LOL I am invincible

Chapter 181 This Move Is Called Repeated Horizontal Jump

Chapter 181 This Move Is Called Repeated Horizontal Jump

Killer grinned, he had made up his mind a long time ago.

As long as there is no problem with this one, at least he is not responsible for the loss. Unexpectedly, Lin Yu suddenly became murderous!
He was eaten by the sheet again, and his mood naturally became irritable. Looking back, he couldn't figure out why Lin Yu's heroes could always exceed his expectations.

The attack distance and walking method of VN before, as well as the timing of the displacement of the skateboard shoes in this game are almost flawless. What's more terrifying is that Lin Yu's displacement speed and displacement distance seem to be different from the usual skateboard shoes!
"Brothers, is it my eyesight or something? Why do I feel that he moved so far away!"

Killer expressed doubts, but everyone in the UD team didn't face Lin Yu in person, so naturally they couldn't feel it at all.

As the team leader, Mata immediately came out to comfort him: "Killer, have a better mentality. One death doesn't mean anything. We have a great advantage in the bottom lane!"

Ucal: "Misjudgment is easy to happen when you eat alone. You are now in the period of misjudgment. Try not to fight with him again!"

Cuzz: "Yes, Lin Yu is indeed very strong. If you fight with this awareness, you won't be so easy to be singled out!"

Killer took a deep breath, intending to adjust his breathing and deal with Lin Yu, a monster-level top laner.

However, it's too late.

How can there be time?Lin Yu took advantage of the opportunity to push down the first tower on the road, but at this time, no one dared to provoke him on the road.

Back home, out a runa hurricane.

At 24 minutes, Lin Yu said in the game voice: "I will go to the bottom lane to support a wave, and you can sell it directly when you find the opportunity!"

As Lin Yu said, he had sensed the position of the spider with the mouse, because the spider was going to catch it too!

But Liu Xiaofan said: "No way, the spider should want to catch you near the second tower on the upper road. My blue is almost healed, and I probably won't be able to get it. You may not be able to catch it if you go down this wave!"

The more high-end the game, especially the game between professional players, if there is no absolute leg like Lin Yu, everyone's strength is basically [-]-[-], and the difference is not much worse.

Basically, there are solo lanes and duo lanes. If there is no jungler, it will not be easy to go up. At most, it will be a change of blood. This is why in the professional arena, Japanese women, who are purely team-keeping heroes, seldom play. The reason is that if you can't start a group if you choose a Fengnv, Lulu and the like to resist the pressure, it will be completely meaningless.

Liu Xiaofan's judgment was not wrong, and Ji Zheng also agreed.

"How about we change the line, Lin Yu, haven't you learned R? Bind your passive to me."

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yu's R skill has not been used until now, because his passive has not been tied to any teammates. To put it bluntly, the reason why he was targeted is that he did not plan to play in the upper field or in the middle. From the very beginning, it is obvious to tell you "I am an orphan".

But Lin Yu said: "this wave, the spider will come!"

It seems that the UD team is determined to rely on the mouse king C. Pray is called the mouse king. After the mouse in the game loses, it will come up with EZ, which is the second most proficient.

"Then I'll sell it!"

Li Mao trusts Lin Yu the most. He is hesitant to see his teammates, but he is most willing to trust Lin Yu.

Seeing Lin Yu approaching slowly, Li Mao played with the female gun and directly hit the soldier with a Q skill, which happened to hit EZ.

But EZ turned E in the opposite direction, a set of WQ skills hit Senna, and then took advantage of the trend to avoid Senna's control skills.

"Why is he so arrogant?" Chen Le frowned.

But Lin Yu knew well that when the spider came, the other party was also selling it.

"Go! Li Mao!" Lin Yu sent out a signal, and Li Mao understood.

Even if there are some equipment disadvantages, it is not difficult to point a magic cut EZ with endless female guns. Soon, Pike controlled the female gun with an E flash.

Senna QR Qi Fang wanted to keep the female gun, but Pike had no choice but to kill the female gun with an R skill.

Senna, who was full of blood, was trying to escape, but was restrained by a cocoon coming out of the grass.

"It's a spider!"

Chen Le exclaimed: "I'm dead! Don't come!"

But all of this is within Lin Yu's calculation...


Lin Yu actually used passive on Chen Le!This operation was stunned by the commentator and the audience.

Then go directly to a Q one knife, two swords, three swords... an E skill.Tore directly, crispy Parker was directly killed by Lin Yu!
Because Lin Yu, who is the dominant top laner, is already level 15 at this time, while Pike is only level 10, Spider is level 11, and EZ is also level 11. This set is like an adult beating a child.

"Hey, Lin Yu..." Chen Le swallowed. Although Lin Yu's appearance diverted the firepower and made the UD team start to flee, he was restrained in place by Lin Yu's passivity. Hard to say.

The commentary seat also became lively: "What's going on? Did Lin Yu make a mistake?"

The bullet screen is also a series of question marks, but the team battle is not over yet, Lin Yu continues to track the spider, the spider pulls up the jumping pawns and leaves, EZ drives E to leave, but is still chased by Lin Yu to level A displacement, by leveling A displacement Lin Yu Yu caught up with the spider, and an E skill killed EZ.

"Double kill!"

The grasshopper came, and it was the familiar flashing big move again!

When the mercury was untied, Lin Yu's reaction was like artificial intelligence, and he pressed the mercury the moment he was charged.

Level A displacement, level A displacement, each displacement makes the spider's cocoon, W skill and grasshopper's Q skill all empty, and the two dragged to death together.

But Lin Yu's blood volume was also reduced to average.

The wrist man who got off the TP came late, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet. A hug threw Lin Yu into the grass near the river, and another W directly hit Lin Yu to the lowest 100 blood!

"Ah, it seems that the show is not moving. Lin Yu's wave is already at the limit, and he got four kills!"

But Lin Yu's eyes lit up. You know, he has the bloody blade equipment. He beat several people just now, but now only the wrists are left. Lin Yu's bloody blade can increase the speed by 50-60%. Much attack speed!

"See clearly, this move is called repeated horizontal jump."

Lin Yu knew that the best time for him to gain popularity had come!
He gave Wristie an A and stepped back, and immediately clicked his eyes on the grass facade just now. Wristie turned on his Q skill and accelerated to pursue him.

At the moment of the general attack, Lin Yu moved against the wall and slid directly to the other side of the strong!
Killer frowned slightly. After the Q skill, he locked the target of the general attack on Lin Yu. This operation method allows the hero to automatically find the nearest route.

But when Lin Yu was asked to jump on it, the hero automatically followed Lin Yu backwards.

At the moment when Wu Hao turned around, Lin Yu moved again with basic attack and displacement, and quickly moved down. Wu Hao turned around again...

After so many repetitions, Lin Yu leaned against the wall and got stuck in the wrist's position, moving crazily!
A, go up!

A, come down!

Dazzled, Killer stared blankly at the scene on the screen, trying to do something, but he couldn't do anything. When he realized that Lin Yu was walking his dog, he could only turn around and run away.

But his body is already full of spears, how can he escape?
Lin Yu jumped down again and chased after Wuhao. Because of the blood blade, Lin Yu's blood volume had recovered to half.

Wrist Hao had no room to fight back, and was directly torn to death by the E skill full of spears!

(End of this chapter)

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