LOL I am invincible

Chapter 241 I Didn't Pay Attention

Chapter 241 I Didn't Pay Attention

Team Yanhua sent Lin Yu, and the audience cheered.

There are even a large number of girls who came to watch the game, almost all of whom are fans of Lin Yu.

All of Lin Yu's e-sports players are skilled, but they are all remarkable in appearance. Only Lin Yu's face is just like a movie star.

This is also the secret of why Lin Yu hides his true strength in various ways in professional competitions, but still wins many fans.

The face is good-looking, and the sisters love it no matter what!Furthermore, Lin Yu still has an undefeated record in the World Championship!

And the other one on the stage is the ADC of Team Shiranui, the guy whose ID is QAQ, with a very bad face.

Lin Yu took a closer look. This guy is somewhat similar to the Dongying man who was stepped on the ground by him. Could it be a brother?
Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, Lin Yu smiled here. May I ask what did you think of this? Is it the excitement before the strong are going to fight?"

The host doesn't care who the fan is, what kind of ending this battle is what he wants most, as the host is naturally fair, so he only wants to maintain the fierce competition atmosphere in the venue.

Lin Yu picked up the microphone in his hand, thought for a while, and was speechless.

Could it be that he thought it was funny when he thought of the scenes where those Japanese people were knocked to the ground by him?
But when he saw the ADC player on the opposite side, he really wanted to laugh.

"'s nothing, it's just pure self-confidence. There's no pressure."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he put down the microphone and returned to seriousness.

The audience cheered. The contest between Huaxia and Dongying, the audience was naturally excited before it started. I hope that Lin Yu can show his strongest strength and make Dongying people suffer.

At this time, Lin Yu became the best object of their praise.

In no time, Lin Yu's popularity rose by [-] in an instant.

This is too fast!
Lin Yu took a deep breath. As expected of the semi-finals, the efficiency is high. Playing one game is equivalent to the previous three games.

This is only the semi-finals, some stars will come to help out in the finals, and some people will come to watch the opening ceremony, so the popularity will definitely increase by at least four times!
Lin Yu has already begun to look forward to an occasion where an operation increases his popularity by 20.

"Oh! What does Lin Yu want to say?"

Suddenly, Ren Dong asked Lin Yu again.

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, holding the microphone, suddenly a little surprised.


"The other party said harsh words just now. He seemed very confident in beating you. He said he was going to knock you down. Your grades have always been very good. Are you worried about failing the first time?"

As soon as the question was asked, the audience looked forward to it even more.

Lin Yu's record and achievements have always been eye-catching. The host asked Lin Yu's opinion of himself in disguise, which can be regarded as catching the audience's attention and appetite.

But Lin Yu just said indifferently: "I'm quite worried. If I don't fail all the time, will my opponent be too embarrassed?"

Lin Yu sighed, but a word made the audience boil.

"I have nothing to say, I didn't pay attention to what I just said."

At this time, the audience roared.

"Lin Yu is awesome!"

"Lin Yu, I love you!"

"Awesome! Fuck Dongying to death!"

Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief at the coaxing sound below, and put down the microphone.

He gave the host a helpless look. I'm afraid that if I say it again, someone will go into shock and die because of screaming?

He didn't mean too much, because he really didn't hear what the Dongpu people said. For this kind of team that relied on the threat of evil forces, they had no strength in themselves, and of course it was the result of unilateral hammering in the end.

Lin Yu knew about this, so he came here to abuse the food, and didn't pay attention to the Shiranui team.

However, in the eyes of the audience, the Shiranui team has always been a very lucky team, so they don't understand where Lin Yu's confidence comes from.

For a while, there were not a few people who hoped that the myth of the Dongying people would be broken by the Yanhua team, or that Lin Yu would be slapped in the face and lost to the Shiranui team, and the topic was unprecedentedly hot!
In the end, Ren Dong had already adjusted the atmosphere to such a high level that he wisely stopped making microphones and let the contestants step down.

At this time, the other contestants had already prepared in the audience. Because it was the semi-finals, the game started at 7:10 pm, and they had to wait for [-] minutes of commentary intermittently.

And this time the commentary is Wawa and Miller, they will rest in the next game, so they have to cheer for the LPL players in this game.

Doll and Miller were explaining, while the players arrived at the e-sports table, began to test the mouse, and prepared to start the game.

Noisy venues, serious occasions.

In a certain lounge behind here, looking at the screen, Lin Yu was standing there properly, and everyone in the Yanhua team had happy smiles on their faces. A Dongying man said angrily: "Baga, Lu!"

"What's going on? Why are they in such a violent state? Is there something wrong?"

This man with a moustache and wearing a kimono is the boss of Team Shiranui. Of course he knows how his team got here.

Obviously ordered to go down!

Then, he picked up his cell phone and made a call.


When the other party didn't connect, he flicked angrily.

Throwing the phone on the table, he sat down angrily.

"Why didn't the plan work out?"

At this time, the door was pushed open and a woman walked in.

The clothes this woman wears are very refined. Although she has long hair, she looks like a spy.

"Boss, something happened over there in Tianzhong. It is said that it was the young man named Lin Yu who beat them immobile. That guy is not easy."

The boss in kimono was startled, then turned his head and frowned.


Only then did he calm down his anger slowly, looking at Lin Yu in the broadcast screen, talking and laughing with his teammates, manipulating his keyboard and mouse, waiting for the game to start.

From this point of view, Lin Yu is such an ordinary boy.

In other words, at most, he has some talent in games, or even no talent in games.

Lin Yu's appearance is so handsome, but not feminine. I heard that Lin Yu has practiced some fighting skills, but how can this appearance have such strong fighting power?
It doesn't look fierce at all, but what is even more fierce is the performance in the game.

"Boss, don't panic, we may not lose this game. We have defeated so many strong teams, we must have some confidence!"

"What do you know?"

The Dongying man took a deep breath and looked at Lin Yu on the screen with a serious frown.

He had some very bad premonition.

"Ding! The host receives the task, and the opponent has zero blows in three rounds, 3:0 and does not allow the opponent to get any heads, and the reputation can be rewarded with 100 million!"

Hearing this, the corner of Lin Yu's mouth hooked: "just right!"

"Ding! The host accepts the task successfully, and rewards the host with a single round of BUFF, gaining super roaming ability, super pushing ability, and super killing ability! When quickly pushing the line, the damage to minions is increased by 20%! The speed is increased by 15%! This effect is doubled when in the river! And when the enemy's blood volume enters below 30%, it can trigger the beheading mode, and the damage of beheading is increased by 35%!"

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and the light in his eyes shrank into a ball tightly.

The idea of ​​this game is instantly visible!
(End of this chapter)

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