LOL I am invincible

Chapter 28 Eat more skins!

Chapter 28 Eat more skins!

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, staring at the pure beauty in front of him, frowning tightly.

He was sure that the person in front of him had never been seen before.

"I know you, Lin Yu, the top laner of the YH team, why did you appear here, beside my grandfather?" The beauty stepped forward and slapped Lin Yu directly.

But it was found that Lin Yu's shoulders were so solid that they couldn't be pushed at all.

"Huo, fitness guy?" The beauty suddenly smiled in surprise.

Lin Yu looked at the bag in her hand, which was full of fruits.Apples, dragon fruit, bananas... kiwi!


As if he had discovered some big treasure, Lin Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he stretched out his hand to snatch the kiwi fruit, but the beauty in front of him quickly stepped back and dodged it.

"What are you doing? This is the fruit I brought to grandpa, don't think about it!" The beauty looks at Lin Yu with strange eyes.

But Lin Yu shook his head again and again, the corners of his mouth twitched in embarrassment, and he said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, you sit down quickly, and feed your grandpa some kiwi skin!"

"What? Feed the kiwi skin to my grandfather?" The beauty's eyes widened.

If it was just surprise before, it is pure shock now. For Lin Yu, the champion top laner, there are countless shocks in his heart.

"You have, you must be sick!" The little beauty finally couldn't help but angrily said.

"Listen to me, I guarantee my personality, it's good to feed your grandpa the kiwi skin! I think it will help the disease, it will definitely help!" Lin Yu persuaded again and again.

And the old man named Li Xun opened his eyes immediately.

Perhaps it was the king of soldiers who used to be soldiers and special forces, and there seemed to be endless sharpness in the eyes of the old man.

"Let me explain to you in detail that the Glenin you are familiar with is missing a component that cannot break the chain peptide bonds of diseased white blood cells. There is an extremely small amount of this component in the kiwi peel. I strongly suggest you try it!" Lin Yu tried to explain a few times, but felt pale and powerless.

Obviously, she didn't know what Lin Yu was talking about.

Even if the top medical scientists are present, they will probably just blast Lin Yu out as a snake spirit disease.

The little beauty, from shock to disappointment, then stared helplessly at Lin Yu's explanation.

"Famousness -1"

A reminder came from the system!

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then the little beauty in front of him pushed Lin Yu away and sat beside Li Xun.

"You think my grandpa is a guinea pig, try it? Eating kiwi skin can cure leukemia, you think I'm stupid, my champion top laner idol!"

"No, from today you are not my idol, you are the object of my vomiting, I don't know you anymore!"

After the little beauty finished speaking, the system seemed to believe it, and actually deducted a reputation from him.

Generally speaking, if you know Lin Yu's name, you will only lose your popularity if you forget or die, but now... just a word from her, the system will deduct the popularity, and Lin Yu can't help shaking his head helplessly.

"Grandpa, you trust me, I know you have been watching me."

"Your eyes are not simple, just like the glass on the window, clear and clear, you will definitely try!" Lin Yu pointed with two fingers like his own eyes, and then pointed to the eyes of the old man.

The latter, with a serious look, keeps staring at Lin Yu.

"If you don't leave, I'll call the nurse and find the security guard. I'm sick!"

"What's the use of being good at games, what's the use of being handsome, my brain is abnormal, hey, I don't deserve to have an idol!" The little girl, a little weird, shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

Somehow, as if she had heard Lin Yu's words, she started peeling the kiwi first.

Lin Yu didn't stay away from the ward. Apart from the door, he opened his golden eyes from the outside to see if the old man would believe him.

Especially those eyes that are sharp at the age of 60, Lin Yu believes that he will never give up this chance.

After 15 years of chemotherapy, I have been persisting. Waiting for this suitable bone marrow transplantation, what is the skin of a kiwi now?
"Grandpa, he's just crazy. Maybe he went to the wrong floor. Let's eat kiwi fruit!" The little beauty immediately inserted a piece of fruit into the old man's mouth.

