LOL I am invincible

Chapter 252 Military Training Begins

Chapter 252 Military Training Begins

"It's already 5-0 for the poodle, and the game is only 7 minutes away!"

The audience was full of voices, and even the commentary was shocked again and again.

It's just that Lin Yu has brought enough shocks, and everyone doesn't seem to be particularly surprised. It's just that Lin Yu suppresses the Shiranui team so much and feels too embarrassing to Huaxia!
Now the team that was defeated by the Shiranui team before, and the LPL fans who were ridiculed by the fans in the Dongpu Division, finally straightened their backs and could ridicule them back.

"This Lin Yu's poodle is too fierce to play, QAQ was killed when he went out, isn't his mentality jumping?"

The doll at this time reminds me of the last time I commented with Ji Ji, when it was very embarrassing, there were poisonous coins that would enliven the atmosphere and yelled at the side.

It may affect the formality and fairness of the official commentary event, but it actually adds a lot of fun to the audience.

While being lively, it can also help those commentators with few fans to warm up the scene and relieve embarrassment, and this time is also a very embarrassing time!
What should I say about Lin Yu's style of play that doesn't treat the opponent as a person at all! ?

"This wave...Lin Yu should have caught a wave of very good opportunities, and the Shiranui team has done their best."

The baby swallowed, if it wasn't for the audience's screams that gave him courage, he wouldn't have dared to say such easy words that might offend anyone.

On the other hand, Miller explained with a relaxed expression: "Lin Yu, the poodle, seems to have awakened our sleeping Huaxia. When facing the rising team in Japan, don't forget that we still have players working hard. !"

It was approaching with another impassioned and impassioned speech, bringing the atmosphere of the audience to the top again.

"The Proud Stalker has dominated the game!"

At 7 minutes and 35 seconds, Lin Yu cooperated with the grass of the Emerald God, and directly rushed out to kill the ball girl of the red team Shiranui team by leaping over the tower, while Ji Zheng's ice girl was still on the way to the line, Lin Yu completed it alone Spike!

"The Proud Stalker is close to God!"

At 7 minutes and 45 seconds, Lin Yu chased down the jungler prince who was going to come to make up the route, and the Shiranui team's jungler was screened gray at the same time!
"The Proud Stalker has surpassed God!"

At 8 minutes and 15 seconds, as soon as Lin Yu's ultimate move was good, he directly activated the ultimate move, cooperated with Ignition, and turned on the full anger W to release the crocodile's control, and sent the crocodile back to the spring.

"Lin Yu's operation is impeccable, and our commentator's mouth can't keep up at all! This wave of crocodiles has no chance to react at all, because they are next to the grass, so even if they flash, they will be passively followed. It looks like Ev has completely given up his survival instincts!"

In 8 minutes, Lin Yu was supernatural, and his record came to 8-0-0.

The total score of the game between Team Yanhua and Team Shiranui was only 8:0.

"Among them, Ueno and Ueno, you can almost all fight?"

When Lin Yu returned to the city this time, a straw sandal and a dream came out, and the time at this time was only 9 minutes.

In the voice, Ji Zheng said resentfully: "I'm going, Lin Yu, you've killed all five people on the opposite side. If we can still be suppressed, then it's unreasonable!"

Liu Xiaofan reminded: "Haha, be careful, I'm Brother Yu's dog in this plate, follow me wherever you go! Woof!"

Liu Xiaofan's acoustic dog barking immediately amused the others in the voice.

Chen Le said with a smile: "I suggest you two come down and give the fierce ADC opposite a wave of military training!"

And Li Mao, who had always been autistic due to his poor condition, finally broke into a smile.

"I feel like I'm going to lie down again, but it's okay, this lineup was chosen to lie down!"

Ice Girl, Ice Girl, Wind Girl, and Emerald God, each of which can only provide occasional protection and support for the poodle. Basically, it is a typical lineup of one person leading four people. Of course, only the Yanhua team can choose Such a flamboyant lineup.

"Go, go down the road! Military training begins!"

Lin Yu was a level 9 poodle in 8 minutes, and the highest level on the opposite side was only a level 7 ball girl, and the equipment only had a lost chapter, a corruption potion, a straw sandal and a dark seal.

But Lin Yu has at least one more big piece of Youmeng than him. Going down the road, the consequences will be unimaginable for the Shiranui team!

Finally, when Lin Yu came home, he could steal a wave of experience QAQ online, and manipulated Lu Xian to quickly clear the line. At this time, his level was only level 6, and Jiela, who followed him, was only level 5, and he was still working hard. Eat soldiers.

At this time, the poodle had already activated Youmeng and was heading down the road.

The Shiranui team is just rushing to develop without soul. They know that under the complete suppression of equipment, there is no room for them to operate at all!

"Lin Yu is too upright. He went straight to the line!"

And Lucian on the line didn't realize that the matter would be so serious at all. Facing the pure mix lineup of Han Bing and Fengnv, he naturally wanted to find an opportunity to fight. Fengnv deliberately sold and was hit by Zyra E.

"Brother Yu, get them!" Chen Le said.

"I have treatment!" Li Mao said, and immediately activated his ultimate move.

At this moment, Zyra rose to level 6, and Feng Nu opened her big move.

Lucian was hit by the ice, and Zyra's ultimate move also opened a scarlet flower, knocking Fengnv into the air, but Lucian was also knocked away by Fengnv's ultimate move and Q skill.

"It's okay, it's okay, they are dead!"

Regardless of the buffs, Lin Yu knows that he can kill randomly without any operation just because of the suppression of this equipment!

In the fog of war, QAQ suddenly saw the poodle walking out of the bottom lane with Emerald God swaggeringly, and was exposed in their field of vision!

"What's the matter with this meow?"

Before the grievances in QAQ's mouth could be uttered, Lin Yu entered the grass, and then he swooped and quickly solved it as if he had eaten Lucian.

The other one, Jie La, was also pocketed 300 yuan by the way.

"There's money again!"

Lin Yu was pleased to see that the gold coins he had just spent returned to nearly 700 immediately, but he didn't plan to go back to the city to get equipment now.

"Lu Xi'an was killed again! Is Lin Yu going to start military training?"

The commentator Miller guessed, and sure enough, on the big screen, after Lin Yu killed Lucian, he began to help Han Bing push the line.

The poodle quickly reached level 9, and at this time the game time has not passed 10 minutes.

Three times, five times and two times, the tapi on the next road was directly eaten by the poodle, Han Bing, Fengnv and Cui Shen. Lucian, who was resurrected and online, did not dare to approach at all, so he could only watch Lin Yu give the tapi to him one by one. After eating, take down the first blood tower in this field.

"Push! Push!"

Under QAQ's impatient urging, Ev on the road controlled the crocodile to carefully eat Lin Yu's tapas, but he only ate 2 layers.

As soon as the ice girl disappeared on the map, she backed up immediately, still shouting; "The ice girl disappeared! I will die as soon as I am charged! It will catch me three times and I will be instant!"

Ev retreated, and hurried back to the city after clearing the line, but on the way down, the figure of the ice girl appeared!
In the voice of Team Yanhua, Ji Zheng said with a smile: "Lin Yu, I'll join in the fun too!"

Lucian, who was at the waiting line of the second tower, suddenly saw a crampon appearing at his feet!

(End of this chapter)

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