she is under the tower.

"Oh, come on jungler!" Khan started a crazy pin signal.

"You can't play on the road, come and catch!" Khan expressed his extreme anger.

Seeing the poor equipment and level difference between the captain and Jian Ji, Da Ye Si Ge couldn't help mocking: "I gave you the 020, I wonder if I didn't catch it? How can you win the game for a waste like you?"

Khan saw Death Song's taunt and immediately slapped the table angrily.

"Get off Captain Ban, you're disgusting." Khan was extremely upset.

And Lin Yu is still making live broadcast effects.

"Dare he come up to make up the knife? Hey, come on, I'll biu, biu again, biu!"

Jian Ji quickly lost blood, and when he had to surrender W to block a biu, Lin Yu rushed forward with a fire knife, directly leveling A and hacking to death the fifth-level Jian Ji.

Lin Yu was about to reach level [-] at the seventh level, and ran to the back of the first tower to cut off the line of soldiers.

Jian Ji's experience is blood bombing, level 9 in 5 minutes, and 21 make-ups.

On the other hand, Lin Yu, not to mention the 90 make-up, is considered an increase brought about by the negotiation of the Q gun fire.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of killing Khan solo three times!"

"Reward popularity: 2000!"

There was a good news from the system, and Lin Yu was already immersed in the joy of killing professional players solo.

In 1 minutes, Lin Yu made more than a hundred hits. The captain had money to increase Lin Yu's home, and directly exposed a triathlon, bought a real eye and directly TPed to the road, not giving Jian Ji a chance to reach 6.

Jian Ji was full of blood and went down the tower to eat the knife. Lin Yu directly connected the explosive barrel, the extreme explosive barrel, and Jian Ji didn't block it, and her blood volume was directly reduced to one-third.

Without further ado, Lin Yu went up to slash him with a fire knife, which was blocked by Jian Ji handing over Laurent's mind-eye knife. Lin Yu ate oranges to prevent his attack speed from being reduced, followed by a Q skill, plus a pure flat A, Hacked under the full blood tower.


A prompt sound came from the system. Lin Yu didn't intend to push down the first tower on the road, but ate the opponent's wild stone man and walked around to the red buff.

Lin Yu opened his golden eyes, saw Sige directly hitting six birds, and set up two explosive barrels in advance.

"Looking good now, the barrel refreshes the fire knife, we need to quickly A to go out with three swords, and the three swords are all fire swords!"

Lin Yu didn't even use a powder barrel, and refreshed three fire knives in a row, and even directly hacked dead song to death.

"?" Death Song typed out everyone's information.

"Thank you for reporting the top laner, this one is gone!" The jungler Death Song's mentality has cracked, and his 1-0-3 record has given him a big advantage in the bottom lane.

But she didn't expect that Jian Ji raised such a big father, who hacked Sige to death with three swords.

Lin Yu ate the red buff and rushed to the middle lane. The opponent's mid laner Ike and his own mid laner Galio.

When Galio saw the captain coming, he flashed ridicule directly, but Lin Yu had already set up the explosive barrel and was the first to blow it up.


Ike had a trace of half blood left, and negotiated with gunfire to get some heads.

He couldn't even press the big move Time Backward, and even Galio was stunned for a second, giving the captain a thumbs up.

Ike typed out everyone's information: "?"

Lin Yu's expression was indifferent, because Khan's account is a super account, so he can't hang up and quit instantly.He walked to the line firmly. After Lin Yu released the straw sandals and the big sword again, the damage can be said to have changed again.

Put the bucket directly under Jian Ji's feet, this time Jian Ji blocked it directly, and started her big move to break through, but Lin Yu stood still, AQA, Jian Ji is blood.

Jian Ji seems to have given up on treatment, and Lin Yu directly kills Chaoshen.

On the road to take down the defense tower, Lin Yu's passive will soon stack up to 500 Galaxy coins, and he can complete the achievement upgrade big move in ten minutes.

At that time, the captain can be said to be terrifyingly powerful.

At this time, the opponent's 3-0-0 bot lane female gun and female tank combination cooperated with the jungle mid laner to encircle and suppress the captain who was still demolishing the second tower.And the captain has already placed an explosive barrel in the self-closing operation on the road.

At this time, the crowd came to encircle and suppress, and the female tank couldn't catch it.

"Brothers are optimistic about my details. The female tank has a big move and moves more. When the female strong comes into my range, it's good to blow me up with three barrels."

"Tom tom tom" two explosive barrels hit the female gun and Ike respectively. Ike slipped away with a big move, and the female gun flashed to heal the second company, pulling her body to disappear.

Lin Yu chopped off the female tank with one knife at the same time as the explosive barrel exploded. Such a fleshy female tank fell down with three swords and one basic attack.

The captain placed the bucket again, and Ike picked up the blood of the shield, but he was also swaying and dared not go on it.

Dead song with residual blood was on the pin signal, ready to retreat, but Lin Yu turned on the big one to leave dead song behind.

"One shot kills song, Ike is very sympathetic, let's light the barrel."

"Boom!" Ike, who was half full, caught up with the explosive barrel crit and fell to the ground directly.

The female gun zoomed in from a distance, and was pushed back by Lin Yu's teammate Niu Tou.


Lin Yu harvested four kills, started to pin the signal, and rushed directly to the high ground.

Niutou started his big move and helped Lin Yu rush in.

"Brothers, Niutou played well, and we have a friend seat!" Lin Yu smiled as he looked at Niutou's anti-tower.

Jian Ji hung up in the spring, as if she had left the mouse and keyboard, and Lin Yu's second barrel blew up Jian Ji instantly.

"Pental kill!" Get the pental kill.

And the captain didn't intend to leave the gate of the spring.

He placed another explosive barrel, and waited until the moment the female tank was revived, two consecutive barrels.

Crit 1426!

The female tank flashed into the depths of the spring, and then the revived female gun was directly blown to death by Lin Yu's second barrel the moment she appeared.

"Are you playing Bomberman?" Female Gun typed out everyone's information.

In the live broadcast room, countless barrages kept floating across the screen.

"What rank is this?"

"I hate you anchors who abuse food the most, playing silver and abuse spring water all day long, is it interesting?"

"Upstairs: Opposite top laner Khan!"


"Why did this captain overwhelm the opponent's mid laner at the third rank?"

"Twenty-ten minutes, three big swords, and more than 10 gold coins in my hand, I ****"

"Manual funny!"

(End of this chapter)

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