LOL I am invincible

Chapter 206 Victory

Chapter 206 Victory
"Liu Xiaofan! Awesome!"

Lin Yu couldn't help shouting out, he has made his greatest contribution to this dragon.

That is to control the policewoman and give Ji Zheng the most room to play.

And before he died, he set up a big shield for the team, just to let them not be afraid of death, just fight this wave!
No matter how powerful the operation is, it will be afraid of people who are not afraid of death!

After Liu Xiaofan won the dragon, he was so excited that he almost shed tears. He doubted himself for a whole round, and finally made an indelible contribution to the team!

"The sky is falling apart!"

The prince directly covered Zooey with a big one, but there was a punishment on Zooey's head, so he couldn't escape, so he could only subconsciously go big to avoid the damage.

In this wave, the audience focused their attention. Although Team Yanhua won the fourth dragon, Team Huanglang didn't get the Dragon Soul smoothly, but now it's a 3v4 situation at best, it's hard to win!

And in this position, the teammates seemed to be unable to escape, and both EZ and Thresh leaned over.

"Kill Zoe first!" Chen Le said angrily in his voice.

He hasn't forgotten that he was once the No. [-] Thresh in the national uniform, and he was surprisingly confident in this set of Thresh.

How can there be no action?
Get the timing right, find the right opportunity.

Zoe's R skill returns to the position, 0.7 seconds, 0.5 seconds, 0.3 seconds...

Get out!

The trajectory of the hook directly hit the position where Zoe returned, and Zoe, who had just returned, directly hit the hook, and it was determined that the hook was hit!

"Death sentence!"

"Then eat me again!"

The corner of Li Mao's mouth curled up. With such a good output position, Zoe couldn't run away, and the spider who was fighting for punishment was far away at this time, and Toad on the other side was pushed aside by Thresh, the first RE company. .

The mark of the W skill is on, and an R skill will directly take away Zoe!
"Hit! Hit, hit, hit!"

Ji Zheng was dead, but he organized his voice very excitedly. At this time, everyone in the Yanhua team except Lin Yu was extremely excited. They all had a premonition that this wave of team battles was about to become a god!

I saw the captain throwing the barrel on the ground, and Lin Yu, who was already dead, frowned.

"Destroy this barrel, and you will all die when it explodes!"

It's almost 30 minutes now, and the captain's equipment is not bad, a triathlon plus a bloody hand, as well as an endless and cloth armor shoes, if the endless critical hit, both EZ and Thresh will lose more than half of their health.

"I can't order it!"

Li Mao was so anxious that he used his E skill and flash, but Toad was already close, so he stunned Thresh with his Q skill.

"It's over..."

Ji Zheng thought to himself, however, that brave man in armor appeared again, and knocked down with a long spear!
One barrel, two barrels!

The captain's two Q skills all misfired!
"Wow, is the Yanhua team a barrel-ordering expert today?"

Poison Coin gets excited.

Liu Xiaofan's prince finally stood up.

Directly tap the captain's barrel, and at this time he still has half health, but the captain who is close to full health is furious, and directly confronts the prince with A.

With endless captains, the passive fire knife damage is real damage, which is frighteningly high!

Naturally, the prince's body couldn't withstand such a raging fire.

"The prince can't stand it! A prince with this kind of development can't beat the captain, and the spider's E skill here hits EZ, and EZ will be killed in seconds. EZ has activated the E skill..."

Remember the excited commentary, the doll interface: "But the spider has a pull up, just follow it. But!"

At this very moment, when Thresh was stuck by the toad and could do nothing, the prince suddenly predicted the EQ and directly knocked away the spider that was chasing the EZ and landed!

"This EQ!"

The audience was shocked, and even the few people in the commentary booth were dumbfounded.

If this was done by Lin Yu and Mala Xiangguo, it wouldn't be so shocking. This is Liu Xiaofan, known as Team Yanhua's shortest shortcoming, an anti-stress jungler who can only lie down!

A pre-judgment EQ directly lifted the spider, and then EZ hung the W skill on the spider, and matched the prince's damage to kill the spider!

The half-blooded toad here was also retained by the prince with the W skill, doomed!
"Wolf walk, run! Wait for the next wave!"

Xiao Ming quickly gave the information that the Emperor Wolf team, which was very confident in this wave of team battles, finally realized the crisis in this wave and wanted to stop losses in time.

"Want to run? No way!"

Killing hook!
"Wolf Xing seems to be unable to save this position, and the toad was accepted by EZ. The captain probably wants to leave, but!" I remember being startled, and saw the captain being firmly hooked by Thresh.

"But it doesn't matter, there are oranges!" Doll also said.

But Thresh followed with his Q skill, Poison Coin explained: "The captain's W skill is delayed, Thresh catches up, E skill pulls back... The prince and EZ catch up, there it is!"

"The blue team Ezreal got four kills!"

Li Mao couldn't help smiling when he saw that he had been promoted to level 2 and directly increased his harvest by nearly 2000 gold coins.

"Take off!"

"Brother Les!" Chen Le exhaled, and put his eyes on the captain by the way, as if commemorating the dead Planck.

"This wave of team battles is simply astonishing!"

Off the court, in the commentary booth, the dolls are already incoherent.

And the poisonous coin next to him and remembering, naturally one is black and the other is happy, the difference is huge.

After this wave of team battles, Enchantress relied on two assists, and the murder book went from the 15th floor that was originally lost to the 19th floor.

And Lin Yu and Ji Zheng resurrected faster than everyone in the Emperor Wolf team. Yaoji and Karma arrived on the battlefield, and then started the dragon rush. The cooperation of everyone in the blue team became very good after this wave. , the prince waited for punishment, and the enchantress was unhappy with the dragon, so she tried to interfere with the comer.

And the entire upper half wild area of ​​the red side was also filled with vision by Thresh.

Coupled with the two foresight transformations of Karma and EZ, the movement of the Huanglang team entering the wild area was completely exposed under the eyes of the Yanhua team.

Stuck in the blind area of ​​the field of vision for two stages of displacement, directly killing the fragile Zoe in seconds.

"Little Tiger died suddenly!"

The big dragon was successfully eaten by the Yanhua team, and the Huanglang team, which lost a general and did not have the big dragon BUFF, retreated steadily and had to retreat.

Knowing that the opponent was not strong enough to fight, the five members of Team Yanhua took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Brother Mengchong, my shield is the best!" Lin Yu chuckled, his shield value could be increased by an additional 50%, and when he finally reached the advantage, the shield's effect was much greater than imagined.

With the acceleration of Lin Yu's shield, the enchantress caught up again, flashed W close to the policewoman, predicted the retreat position of the policewoman's E skill, and locked it firmly.

Although it was caught by the clip, the golden body was opened in time, and the spider's cocoon was also emptied.

The next thing is Thresh and EZ to keep up, keep people and output crazily. The prince is also a very strong hero to keep people. Once he has the advantage, Team Yanhua's lineup will not leave any way for the opponent to survive!


Looking at the blue icon on the screen, all the members of Team Yanhua looked up to the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

"Team Yanhua has won! Congratulations to Team Yanhua for successfully winning the first round in this BO5! The current score is 1:0!"

Several members of the Yanhua team looked at each other and smiled, except for Lin Yu, the other four were the best team players since the World Championships!
At this time, they even forgot that this was just the beginning of a BO5, and they all showed their heartiness after the war and the joy of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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