LOL I am invincible

Chapter 268 1 person 2

268 Chapter [-] per person

Lin Yu hinted this to Chen Ming many times.

But Chen Ming only gave choices every time, and he also told Lin Yu through his behavior.

I will choose Lin Yu, will atone for my crime, will deal with the aftermath, and will do everything within my power.

Even Chen Ming voluntarily gave up his chance to play the game. After realizing Lin Yu's abilities, he even took the initiative to say that he would do behind-the-scenes work.

Lin Yu would not believe these lies. Chen Ming underestimated Lin Yu.

So Chen Ming didn't express his attitude once, but just made a choice.And this choice, whether he was forced to choose or voluntarily chose, he didn't say.

"I want to be like you, to be a little different. I want to be capable, and I don't want to be at the mercy of others. Even if it's a little risky, even if it's..."

When Chen Ming said this, it was something from his heart that he had never told anyone.

Of course, this is because Lin Yu's strength is enough to crush him. In such a suffocating environment, he can only fight hard to survive and comfort his heart that wants to climb up.

He said it, this is his active choice.

It's his attitude, not just a choice.It was after careful consideration of his own life and death, and after mature thinking, he decided to choose Lin Yu for a certain reason, so as long as Lin Yu grasps this purpose, he is not afraid that he will not be able to catch Chen Ming.

Lin Yu smiled impressively, showing a gratified face.

"Okay, okay."

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's great, so we are real companions."


Chen Ming was taken aback and frowned.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, there was nothing he could do.If Chen Ming didn't choose to express his attitude, Lin Yu couldn't be sure that he wanted to stand on his side on his own initiative.

"There are many things you don't need to know now, so I won't tell you. But I can naturally give you what you want. You have to say that, so I can ensure that we are mutually beneficial."

Lin Yu put one hand on Chen Ming's shoulder and said with a smile: "Any relationship is mutually beneficial. If you don't want anything, why should I keep instructing you. What betray me someday , stab me in the back? I don’t want to keep paying attention to my back!”

"Hey, Brother Yu! Are you kidding me? Manager Yan taught me everything before..."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Yu laughed, withdrew his hand from Chen Ming's shoulder, and said with a smile: "There is no way, too many weirdos have appeared recently, and I can't take care of some things myself, so naturally I can't take care of you."

"Besides, I'm really worried about a lot of things. If I can send someone who might change, I'll just send it. It's such a good feeling that I don't have to worry about people having other ideas at all!"

As Lin Yu said, he picked up his mobile phone and sent messages to the hotel staff. Naturally, these team members needed help. Lin Yu didn't intend to use Xiantian Qi to move these fainted people in public. pig".

Even in the middle of the night, because it is a top hotel, there are still not a few people coming in and out.

"No, Lin Yu, you won't be on guard against me all the time, will you? I'll go!"

"No, it's just a little worried! It's all right now! Haha!"

"Hey, I thought I was enough for you to trust me. Didn't you make me the vice-captain?"

"Of course I trust you about the team, but many of the things I do now have nothing to do with the team."

"That's right."

The two called the staff, called a car, and took the two of them to the hotel.

As soon as the door of the room was closed, all four of them were sent back to bed to sleep.

"Master driver, thank you, this is a little care, please accept it."

As Lin Yu said, the two drivers each wrapped a big red envelope.

"Speaking of which, it's a good thing that you two are strong and strong, and you can carry two of them by yourself. It's amazing. These are all nearly 1.8 meters tall!"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

The driver accepted the red envelope with a smile, touched the bulging red envelope and hurriedly greeted him: "No, no, you are the best. I think you have extraordinary skills, you must be a person with reputation!"

He responded with a few words casually, and sent off the two master drivers.

"Hey, Brother Yu, how many red envelopes did you pack? Let these two people laugh so stupidly, they were not happy to ask them to help before!"

"Not much, just [-] per person."

"one person……"

The air condensed instantly.

Chen Ming's eyes immediately became hollow. He was only 2 yuan a month at the peak of Yanhua team, and at that time he was still fighting hard for training matches and ranks.

"Twenty thousand for one person! That's only twenty thousand for one person! My God, you..."

Although it was not his own money, Chen Ming almost fainted from anger.Unexpectedly, Lin Yu is still a madman of impulsive consumption.

This is no longer the level of the rich. They have a higher level and spend more money to enjoy more advanced services. You spent 2 yuan and only enjoyed 200 yuan of services!

"Hey, the main reason is that it's really inconvenient to have so much cash on you, so why not find an excuse and throw it away! It's good! It's good!"

"God, find an excuse! Next time you don't want money, just give me the cash! I'll take the trouble to go downstairs to save it!"

"What's the rush? It's just a small thing. I don't mean to underestimate the poor. I don't count it as a charity."

"Brother Yu, you... oh! Please let me do any hard work in the future!!"


At 1 o'clock in the morning, the two of them took a shower and sat on Chen Ming's bed.

Both of them were wearing pajamas, sitting on the soft bed, Chen Ming narrowed his eyes: "Uh...Although I proposed to let you teach me how to understand Xiantian Qi, you don't have to come to my bed specially. ? Why can't I go to your room?"

Since the last time Chen Ming went into Lin Yu's room with an excuse to deliver black tea with medicine, he had no chance to go in again. Instead, Lin Yu kept going in and out of other team members' rooms...

Lin Yu laughed and said: "It's easier to relax in a soft place. The method I found is more traditional. I haven't tried it myself! Forget about my room, not as clean as you! Haha!"

"But what exactly is the method?"

Chen Ming became serious.

Lin Yudao: "everyone has something like innate qi. It's just a question of how much. Those warlocks, even Taoists, don't necessarily learn it innately. Ordinary people also have ways to extract innate qi in their bodies. You naturally have it in your body, because I have a special method, so I can try to help you draw it out..."

"A special way?"

Chen Ming was not surprised either.

After all, a person like Lin Yu who can casually surpass others in terms of playing games, looks, EQ and IQ, and even his strength and background, even in his innate qi convenience, must have the talent far beyond others.


Lin Yu frowned, and said: "Sit down, with all your hearts in the sky. Try to be as good as you can if you don't meet the standards. The requirements of ordinary people should not be so strict. According to what I told you, find a way to calm down your mind and focus on it." Put it in the inner part of the lower abdomen, where your dantian is..."

"Okay." Chen Ming did as he did.

Lin Yu frowned, and sat opposite Chen Ming. Following the movement of waving the light blue qi, he murmured in his heart: "Qi method - superb!"

(End of this chapter)

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