LOL I am invincible

Chapter 195 Everyone's Suspicion

Chapter 195 Everyone's Suspicion

"Are you supporting Ji Zheng?"

Hearing this, Team Li felt that Lin Yu was talking about the Arabian Nights.

Even Ji Zheng himself trembled when he heard it.

"Hey, Lin Yu, don't make fun of me, I don't deserve you to help me..."

Seeing Ji Zheng's unconfident appearance, Lin Yu didn't know how to tell him. In fact, his output ability is extremely strong.

According to the personal ability values ​​of some key players secretly collected by Lin Yu on weekdays, Ji Zheng's output ability is extremely strong in the whole LPL, no, the whole world.

Although other abilities are not very eye-catching, so Ji Zheng's mid laner can only play dazzling operations when he is in an extremely comfortable output environment, or when he has a great advantage and plays a team with him as the core.

So to put it bluntly, it was because of Liu Xiaofan.

Liu Xiaofan, a jungler based on his ability, should be a jungler suitable for stress resistance, development, and functionality. It is commonly known as a herbivorous jungler. The jungle area has a relatively strong ability to resist stress and is relatively stable, and it does not match Ji Zheng at all.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Xiaofan cannot make use of another very excellent feature of Ji Zheng.

"In this way, tomorrow, Jizheng, you will play as usual, but when you pick a stronger hero, I will lead your rhythm..."

After thinking about it, Lin Yu still said so.

It's too risky to hand everything over to your teammates. Anyway, as long as you take the auxiliary heroes and give up the output core to win the game, you'll be fine.

"OK then……"

Ji Zheng was helpless, still entangled in his heart, not sure if he could take on this great task.

Liu Xiaofan was a little helpless at this time. Judging from his perspective and experience, Ji Zheng, a mid laner, could only play steadily. Let him play those output heroes, or harvest assassin heroes. Isn't it a joke?

And only Ji Zheng himself knows that it was because he cooperated with his teammates that he started to play heroes such as Thain and Ice Girl mid laners. He entered the youth training of professional teams and was favored by the boss of Team Yanhua, Murong Chunfang. It's because of his one-handed AP assassin hero.

Especially at that time, Ominous Blade and Void Walker played very well. Unfortunately, since they played, due to lack of experience, they were immediately robbed of the limelight by Chen Ming, who was at the peak at that time.

Liu Xiaofan is also a jungler who only helps the advantage lane, so he had to transform into a functional mid laner.And now that Lin Yu is starting, Liu Xiaofan can only help Lin Yu because he only helps the strong ones, and Lin Yu doesn't need him. As a result, Ji Zheng and Liu Xiaofan have now become the lowest-end group of midfielders in LPL.

"How about Lin Yu, why don't you play mid laner? Ji Zheng can also play top lane..."

The eyes are full of worry, but why not the other teammates?

Lin Yu was bored, so he simply said, "I can make you win the game, can you?"

Liu Xiaofan was speechless for a moment. Lin Yu's temper was so good during this period that they all subconsciously felt that they were qualified to decide the power. Logically speaking, as far as their performance is concerned, as long as they don't leave the team, it is a gift from God to them!
After pondering for a while, Lin Yu said again: "You won't be able to fight tomorrow, and you can resist the pressure normally. I will use my method to lead you to win the game!"

Words, loud and clear.

No one knows whether Lin Yu's so-called "assistant" top laner this time is a well-thought-out plan or a whim.

The next day, in the afternoon, Lin Yu also did not come to participate in the tactical discussion.

According to Lin Yu's intention and habit, he decided to fight in this way, so he would definitely fight.

In the past, Lin Yu's routines were promising from the very beginning, but this time he chose Ji Zheng, the most "dog" in the team, which really made everyone feel at ease.

Chen Ming: "Actually, you don't have to worry. I still believe that with Lin Yu's strength, you will not be disappointed. You just need to be at ease and play your own game well."

But Liu Xiaofan was a little dissatisfied, and said, "Of course I believe in his strength! But he's so strong, why don't he play as a support top laner if he has nothing to do?"

Chen Le also muttered: "That's right, this is not a rank game or a fish pond game. The opponent is the Emperor Wolf team. Do you have to engage in specialism at this time?"

Ji Zheng also shrugged: "I don't understand why, to be honest, I haven't picked up those heroes for a long time."

Seeing that Ji Zheng was so unconfident, the team members wanted to give up even more.

Liu Xiaofan: "I feel that Lin Yu is just taking risks. Forget it, I can't do anything about it. Maybe I'm too bad for him to trust me!"

Chen Le also sighed: "That's how it is. Anyway, if you lose, you will go back to your home and find your mother!"

Seeing everyone like this, Chen Ming and Ji Zheng looked at each other and fell silent.

Only Li Mao and Lin Yu have always had a good relationship, and it is not easy to understand Lin Yu's identity. He faintly senses that there must be a reason why Lin Yu is so good at playing games.

"You guys are so good at expressing opinions, why didn't you see your performance when you were playing?"

Li Mao frowned and gave each of them a wink.

Chen Le was Li Mao's assistant, so naturally he didn't answer, but it was Liu Xiaofan who argued.

"What? Don't you have performance?"

Li Mao sneered, and said, "Liu Xiaofan, don't forget, who was lying so happily when Lin Yu hit the road every time? Now Lin Yu has a style of play that he is confident in, but you attitude!"

Liu Xiaofan wanted to say something more, but Li Mao took the first step: "Do you think that as our boss' son-in-law, Lin Yu has no right to replace you as a jungler?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's eyes widened and they stopped talking.

Liu Xiaofan's eyes also moved slightly, and then dimmed.

Of course they know what the relationship between Lin Yu and Murong Chunfang, the boss of the Yanhua team, is also the proprietress of Chunyu Jewelry Store.

For this reason, they have made fun of Lin Yu's identity in private.

When they didn't know Lin Yu from the beginning, how many times they used this to hurt Lin Yu, but later, Lin Yu's strength exceeded their imagination time and time again.

They gradually recognized the top laner of the last world champion, as if the former top laner killer had descended in front of them.

Li Mao said again: "Of course I understand how you feel when you hear Lin Yu say these tactics that you can't understand. Aren't you just afraid that you won't be able to play any role in the team and will be replaced in the end? But think about it yourself, you Has it played a big role on weekdays?"

Li Mao's question made Liu Xiaofan, Ji Zheng, and Chen Le all bow their heads, blushing.

Li Mao has always regarded Lin Yu as a buddy, but Lin Yu is too good. As a nobleman, he can even hear them praise Lin Yu, a young man, from the mouths of his elders. Li Mao knows that he is not worthy at all. Sitting on an equal footing with Lin Yuping.

Seeing these teammate's bad mouths, he couldn't help but yell: "You guys are the only ones! Lin Yu has always regarded them as a part of our Yanhua team! If he really didn't want to keep you, you would have been killed Replaced!"

Li Mao said, took out his mobile phone, flipped to a certain photo in the album, and threw it on the table, everyone was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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