Chapter 238 bite back

"Ah? What, what do you mean?"

Fatty Yan took a deep breath, still holding on to the last luck, trying to fool the past.

But Lin Yu's words had already hinted at him.

Lin Yu's eyes, and Chen Ming's previous attitude, are obviously hostile to him.

Fatty Yan, who had just escaped from death, had to face another even more difficult person before he had time to rejoice.

That is Lin Yu.

This person could have stood on the same line with him, but because of his blindness, he ignored and suppressed the person countless times.

Lin Yu...

"What did you say to the Dongying people before? Don't you have a B number in your heart?"

Chen Ming pushed Fatty Yan, and Fatty Yan was pushed over, a little caught off guard.

Lin Yu stood in front of Fatty Yan. Fatty Yan staggered over, looked at Lin Yu dully, and then at Chen Ming fiercely.

Chen Ming smiled wryly: "Actually, I guessed that you were like this a long time ago, but I was quite shocked to hear you say that to others."

"Lin Yu, don't listen to his nonsense, a kid who hasn't grown hair yet! What he said to the Dongying people just now is indeed true, but how can the facts be so exaggerated? In fact, every team has serious internal fighting, but that At the critical moment, I exaggerated the fact to protect myself! How can you believe it casually?"

"Indeed, I don't need to believe casually."

"Besides, aren't you the starter of Team Yanhua now? If I really wanted to target you, you would have been out of the team long ago!"

Lin Yu lowered his head and chuckled.

His eyes just continued to look at Fatty Yan strangely.

"Don't argue anymore, Lin Yu's chance is not given by you!"

Chen Ming has always remembered You Xin about that match. Lin Yu saved Team Yanhua in that match and allowed Team Yanhua to win the LPL championship from Team Obsidian. If it was him, he was really not sure.

Although I don't know how long Lin Yu waited and trained for this moment, but Lin Yu seized the opportunity by himself. If he didn't work hard, he would not be able to perform if he had this opportunity.

For such a well-known matter, Fatty Yan can assign such a good title to himself, which is simply shameless to a certain extent.

"You just want to get Lin Yu down behind your back and lure me with benefits. In fact, you're just looking for personal gain!"

Chen Ming, who knew all the truth and was more convinced, now hated Fatty Yan even more.

You know, how many days and nights, when I was obsessed with the outcome of the game, I was surrounded by this person by my side.

At that time, Chen Ming thought that he could rely on him to guide him and start his wonderful career in professional competitions.

But step by step, he led himself into the abyss!
So the current Chen Ming wished he could yell at Fatty Yan right now, question why he treated him like this, and lead himself to the path of near destruction.

If it weren't for Lin Yu's generosity, Chen Ming would be completely blocked in all ways in e-sports when Lin Yu broke out that Chen Ming deliberately drugged Lin Yu to prevent him from playing!

Fatty Yan rolled his eyes. At this moment, Chen Ming seemed to have betrayed Lin Yu, and he had no other choice.

If Chen Ming was on his side, he still thought he could fool him.

But Chen Ming didn't contact him these days, and he had reached a certain consensus with Lin Yu, and he immediately became angry from embarrassment.

"Chen Ming, okay you, I treat you well, yet you treat me like this!"

Chen Ming sneered: "Don't treat me kindly? Well, the one who treats me not kindly, is it me who made a fool of myself!"

"You're a douchebag!"

Chen Ming grabbed Fatty Yan's collar tightly, his eyes were already bloodshot.

Lin Yu took a step back subconsciously, not because he was afraid, but because he understood Chen Ming's situation and mood very well. If he had been deceived by one person for so long, he would have fallen into a short-lived state of anger.

"Oh! Now you know how to bite me back. Don't forget how you slandered Lin Yu with me before!"

Fatty Yan snorted coldly, as if he was about to fight back.

Chen Ming was taken aback by these words, and was speechless for a while.

Fatty Yan was very oily, and Chen Ming, who had been brought under him all the time and didn't understand anything, only knew how to focus on the game, naturally didn't know his routines.

"You told me time and time again that Lin Yu's condition is only because of a temporary improvement. In fact, you are suitable for the Yanhua team. Let me help you replace him. Why? You forgot? Now because you are not up to date, Ren Lin Yu's grades are getting better and better, so you just do it!"

What Fatty Yan said, Chen Ming even opened his mouth wide, not knowing how to explain it.


He gesticulates, but he can't say a word to describe this experience that has always treated him very well. He never thought that one day it would become like this!

Fatty Yan also seized the opportunity and did not explain to Chen Ming at all. He said bluntly: "Lin Yu, let me tell you, this Chen Ming really wants to drag you into the water again and again. Fortunately, I have been watching Where is your strength, I am not fooled by him!"

"Hmph! Captain Li has discussed with me time and time again about letting you go to the mall. I also came to Shanghai this time in person, but I never thought that you would treat me like this just after you were promoted to the position? Good you!"

As Fatty Yan said, he threw Chen Ming away. Chen Ming also had his hands drooping and his eyes were disheartened.

At this moment, Chen Ming completely understood everything.

The previous repayment and obedience to Lin Yu were just to thank Lin Yu for his generosity.

If Lin Yu wants to do it, that bottle of black tea with laxatives can already be the crucial straw that crushes him.

But Lin Yu didn't do it, which moved Chen Ming very much.

But for Fatty Yan, he still has a lot of uncertain seriousness. This time, he has thoroughly seen Fatty Yan's ugly face in front of others and his attitude of turning his face and denying others, Chen Ming is completely awakened!

"Ha ha!"

Chen Ming sneered and took a few steps back, while Lin Yu just watched and sighed.

"Really? Lin Yu! I said it! Don't just look at the surface of people!"

At this time, Fatty Yan was still proud. Chen Ming had been unable to explain what he had said, and Lin Yu's eyes also showed that his anger had reached a peak at this time.

Angry people are the ones who are most likely to be controlled by themselves. For example, Chen Ming, who was robbed by Lin Yu because of his starter, catching them when they are angry and saying what they want to hear is the best way to control their actions.

"Yes, some people, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you really don't know how thick their skin is!"

Lin Yu took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.

Fatty Yan sneered, thinking he had succeeded.

"That's right, I'll explain my business to you later. It's not what you think. Chen Ming is just a villain. Don't worry, I will let you win this time!"

Fatty Yan took a deep breath, and after a lot of effort, he felt that he finally made sense of everything.

Lin Yu appeared and rescued him from the Dongying people. Of course, he continued to follow Yue Zhengzhong's orders and let the Yanhua team win the game successfully!
"Lin Yu, you will play tomorrow!" Fatty Yan had just finished speaking when he realized that his collar was being pulled up.

"Of course I was the one to play." Lin Yu's tone was extremely low.

(End of this chapter)

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