LOL I am invincible

Chapter 275 New Ideas

Chapter 275 New Ideas
two hearts

Isn't this what Lin Yu thought in a flash before?

"What two hearts? You can feel..."

Before Lin Yu finished asking, Chen Ming nodded fiercely and said, "Yes, two hearts, I can feel them! When the heart beats, especially when it is nervous, even in the quiet state with eyes closed You can hear your own heartbeat."

Lin Yu nodded, he agreed with this.


"When you gave me the innate qi, I felt another kind of thing, like the blood vessels or tendons in my body, flowing around, as if it was also beating.

"Every time you stop abruptly, I suspect that my heartbeat has stopped!"

As Chen Ming said, Lin Yu's back felt chills.


When Lin Yu finished these experiments with Chen Ming, Lin Yu had a horrible thought.

That is to provide another heart for Chen Ming to function.

According to the results of Lin Yu's observation of Chen Ming's changes in the past two days, the innate qi should be able to directly cover the flow of the entire heart.

In the absence of any external force, just with my current superb and qi blade techniques, if I want to force Chen Ming to fuse with my innate qi, the first thing I need is two functioning hearts.

One heart functions to flow blood and kinetic energy, and the other heart is all used to adjust the flow of innate energy.What is the specific principle, Lin Yu has not yet figured out.

All in all, the current level of technology is only this way. If you want to make Chen Ming a half-Qi practitioner, you must do such a move.But another heart...

"That's not realistic enough, two hearts."

Lin Yu murmured, after practicing Qi, Lin Yu has taught countless people a lesson until now, but he has never killed a single person.Now this is a peaceful age, so it's no problem for Lin Yu to do so.

But when this thought flashed through his mind, he actually felt a little worried.

If such a method is really necessary, he really wants to get a heart to treat Murong Yu's illness?

"Hey, it's getting more and more outrageous. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this kind of thinking. Is it okay for me to be a substitute for the team?"

Chen Ming's expression became serious. As an ordinary person, he was more sensitive to what Lin Yu said.

A heart, this is what age, what a heart means is self-evident.Either he stole the hospital's reserve resources for improper reasons, or... he would die.

How dare Chen Ming have such an idea, he doesn't even want to know, he just wants to have something, based on what he has seen and heard so far, what he wants to bear is simply a fantasy.

"Lin Yu, have you encountered any unsolvable problems?"

Chen Ming asked.

Lin Yu took a deep breath and sighed: "Well, according to my idea, all the steps are complete. Only the problem left over from yesterday's time is the problem you said. "

"Will my heart stop beating?"

During the meal, Lin Yu tried to mention this matter to Chen Ming, although after hesitating, Chen Ming still chose to continue taking risks.

Of course, trusting Lin Yu too much is also one of the reasons why Chen Ming chose to continue.


Lin Yu fell silent, and Chen Ming also fell silent.

Chen Ming is hesitating, but Lin Yu is wondering.

Exactly which step went wrong, he has already done special treatment for his innate qi, and even the detailed description given by the system hints at the ingenious combination of the two techniques. place.

The original qi is right in front of you, and even the original qi of supernatural matter can be seen very clearly by Lin Yu's high-level golden eyes, which are in Chen Ming's body.

But Lin Yu couldn't touch it all the time. Those scattered qi walking in Chen Ming's body were all free qi.It will not have an essential impact on Chen Ming itself. Only the innate qi that spreads to the internal organs and six martial arts through the heart can gradually affect Chen Ming.

The same is true of Murong Yu's illness.

Therefore, Murong Yu's illness and her weakness can all be relieved by Lin Yu through the innate qi.The only way to cure this disease is to reform Chen Ming.

"Forget it, let's go here first."

Lin Yu sighed. Anyway, this is not the more important thing now. Now the team members are all united to prepare for the final in a few days.It's impossible for him to take Chen Ming and the two of them to hide in the room to do this kind of thing all the time, right?
Regardless of whether they have any dirty ideas or not, he doesn't have to participate in any training to discuss tactics. As the vice-captain, Chen Ming has the only data analysis of the entire X team, and he must attend.

"When are you going to analyze this team with them?"

"Tomorrow, I want to discuss it with you tonight."

Chen Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and with a rare smile, he jumped out of bed, immediately went to his bag to find a video tape, and then turned on the big TV screen in the room.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said inwardly: "Chen Ming, in fact, you are not without worries. When I decided not to continue for the time being, you immediately became more relaxed. It's too obvious...

"I picked a few highlights from these videos, which I edited..."

As Chen Ming was speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up from the table, glanced at the news, was stunned for a moment, and then looked serious.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yu asked curiously.

After a moment of silence, Chen Ming explained: "The match between G2 and Team X is over. Team X won a big victory. G2 got zero seals, and all three games were blown up. Just like Team Shiranui, they got zero seals."


Li team's room.

"Where's Lin Yu?" Team Li asked.

Chen Ming, who came in from the room, came with a video and a notebook. When he was so glorious, he still looked energetic.

"Lin Yu won't participate in the tactical discussion anymore, as always, the few of us. He just took a few videos that he cares about and watched them by himself. I don't need me. In the past few days, I will study with you to defeat this X team. Bar."

Although he said so, there was no relaxation in Chen Ming's eyes.

Team Li and the other four starters also had serious, serious, and meticulous eyes in their eyes.

I'm afraid that at this time, except for Lin Yu, everyone dare not bring about the game three days later.

Team Li: "Do you all know the results of today's semi-finals?"

Ji Zheng: "I know, the fate of G2 is the same as Team Shiranui."

Liu Xiaofan: "Too strong, this X-men team!"

"Then we need to cheer up even more!" Li Mao stood up. He didn't perform well in the semi-finals and planned to perform well in the finals. He seemed to be the only one who was clearly motivated.

And they just felt pressured by this news. For Chen Ming, it was almost hopeless.

Because only Chen Ming and Lin Yu knew that the Shiranui team was crushed because the Shiranui team itself was a weak team, relying on special means to reach its current position.

But the G2 team, that is a real strong team, and the X team even...

"Okay, let's start. Lin Yu's top road is definitely no problem. The problem lies in your middle and bottom field, and you should work out a defensive system so that Lin Yu can have a chance to start a normal game!"

Just as Captain Li finished speaking, Chen Ming suddenly pushed his glasses and said, "No, I have a new idea."

"New idea?"

"We have been using the defensive system all the time. Facts have proved that we can only rely on Lin Yu more and more. We might as well think about how to attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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