LOL I am invincible

Chapter 294 Chen Ming Style BP

Chapter 294 Chen Ming Style BP
The commentary seat is a classic combination of Doll and Miller, plus a long hair to form a classic three-person commentator.

In the World Championships of the S10 season, the commentators were all voted by the audience. These three people led by a small number of votes, defeated Cat, Jiji, and Guan Zeyuan, and successfully took over the task of commentating the World Championships.

Wawa: "Let's take a look at this one first. The Yanhua team is on the blue side. Let's ban one... Delevingne!"

The field cheered, this very special hero, no matter when it was selected or banned, would cause a sensation.

Miller: "Team X here also directly banned Thresh. This is a hero that Chen Le played very well on Team Yanhua."

Chang Mao joked with a smile: "it seems that Lin Yu is not here, and he directly targets the bot to engage in the bot?"

Miller: "Maybe it is. Chen Ming and Ji Zheng should be fighting against pressure. Team Yanhua likes to play this way the most. They are actually quite stable, but I don't know if they can play against Team X."

And the commentators also know that now that Lin Yu is not here, the Yanhua team is in danger.

But you can't build up the ambition of others, don't let yourself be prestige.

So Wawa said, "Oh, they are all players who have reached the finals anyway, there is no real weak! We all have a chance!"

Second, Team Yanhua banned Ni Yu and Xia.

As for the X team, Morgana was banned, double-banning AD and double-banning support at the same time.

Afterwards, Team Yanhua banned Kai'Sa, and Team X banned Ji Zheng's Enchantress.

Miller: "Oh, Ban Yao Ji. When fighting against Team UD, Ji Zheng's Yao Ji had a very bright performance. It seems that Team X has a vicious vision."

At this time, the voice of Team Yanhua...

"Chen Ming, is this your tactic?" Captain Li rubbed his chin with some doubts.

Liu Xiaofan let out a sigh of relief, and said, "You know the opponent's mid laner is strong, why did you ban AD? Ji Zheng..."

But Ji Zheng suddenly said: "Anyway, I can resist pressure, and it's the same if I don't target him."

Liu Xiaofan had already prepared how to target the opponent's middle lane in this game, but unexpectedly, Chen Ming was completely different from what they thought.

Chen Ming explained: "I made some minor adjustments myself. Last night, I suddenly thought of a point. Especially the other party, Su Heng, Lin Yu seemed to care about him very much. Lin Yu also said that this person is unusual... "

He said, taking a deep breath.

I have been observing Lin Yu's changes. What I have learned from Lin Yu is not only the operation and awareness of the game, but also the ability to judge a player. Lin Yu almost kills most professional players in seconds.

"There has always been only one kind of player who will make Lin Yu care, and that is the mysterious player."

Chen Ming raised his head and said: "This Su Heng seems to be good at roaming assassin mid laners, but in the Spring Split, he often used Vel'Koz the Void Eye, Ziggs the Demolitionist, and Heimerding the Great Inventor. A traditional mage hero like Ge."

"In the middle of the season, he began to use functional tank mid laners such as Sion and Galio. In addition, his rank records in the hero pool, mid laners, clockwork, Qiyana, Lucian, Xiao There are all kinds of Cannon, Death Song, Carter, and Sword Demon, and the heroes who ban him can't figure out the opponent's way at all."

"But on the contrary, the opponent's bottom lane AD, his strength is at the same level as UZI, and his style of play is also very similar to UZI! Do you all know where UZI's shortcomings are?"

"Hmm..." Li Mao nodded.

Although other people are not sensitive, Li Mao, as an AD player, values ​​it very much.

He said with a sigh: "UZI only plays ADC, and UZI's style of play will not be easily changed. Basically, it is only based on the opportunity to get the line right and exchange blood, and gain online advantages through detailed operations and positioning. This style of play has extremely high requirements for support, so UZI will especially strictly demand its own support. But in order to complete such inertial operations, the hero pool is not too deep, basically locked in Lucian, Xiaopao, policewoman, Kai'Sa, Xayah and other heroes are on..."

"What else?" The corner of Chen Ming's mouth curled up.

Li Mao said rigorously; "For this reason, if his hero is chosen first, it will be difficult to make tactical changes, and it is very necessary for his teammates to cooperate. For example, if he takes out Ice, then this game must be If you play steadily and wait for mid-term small team battles, if you use Kai'Sa, then it must be used as a guarantee for the later stage, if it is a wheel mother, then you must want to quickly push the line to cooperate with jungle invasion or tower jumping..."

"That's right, it's very simplistic. Banning their AD is to put pressure on them!"

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he immediately locked his choice on the first floor with lightning speed.

"The Arrow of Punishment, Verus! The Yanhua team has three bans AD, and then snatched the AD himself!"

It's the X-Men's turn!
In Team Yanhua's voice, Chen Ming said with a smile: "Brother Shu's hero pool is running out, and now there are only three that are mainly anti-stress, Bing Bing, EZ, and Verus, which they are most likely to choose. .EZ version is not strong, Verus was chosen by us, then they..."

As Chen Ming said, he saw the first and second floors of Team X, and the one selected happened to be the bottom lane duo.

Assist Lulu and AD Bingbing!

"I'll go! Chen Ming, you're... amazing!" Chen Le was startled, blinking his eyes.

And Li Mao also chuckled lightly, shaking his head with emotion: "Chen Ming, it seems that your hard work these past few months has not been in vain!"

"Hey, anyway, I'm also Lin Yu's appointed vice-captain!" Chen Ming smiled proudly.

"What's next?" Team Li asked.

Chen Ming frowned slightly: "The next step is to choose Ueno, and fight against him in the bottom lane, but to make them fall into a trap, the first thing to do is to confuse them..."

"Choose Luo!"

After Chen Ming finished speaking, Liu Xiaofan locked on the hero Luo.

And Ji Zheng on the third floor chose the hero of the blind man.

"Oh! This combination of the blind Roja seems to want to use the bottom lane as the core. This version of the hero Verus has just strengthened the sheep knife and the end of wisdom. It is actually quite good to play the core without being a tool man, um , Lin Yu is not in the Yanhua team, it is really necessary to try a new style of play." Changmao analyzed in this way.

Then, sure enough, the X team immediately selected the top laner Rambo, wanting to put pressure on the road.

"It's done! They let the pressure-resistant style hit the road and selected Rambo!"

The team voice of Yanhua team cheered!
"The next step is to fight against them!"

The Yanhua team immediately banned the jungler Leopard and Spider, while the X team banned Kassadin and the captain.

"What is this Yanhua team going to do? It feels like they want to lay down the core of the bot lane, but they are going to ban the leopard female spider. What do you think? Is it a cover?"

"If it is, then the X-men team has really been recruited. This Kassadin and the captain are a waste of ban positions!"

Miller and the baby finished the analysis.

When the fourth floor of the X team chose the male sword, the backhanded Yanhua team immediately locked the mid laner Ice Girl!
And the top order... Akali!

"What... what does this mean?"

"Top laner Akali? I actually forgot that Chen Ming was also an LPL representative player who played Akali, before he switched to the pressure-resistant top laner! Is this the hidden big move of Team Yanhua?"

In the end, the X team had to make up a jungler Dragon Turtle, and the lineup looked terrible!

The Yanhua team is Akali, the blind man, the ice girl, and Verus Gallo.

Against Rambo, Dragon Turtle, Male Swordsman, Ice and Lulu of X Team!

The commentator gave a chuckle: "The BP of Team Yanhua made Team X come up with a completely different lineup, especially their middle and wild. It's hard to find the rhythm point in the early stage of this game!"

(End of this chapter)

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