LOL I am invincible

Chapter 170 Killer's Doubt

Chapter 170 Killer's Doubt

The two consecutive solo kills have stunned everyone in the venue!

"I..." If the commentator hadn't been watching the live broadcast, he would have already said the "fuck" on his lips.

"I thought Lin Yu made a mistake in his decision-making. I didn't expect this to be eaten alone?" Miller and Wawa obviously didn't see what happened in the wave just now. Even Killer's face was black, and he didn't understand what he had experienced at all. what.

At this time, the barrage sent out a long series of question marks. Even if it is the world's top order, but it is placed in front of tens of millions of people, is the operation so incomprehensible?
In the end what happened?
At this time, after bursts of cheers ended, the director cut out the details of the two solo kills just now.

Replying in slow motion, when Lin Yu was playing against Mundo, he always used Mundo to consume in the gap when he wanted to make up the knife, and after A once again, he still wanted to A for the second time.

Mundo will naturally continue to run away, and VN will turn back when he needs a deep chase.

Especially Lin Yu's VN, when the Q was predicted by Killer in the past, and when the Q skill was thrown, Lin Yu was able to react at that time to move to the limit, and after avoiding the Q skill, he played a basic attack!

This kind of astonishing reaction was rarely seen in the entire World Championship!

This is how it is consumed one at a time, compressing Mundo's living space to zero.

The second time, after killing Mondo, Lin Yu went back to the city directly, as if preparing for the next kill.

At this time, Lin Yu had 9 soldiers demolishing the tower under the blue square tower, but he was not in a hurry to eat the tapi, but returned to the city, and released TP at the same time as Mondo T went down.

Moreover, Lin Yu went down to the tower at TP. At the beginning, he generally attacked the defensive tower, as if he wanted to eat the tap.

Killer became anxious immediately, and went up to drive Lin Yu away.

But when Killer's Mundo turned on W, what he consumed was life, and Q was also dodged by Lin Yu, which also consumed life, and there were still 7 soldiers left under the tower, and there were 4 long-range soldiers. The moment Mondo attacked VN, he became the focus of fire for all the soldiers!

At this time, Lin Yu took out two short swords after the solo kill, with a higher attack speed, took the opportunity to hit the third ring twice, and won the second solo kill.

"Wow, Lin Yu is really full of details!" Miller said.

But the baby became puzzled: "Hey, do you think that Lin Yu's VN hands look so long? Maybe it's because of the good use of Q skills. I look like Mondo is beating the policewoman!"

Miller chuckled: "Maybe this is a genius. He has his own unique understanding of everything he plays!"

At this time, the director's cut shot ended, and another 40 seconds of game time passed. Lin Yu's VN was already at level 5, while Mondo was still at level 4.

But there was a gap in blood volume again!
Baby: "What's going on? Is Mundo bloody?"

I saw that under the tower, Mondo didn't dare to make up the knife at all, and Lin Yu was crazy to suppress even the experience.

Lin Yu is close to full blood, probably because he hit a defensive tower, and Mondo's blood volume is only a quarter of it again.

As a last resort, Killer had no choice but to find the right time and location to go back to the city and let Tapie.

But Lin Yu was in a strange place again. He pretended to move to the A tower, but actually moved directly there, and then rolled over with a Q skill, AE combo, Mundo was directly nailed to the wall, and then he made up two ordinary shots. attack……

"Night hunters are killing and killing!"


Miller rolled his eyes.

The baby was even more shocked and said: "WTF? What happened here? Why did the camera shoot everything, Mundo died again!"

Of course, Miller and Wawa affirmed that there was no sense of crisis in the words, but a joyful and relaxed atmosphere, and even a little excitement.

After all, the Yanhua team led by Lin Yu is an LPL team. This is the highlight moment of the LPL team!

"My God! Killer is the most stable blue-collar top laner in this World Championship! What's going on? Lin Yu..."

"Anyway, I can't understand it. This person is simply a monster, so incomprehensible!"

The commentary seat was amazed, and the audience seat also burst into warm applause.

Lin Yu's operation was already a foul. In 5 minutes and 40 seconds, Lin Yu had already reached level 6. He didn't eat any of the soldiers on the line and made a Bilgewater machete.

On Mondo's side, he only made up a straw sandal and a cloth shoe, and he doesn't know when he will be able to make up the cloth shoe to resist pressure.

The barrage was also overwhelmingly ridiculed: "The last time the UD team won, this Killer even posted a mockery on Weibo! Why didn't he mock?"

"That's right, every time I see Lin Yu slap the face of this person pretending to be B, I feel happy!"

"That's why I'm a fan of Lin Yu!"

"That's why I'm a fan of Lin Yu!"

For a while, this sentence became the most frequently read in the entire barrage, and everyone began to rely on Lin Yu's momentum to ridicule the UD team.

All the limelight of Team Yanhua was taken over by Lin Yu alone.

And at 5 minutes and 49 seconds, Mundo hadn't been resurrected. At this time, the big screen of the game broadcast suddenly turned gray, with English words that the game was suspended.

"What's going on? Paused?"

The baby frowned slightly, and Miller answered more calmly: "It should be that the player reported an error, maybe someone's computer has a problem, let's wait patiently."

Therefore, Wawa and Miller started to save the field with one word and one word. The two of them have almost used up all their life's knowledge to praise Lin Yu's operation. After all, Lin Yu's level The operation appeared in the World Championship, and there are no slots or black spots.

But at this moment in the auditorium, there were slowly question marks and some booing.

After all, some pauses are resolved internally. The audience can't get any information and can only obey the command and wait silently. Anyone will feel restless.

"what happened?"

The staff went to the players of the UD team. It is said that the player Killer sent an error signal.

"Hey! Is there a problem with my computer here? There is a problem with the display of this distance! He must not be able to reach me, why can he always reach me!?"

Killer roared, but the other four players were silent.

In their judgment, Killer's loss to Lin Yu was justifiable. They didn't expect Killer to be so obsessed with the online duel between himself and Lin Yu.

Isn't this a typical performance that can't afford to lose?
Technicians were called in, and after checking Killer's computer, everything was fine.

"No problem, the computer is fine, the display screen is fine, and the game has been tried."

Then there is only one problem, and that is that Killer is too bad.


He didn't want to admit it even after he died. It was so easy for Lin Yu to kill him three times alone. Even if it was the combination of being countered, he shouldn't be beaten like this?

At this time, he publicly challenged Lin Yu's operation on the Internet a few days ago, and even he is very embarrassed to see it now.

"There must be something wrong with Lin Yu's computer. He opened the script! That's right..."

Killer is more and more convinced of his own judgment, otherwise he feels that no one will be able to do this game, this VN is almost impossible for UZI to play such an operation!
"He can't get a single skill. Isn't this a script? What's more, the attack distance is too limited. I've never seen a human being able to perform this kind of operation!" Killer said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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