Chapter 165
Lin Yu started to count down directly, not wanting to give Killer any time to react.

And Killer is full of alcohol, even though Lin Yu's face is already angry, and the people around him are starting to look like they want to persuade but dare not go forward, but he still looks fearless.

"Hmph! Brat! Don't think that you are a big deal just because you are a world champion!"


Lin Yu closed his eyes a little, and his body had already begun to adjust his breath.

This was not to prepare for beating Killer, but to prepare for the fear that he would accidentally take his life away.

Ever since he used that earth spirit bead, Lin Yu's emotions will always be accompanied by a very strong innate qi. If he accidentally releases it, the people in front of him may suffer a lot.



Lin Yu had already paused in the middle, so when he counted here, Lin Yu opened his eyes and stared at Killer angrily.

He was already a little angry, but what he didn't expect was that Killer was already a little drunk, not only his mind was hot, but his body also started to move wildly.

The more he looked at Lin Yu, the more angry he became. Lin Yu's demeanor, it was at this time last year in the World Championships that he, a rising top laner in the LCK, was directly strangled in the cradle!
He was a C-position top laner who played Jian Ji, Ruiwen, Akali, etc., and finally became the anti-stress king who played bastard heroes like Mundo and Dashu!And the reason why he does not hesitate to transform and do everything he is now is to raise his head and say his aggrieved words in front of Lin Yu!
"You are arrogant!"

Killer clenched his fist and hit Lin Yu directly.

Three seconds have passed since Lin Yu counted three times. This was his last tolerance to Killer, and what he got in exchange for this tolerance was not an apology, but a sudden fist.

Everyone present was startled, the timid ones even closed their eyes, Killer roared and punched him, as if he was an eternal vendetta.


Just a sound, like a flash of light and shadow.

With lightning speed, Lin Yu's palm directly catches Killer's fist and squeezes it firmly in his hand.

Killer found that his fist was being held, and subconsciously drew it, but he couldn't. Lin Yu's five fingers pinched his fist, and he didn't intend to let go at all.

"Let me go!"

Killer yelled anxiously, while pulling back his hand, but it was still to no avail.

There was no smile in Lin Yu's eyes at this time, but it was effortless to pinch Killer's hands, which can only be used to operate anti-stress heroes, and his eyes were full of disdain for the player Killer .

Just now, his arrogance and his youthfulness have become a laughing stock not only in the eyes of Lin Yu, but also in the eyes of everyone!
The members of the Yanhua team wanted to laugh instead, it's really a turn of events.

Li Mao on the side knew Lin Yu's character better than others, and knew that Lin Yu's identity was unusual. Indeed, Lin Yu just wanted to teach Killer a lesson, which was a good thing, so he secretly smiled.

But Chen Ming persuaded: "Lin Yu, why don't you forget it..."

At this time, he still doesn't know what kind of character Lin Yu is. Seeing such a fierce scene, he is still very worried that the two players will fight just because of the conflict between himself and other players.

You know, it is now during the World Championships, and this villain is still near the venue of the World Championships. If it is spread, it may have a bad impact on both teams!More likely to retire!
Seeing Killer and Lin Yu, each with a fist, each with a palm, and they were inseparable. The players and coaches on both sides spoke.

Kang Dongxun: "Hey! Killer, you're almost done after drinking some alcohol! Don't embarrass me in the LCK!"

Team Li: "Lin Yu, what's the matter, let him go first!"

Chen Le also stood up and persuaded: "Brother Yu, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person!"

Cuzz over there was originally sitting next to Killer, and backed away a little scared by Killer's slap on the table, and now he came over again, with a row of Killer's shoulders.

"Don't forget it?" He whispered, Cuzz's style of play in the jungle is very fierce, but his personality is much gentler.

But Killer couldn't break free, and said angrily and helplessly, "What's the use of you persuading me? It's him who won't let me go!"

Killer continued to pull his hand back firmly, but Lin Yu just wouldn't let it go. Killer's hand seemed to be glued with 502 glue, and Lin Yu's tight hand held his fist tightly and couldn't let it go.

"Oh, Team Li, take care of your team members!"

Seeing this, Kang Dongxun had no choice but to ask Team Li for help.

Team Li was also very helpless, but he didn't respond. After all, he knew that Lin Yu was a calm person, and Killer must have committed the crime just now.

There was chaos all around, and Killer also began to threaten: "Don't be complacent, let me tell you, if you are complacent today, you will feel better in the future!"

Lin Yu's body moves instantly, under the movement that no one can see clearly, only for a moment.

The moment he let go of Killer's palm, Killer didn't react, so Lin Yu followed closely, and slapped Killer's raised arm down with a hard blow from the back of his hand, and then used his elbow to directly block it with his backhand Killer's neck.

Killer still wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound. Once his throat started to move, Lin Yuliu moved his elbow, as if he had stuffed Killer's throat with something.

Killer couldn't speak, and wanted to move other parts. Lin Yu stepped on Killer's foot directly, with sharp eyes, and quickly grabbed Killer's wrist with the other hand, and gently broke it, almost turning it over.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!—"

Killer looks very painful, but there is no place in his body to dare to move. As long as he struggles a little, the pain from Lin Yu will make him feel miserable.

"To deal with a character like you, I don't even want to use fighting skills. I blocked the sound of your throat. This barking dog's mouth should not speak for the time being. If hearing a dog barking is too scary, I will I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Lin Yu's plain words made everyone around him shut up. With this set of coherent movements, no one would doubt that even if Lin Yu was a basic international spy.

But Killer didn't realize that he had done what he had done and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked until this time. Lin Yu's appearance was not at all the one he knew before who could only play games!
"Be dishonest, and I will make it impossible for you to play League of Legends in the future."

Lin Yu's plain words chilled the hearts of the entire UD team. It obviously sounded so exaggerated, why did Lin Yu say that he didn't feel like he was joking at all?
As for Killer, he could obviously feel that his most important and vulnerable parts were pinched and resisted by Lin Yu, and he had no chance to resist at all. As long as Lin Yu was willing, he could even be paralyzed!

So he knows better that he can't mess with Lin Yu now!


Killer vigorously nodded his head twice, his eyes filled with fear. The surrounding UD team members knew that Killer had caused the trouble by drinking too much, so naturally no one dared to speak out.

Lin Yu glanced at Cuzz next to him. He still had some impressions. A high-scoring jungler king who had been No. [-] in the Korean server now came to the UD team as the starting jungler.

"You, stand up." Lin Yu called Cuzz who had just sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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