LOL I am invincible

Chapter 218 This TP is absolutely perfect

Chapter 218 This TP is absolutely perfect

Lin Yu knew that something had happened again in this wave, but there was not much he could do now.

A hero like Shi Guang is a mid-to-late game player with top-notch field control abilities, but suffering from these disadvantages in the early stage is an inevitable result.

Lin Yu stabilized his mentality and developed against the puppy. Although the puppy has already eaten two layers of tapestry in a row, the economy is already very high in 6 minutes.

"Lulu directly turned Kassadin into a sheep, combined with Qing Gangying's E skill super long-distance single-point control! The ball girl also kept up with the QE two-push ball, Kassadin was stunned again, and the ball girl's ignited exchange Come on, one set... take it away!"

I remember talking excitedly, it seems that the imperial wolf team's counterattack horn has been fully blown.

With this wave of kills, Xiaohu's Syndra directly rose to level 6. Without any hesitation, the half-blue Syndra quickly pushed through this wave of lines and entered the jungle directly!

"Is this still going to go on the road?"

Kassadin was killed at level 5, and his experience was also suppressed on the road, so he is only at level 5 now.

Just when everyone thought that Syndra had won this wave of heads and returned to the city to continue to suppress online, Xiaohu, Mr. Guo and Xiao Ming went on the road to outflank Lin Yu!

"This Bo Linyu is doomed. An old man of time is not yet level 6, but there are four people coming to outflank him!"

On the map, Syndra disappeared on the map. Because Kassadin was beheaded, there is no vision in the area without minions in the middle.

The audience and the commentator only saw Xiaohu's Syndra follow Lulu to the top road from the perspective of God, while Xiangguo's Qing Gangying went directly to the top road.

Xiangguo's Qinggang Ying only had half health because he carried the tower twice, and most of them entered the wild area to retreat, and everyone in the Yanhua team didn't notice it at all!

And all of this seems to be very important in the eyes of the audience. The puppies have already set up a wave of soldiers to push the tower, and the next wave of artillery soldiers will soon be launched. If this wave of four packs is successful, then It is a devastating blow to the road!

Nearly 3 waves of slow pushing soldiers and four people can directly wear down more than half of the towers on the road. Now it only takes 6 minutes. This wave can establish Lin Yu's disadvantage in this line.

"Push down the route and prepare to climb the tower!"

Lin Yu saw that the mouse was placed on the river, and the mouse vibrated twice, and the wild area also once.

Knowing that Mr. Guo's Qinggang shadow is lingering behind him, he put him in stock for 4 or 5 minutes, and finally started to do something to himself?And Lin Yu looked at his experience bar, and he could upgrade with less than 5% of his experience.

Now Lin Yu is only level 5, and he has no resurrection. If he is caught, he will die!

"What? Us? Jump over the tower?"

In the bottom lane, Li Mao pushed the line and controlled Lu Xi'an to walk A while trying to consume the level 6 sword demon, but both Lu Xi'an and Niutou were only level 4.

How to jump over the tower?

However, Chen Le became a little impatient: "Push the line! Lin Yu said that if he can cross the tower, he must be able to cross the tower!"

Chen Le is different from Li Mao. Although he didn't get any bright moments, he still knows one thing very well, that is, Lin Yu's orders are above everything else!

With an order, the line to get off the road was pushed over.

At this moment, the hearts of the audience have already been tightly gripped, and the commentators are all gearing up.

"Lin Yu is well-known as the king of operations. With this wave of soldiers coming, Lin Yu may find a chance to rise to level 6 and show off the other four people on the opposite side, because there is no level 6 on the other side except Syndra, but one fight with four is still It's too difficult, look at the blind man here, at least 10 seconds later than the other party on the road! Is there any way for Lin Yu to survive? "

Doll propped up the commentary table with both hands, and her palms were already sweating from nervousness.

The outcome of this battle has no effect on them, it's just pure anxiety. Although the Emperor Wolf team is attacking fiercely, the Yanhua team has always performed well, especially Lin Yu, he can't sit still like this!
"Lin Yu!"

The poisonous coin yelled, only to see Lin Yu's operation frightened everyone.

I remember opening my mouth slightly, I even forgot what I was going to say.

Lin Yu turned on TP directly under the tower!

A TP, the light beam is on, and Lulu and Syndra are still in the river at this moment, it is obviously too late, and Mr. Guo has just arrived at the blue BUFF, only Kai'Sa the puppy is close.

"I want TP to run away! Lin Yu really has a keen sense of smell in this wave. He really knows that the other party is going to move him, and he realized it! A TP wants to run, and Kaisha, the puppy here, also realizes it, and quickly activates the E skill to go Lin Yu walked this way, wanted to interrupt, but Kai'Sa didn't have control skills!"

I remember saying that I was more anxious than the puppy, and the baby continued to explain: "Okay, a void to find the enemy, it is empty! Here Lin Yu... passed to the bottom lane!"

A level 5 time TP went to the bottom lane to fight against the tower, and when the bottom lane bull head landed in time, Lin Yu shouted directly: "Don't be afraid! Drive!"

Chen Le's bull head went straight up with a WQ. Facing two level 4 opponents, one level 5 opponent, and a level 6 sword demon, Lang Xing never expected that the opponent would fight directly!
Niutou WQ Erlian stood up to the wolf, activated the E skill, and the wolf escaped with the E skill, but was predicted by Lin Yu...

"Lin Yu fired two bombs, Q skills overlapped to trigger the control effect, the sword demon of the wolf walk was directly charged in place, but the old cow was fighting the tower, ignited it, and the old cow is going to explain here. Look at Lu Xian's output E dot, W dot, Q dot..."

I remember that the Da Sima-style commentary mode was directly turned on. At this time, the audience still felt that Team Yanhua’s wave of tower jumping was just forced and helpless. Niutou must be fighting the tower to die, and Lu Xian may not be able to kill this Sword Demon!
But a miracle happened at this moment!
Lin Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, and threw out a general attack. A landed on a bloody soldier!
"What's going on, Lin Yu A is in the army?"

"Is this a mistake?"

The commentators expressed the same doubts as the audience, but for this A soldier, Lin Yu directly upgraded to level 6!
Niutou continued to fight against the tower, Lin Yu used his ultimate move, and gave the E skill to the sword demon, Lu Xi'an entered the tower with a set of skills to take down the sword demon, Niutou was killed in the battle against the tower, and with the ultimate move of time, he was able to revive on the spot!

Immediately, the tower injury was transferred to Lin Yu, Lu Xian started the treatment, rescued his teammates from the tower, the revived bull head also successfully retreated, and dealt with the line of soldiers. !
In this wave, after Lin Yu TP left on the top road, the three opponents ate three layers of tapas, and two layers on the bottom road, no loss at all.

"When this wave comes, Lin Yu's TP is absolutely perfect! It's a real level of prediction, and without this TP, Team Yanhua will be at a loss."

The baby can't help but sigh, is this the man who is called the world's number one top laner?Sure enough, it's not just the operation.

Remember, who has always supported the imperial wolf team, was also conquered by Lin Yu at this time, with his eyes wide open and his mouth dumbfounded.

"This wave of Lin Yu's TP can be said to be a golden cicada's escape! The four members of the Emperor Wolf team were left empty-handed. Xiaohu can only go home and prepare to go online. Kassadin will not lose a lot of money when he goes online, so he can breathe."

Poison Coin also said; "And this wave of details has been upgraded to level 6, and no one died in the bottom lane, right? The best way to deal with the Emperor Wolf team changing lanes!"

(End of this chapter)

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