Unexpectedly, the old man's muddy voice sounded.

"Feed me the skin of the kiwi fruit!" The voice was so majestic that the little beauty was startled, and the hands holding the kiwi fruit trembled slightly.

"Grandpa, how can you believe his nonsense? If the skin of kiwi fruit can cure diseases, all the leukemia patients in this world may be saved!" The little beauty glanced at the skin in her hand, showing a difficult expression Said.

"Xiao Ting, feed me!" The old man's eyes were extremely firm.

As a last resort, the beauty named Xiaoting cut the peeled kiwi fruit into slices and stuffed them into the old man's mouth.

Li Xun began to chew, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Lin Yu quickly opened his golden eyes to observe a series of changes when the kiwi entered the old man's stomach.

"The content is too little, you must eat more skin!" Lin Yu murmured nervously, clenching his fists.

As the kiwi fruit continued to decompose, the combination of imatinib and the diseased leukemia touched the skin of the kiwi fruit, and a special short ring molecular formula was decomposed, which broke instantly.

The withering of diseased white blood cells can be successfully completed!

And inside the whole body, this kind of process is going on crazily.

Lin Yu smiled with great joy, and said inspiringly: "Great, the power of knowledge is great!"


Lin Yu took a deep breath and did not continue to observe the old man, but shortly after he left, the old man suddenly fell into a dizziness.

"Doctor, doctor!" Li Xiaoting hurriedly called the doctor.

The attending doctor on the floor checked Li Xun's body, but suddenly found that the withering and blocked white blood cells in Li Xun's body began to wither continuously.

"What did you give him? Kiwi skin?" The doctor asked and left, Li Xiaoting was startled.

"No, just now a psychopath asked me to feed my grandpa skin, and grandpa insisted on eating it. I really didn't mean to harm grandpa!" Li Xiaoting explained with a frown.

"Don't be nervous, you didn't hurt your grandpa. Is the person who asked you to eat kiwi peels for the elderly still alive?" A female attending doctor asked, covering her mask.

"Professor Xu, do you think that person is a highly skilled doctor?" the male doctor in charge asked immediately.

The female doctor named Professor Xu didn't answer, but just stared at Li Xiaoting and left.

"He used to be my idol. Has Lin Yu heard of him? The top laner of Team YH!" Li Xiaoting tried to explain.

But I found the eyes of the two doctors were full of doubts.

"Since you know that person, you must find him. He can save your grandfather's life. He can even save the lives of many leukemia patients in the world who cannot be successfully transplanted with hematopoietic stem cells!" Professor Xu said seriously.

Then, she looked at the male doctor again, and said excitedly, "I never thought that I would make such an astonishing discovery when I visited Chengnan City Hospital this time."

"The skin of the kiwi, wait until I find someone to study it!"

"You Chengnan native, you must find that guy!" Professor Xu turned and left after speaking.

The male doctor in charge began to conduct further examinations on Li Xun again and again, and then prescribed some drips, which were delivered to his body.

An extremely unbelievable expression appeared on Li Xiaoting's face. Seeing Li Xun's gradually ruddy face, she was shocked to the extreme.

And the first time, Li Xiaoting was looking for the collective location of Lin Yu's team, the base of the YH team.

"Hey, Dad. Do you know? A strange person asked me to feed my grandpa kiwi skins today, and then grandpa fainted. The doctor said it would help his condition, so let me find him!" Li Xiaoting contacted her father first and left. .

"Wait for me, I'll be right there!" A reply came from the other side of the phone.

At this moment, Li Xiaoting recalled Lin Yu's previous remarks, and was immediately excited.

"Lin Yu must know something. He is indeed my idol. He used his personality to vouch for the usefulness of the kiwi skin, and it really is!" Li Xiaoting couldn't help laughing out loud when she thought of Lin Yu's appearance before.

(End of this chapter)

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