LOL I am invincible

Chapter 230 Temporary Safety

Chapter 230 Temporary Safety
This Yue Zhengzhong appeared in the first two appearances with a look of ecstasy. At that time, Lin Yu just saw him as an old man, so he gave in somewhat.

Who knew that at such an age, it's okay to have no noble character, but he was so aggressive like a young man.

No matter how calm Lin Yu is in his heart, how can he, as a vigorous young man and man, endure the other party's provocation to him like this?
And he threatened himself again and again, first with Murong Yu's safety, and this time with Liu Mu.

After Lin Yu came to this world, he didn't have too many concerns. One was that he became stronger, the other was Murong Yu, and the third was the rare friend Liu Mu, who was considered a confidant. The three most important things to him overnight They were all targeted by Yue Zhengzhong, and Lin Yu had to let him suffer.

After Yue Zhengzhong escaped, within two minutes, Chen Ming ran out excitedly.

"Lin Yu! Let's go, let's go back, I can't wait to see what kind of play this X team has shown!"

Lin Yu chuckled and said, "Really? It seems that the position of vice captain was not given to the wrong person. It's really positive enough. "

He smiled very naturally, squinting his eyes as if everything just now had never happened.

Chen Ming scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, and said with a smile: "No, no, it's just... In fact, I should be the vice-captain, I am also a member of Team Yanhua! I won the game, but I also have honor body!"

Lin Yu nodded slightly. It would be great if Chen Ming was as open-minded in his heart as he was in his mouth.

On the way home, the two received news from Team Li, so they quickly gathered downstairs in the hotel and went to have dinner with Team Li's old friends.

However, it was too late, so the two ate dinner at the hotel on their own.

"Team Li is really serious, knowing that I'm going to watch the game and deliberately picking such an early time!"

Seeing Chen Ming complaining, Lin Yu chuckled: "After all, it's a gathering with old friends, and the time must not be controlled at will. Besides, we'd better not go there when their old friends meet."

When Chen Ming heard it, he thought it was right, nodded and said: "That's right, Liu Xiaofan and the others are really thick-skinned, and followed them all without leaving behind!"

This was a rare night when only Lin Yu and Chen Ming were left in the hotel. Most of the nights, the members of the Yanhua team would gather together to chat about the game or just related to life.

There are still three days before the match between Shiranui and Team Shiranui. Chen Ming felt extremely nervous, and had to analyze the information about Team Shiranui and Team X for the team in a hurry.

After letting Chen Ming go back to the room by himself, Lin Yu also went back to the room.

Quickly turned on the phone and checked the unread messages that had been left for a long time.

It was a few text messages sent by Liu Mu. The general content told Lin Yu that he had investigated many things about the X team, and there was nothing suspicious.

The other four positions of the X team are all the top thousand-point kings of the world server. Before Lin Yu reached the top of the world server, these people were all in the top ten of the world server without exception, but they were all short-lived, and then they will come again There is no competition on the world server.

The only suspicious thing was the mid laner, Su Heng.

There is no record of this person in the file at all, and there has never been a time when this person was a passer-by, and there is no previous experience.This person debuted as the X team's starting mid laner, and has always performed well without any problems.

And his background is also extremely strange. With the help of many people, Liu Mu finally found out that this Su Heng has something to do with the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce!
Although Team X belonged to Yue Zhengzhong, that is to say, belonged to the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce, all members without exception had no direct contact with the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce. The only one with direct contact was this Su Heng.

"The Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce..."

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and began to think.

This person is indeed suspicious. Although Yue Zhengzhong seems to be more threatening, Lin Yu has never been afraid of showing people on the bright side.

What I am most afraid of is this kind of suspicious person who does not know his identity. Who knows what identity will emerge in the end.

The information sent by Liu Mu stopped here, and then it seemed to disappear strangely. It seems that the investigation of the X team was completed, because something was discovered by Yue Zhengzhong.

Just as Lin Yu was thinking, he suddenly received a call on his mobile phone.

It's Liu Mu.

"Hello." Lin Yu answered it immediately.

"Lin Yu, has Yue Zhengzhong looked for you?"

"Of course, let me go to the final to redeem you!"

Lin Yu straight to the point, expressing helplessness.

Although it was his own intention to ask Liu Mu to investigate, but Liu Mu was found so sloppily that he actually helped Yue Zhengzhong indirectly.What's more, it made me worry a little bit. Lin Yu still rejected this feeling of being considerate of others.

"Hey! Don't worry, I'm out now."

"How can those few of them see me? I have already arrived at the base of Modu."

"What is the base of the magic city?"

Lin Yuben was still a little skeptical, but after noticing the joy in Liu Mu's tone, he also believed that he is indeed safe now and has not been threatened, but where did he come from?
"It's okay, it's our boss's base at the headquarters. Alas, I didn't plan to come, but people from the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce are said to have come to Shanghai. Lin Yu, you have to be careful!"

When Lin Yu heard this, his head grew big.

It's a trivial matter to underestimate yourself, but he couldn't help sighing after hearing these words, and said: "You still blame me? If you don't take good care of the medal I gave you, you are safe. If Yue Zhengzhong didn't dare to come to me , This thing was taken away by him!"

"What? He went in front of you?"

"Are you okay? Lin Yu?"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Liu Mu on the other end of the phone seemed to be very concerned about Lin Yu's safety, as if Lin Yu had announced a very bad news.

But Lin Yu just said calmly: "I'm fine. I almost couldn't hold back and broke his hand. In the end, I just snatched the medal back."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, the other end was silent for a long time!

Liu Mu, who was in a certain base at this time, turned pale with fright when he heard this.

Lin Yu beat Yue Zhengzhong directly?
I am obedient!This is too scary!
But Liu Mu knows Lin Yu's character. He is not a person who can pretend to be this kind of coercion. Lin Yu's pretense is all advanced.

If Lin Yu wants to talk about this kind of thing, it is likely that Lin Yu must have done it. It's fine if he dares to get angry. How can he beat Yue Zhengzhong like this?And say it so plainly...

Lin Yu, Lin Yu, are you afraid that you don't know how terrifying that old man is in the underworld?

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as you are safe now. Send me all the information you have investigated. You don't have to worry about Yue Zhengzhong and the Cuckoo Chamber of Commerce. After the World Championship is over, let them get rid of the old story!"

Lin Yu's indifferent voice came from there, followed by the "beep" sound of hanging up.

Looking at the screen of the phone that had been hung up, Liu Mu widened his eyes and opened his mouth.

This guy is real, why is there always a feeling that I don't care about anything, but insists on head-to-head, that I am invincible in the world?
And until Liu Mu was temporarily safe, Lin Yu was relieved, and he could let go of his fists in the next game.

(End of this chapter)

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