LOL I am invincible

Chapter 168 Night Hunter

Chapter 168 Night Hunter
"Now Lin Yu's signature heroes are all banned!"

Wawa chuckled and said, although they are on the side of LPL, it is not a good thing for Lin Yu's hero to be banned.

But Lin Yu has never disappointed people. The Kled and Nightmare used in G2 before were also unexpected, and it is reasonable what Lin Yu will show in this game.

Everyone is looking forward to Lin Yu not being able to play those regular heroes, and what kind of gaudy operations will he do!
"Let's choose first, take the pressure in the bottom lane, and follow our BP last night!"

When Ji Zheng gave his opinion, Li Mao and Chen Le also agreed.

Chen Le: "Well, or does Lin Yu have any ideas?"

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "I've already thought about what I want to play, but my hero should not be banned. Even if I am banned, I have a better substitute."

Lin Yu's words made the teammates wonder, what kind of hero does Lin Yu want to play, not only so confident that he can kill the most resistant Killer, but also to ensure that the opponent will not be banned?

"Then choose EZ!" Li Mao rubbed his hands excitedly. He didn't feel aggrieved when he lost to the opponent's pray last time, because the opponent was already the world's top ADC.

This time, with Lin Yu's thighs, as long as he can hang on and win, he will be able to feel proud once again!

And Chen Le's thinking is not like this?

"Then I want Lulu."

Therefore, Lin Yu on the first floor and Liu Xiaofan on the second floor immediately locked on the two heroes, EZ and Lulu.

"Wow, it's the fairy witch and Ezreal!"

The commentator was amazed, and the audience also began to erupt.

What is the intention of this kind of BP, everyone knows at a glance.

"Is this going to make Lin Yu's thigh C again? EZ and Lulu were selected at the beginning of the game, and I tell you, we are going to mess around in the next lane!"

There was a smile in Miller's tone, their commentary was always so relaxed, even though Team Yanhua's revenge battle, the audience still enjoyed watching it happily.

Wa Wa then explained: "Actually, this is what we can expect. The last time Yanhua team lost was actually because they really couldn't beat the middle and lower field teams. Although BP didn't lose a lot, but in terms of personal strength, UD team This year is really fierce. As for us, we don't need to confront them head-on, Chen Ming is replaced and Lin Yu is on, this nature is not certain!"

But Miller still has some doubts: "But this Killer is still very strong in resisting pressure. Although Lin Yu's performance this year is really too fierce, I don't know if he can penetrate Killer's defense!"

The baby took the opportunity to pretend to be grandiose: "Hey! Let's see today, what kind of sparks can the strongest spear and the strongest Dun in this world competition create in the top lane!"

"let us wait and see!"

The BP went on until the end, and the Yanhua team banned Pray's mouse, Cuzz's spider and blind man, as well as Mata's Thresh and the robot.

This can be regarded as a very targeted ban person. Cuzz has reached the top of the Korean server, and has also reached the top ten in the European server. In the qualifying match of the world server, Cuzz is also a thousand-point king.

This is Chen Ming's information. In Rank, Cuzz's rhythm of playing the blind man and the spider in the middle and the field is extremely good, so of course the Yanhua team must guard against this move.Can not prevent is a fool.

Needless to say, Mata is equivalent to faker's dominance in the mid lane position in terms of support. Although he is old now, heroes like Robot and Thresh who are looking for opportunities are still strong, especially because their ability to start a team is too strong. abnormal.

Prat's mouse also shined in the world competition, and was once called the world's number one mouse in S6.Even UZI at that time had to avoid its edge.

But looking at the ban people on the UD team, it seems extremely outrageous.

The Yanhua team is targeting bans, while the UD team is banning five upper units.

Qing Gangying, Jian Ji, Ryze, Kled and Nightmare.

Lin Yu's signature and the hero who shined against G2 were suppressed. It can be seen how much the UD team looks down on the Yanhua team's middle and lower fields.

In the end, only Lin Yu was left as a counter.

"Lin Yu, choose one with AOE, and we will guarantee your crazy output!" Ji Zheng suggested.

But Lin Yu only said: "Do you want to watch me play AOE? Next time, this time I want to teach someone who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so I won't listen to you."

Lin Yu knows well that the stronger the AOE hero, the lower his online ability will be.

If he wants to suppress Killer and achieve the effect he wants...

"Let's hunt those... those who fall into the darkness!"

"Night Hunter—Vayne!"

In the end, the lineups of the two sides were determined. The UD team on the blue side was Mundo in the top lane, Leopard in the jungle, Enchantress in the mid lane, and Gabbard the mouse in the bottom lane.

The Yanhua team on the red side has VN as the top laner, Zac as the jungler, Ice Girl as the mid laner, and EZ and Lulu as the bottom laner.

The hero of VN overflowed, and the audience cheered.Everyone seems to have seen a high-spirited ADC.

But the one who used this hero this time was Lin Yu, the top laner who was also expected by everyone!
The commentator Doll and Miller couldn't help laughing, Lin Yu is too good at choosing players, indeed they have never considered that they can also use the top laner VN to play Mundo, but although the hero is easy to play in 1v1, but for this version, Lin Yu Yu is also facing a fierce battle!
This lineup is also full of slots. The UD team made it clear that they want to make Mundo resist the pressure. The selection of double APs in the middle field must be to make things crazy in the mid-term. The core is the mouse and Bard.

But the Yanhua team has made some preparations at first glance. Both Ice Girl and Zac are functional heroes who can resist pressure in the early stage and play teamwork in the late stage. Repayment unknown!

Especially the top laner VN and anti-pressure Mundo on the road are also a point that everyone pays special attention to.

The match begins!
Wawa: "It's no surprise that Lin Yu chose Dolan Sword to come out, while Mondo chose a pair of blood bottles with one red blood bottle, which seems very confident!"

Miller: "VN is for attacking. It seems that it is for 1V1. It is not empty online! Mondo is carrying Grips of the Undying? I guess there is no chance to use it with VN!"

As soon as the two went online, Lin Yu went to the grass where Mondo was hiding.

Miller: "Is VN going to explore the grass? Mondo is squatting there. It seems that he wants to throw a Q first to consume it. This wave of Lin Yu may lose money."

"Is this in a daze?"

The baby thinks that Lin Yu doesn't seem like a person who can look into the grass, so he has doubts.

But at this time, where is Lin Yu in a daze?
His mouse vibrated in the grass, and he knew that Mundo was squatting himself.

From the perspective of God, I watched Lin Yu walk towards Mondo's face, and Mondo had already been waiting, and Q raised his hand.

The kitchen knife was thrown in the past. Unexpectedly, Lin Yu just rolled to the side with a Q at the most critical moment, as if he had predicted it in advance!

And at this very moment, at the same time, he poked an eye into the grass, and A fired an arrow!
(End of this chapter)

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