LOL I am invincible

Chapter 144 I Will Beat Them Violently

Chapter 144 I Will Beat Them Violently

"If you can't do it, you will withdraw from the World Championship!"

Lin Yu's voice is very calm, but the content of this sentence has a profound echo in everyone's heart.

What kind of self-confidence is this, what kind of person is this not a self-confident person?

Even the host Ren Dong laughed awkwardly. After all, trash talk is trash talk. Talking harshly creates an atmosphere. Even if P vented his emotions with individualism, Lin Yu didn't need to use such dangerous words to fight back. Bar?
If it really didn't let P Chaogui, wouldn't it mean that in the future Lin Yu...would make the entire Yanhua team lose face?Really want to retire?
"Uh Lin Yu's joke is a bit..."

Ren Dong wants to help Lin Yu recover some of his decline, but Lin Yu doesn't care about it at all.

"I'm not kidding. If we can't beat a weaker version of ADC to super ghost against a weak team like G2, we naturally don't deserve to continue participating."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left domineeringly!

Only the host Ren Dong stayed on the stage, embarrassing his own script, the camera showed a close-up, and the word "surprise" was written all over Ren Dong's face.

Ah P just let out a cold snort, and stepped off the stage angrily.

Being so insulted and underestimated, ah P naturally can't stand it, making him super ghost?What a joke, he is one of the strongest ADCs in Europe!

At this time, the host had no choice but to end the opening remarks in embarrassment, officially entered the game preparation stage, and called the scene to the commentator.

At this time, the barrage on the major live broadcast platforms had already begun to explode.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the fans and admirers that Lin Yu attracted during this period, and they crazily expressed their appreciation for Lin Yu's behavior.

"Awesome! Lin Yu is really a man! I see P, this B crazy pretending to be B on the Internet every year! What, the most annoying person pretending to be B!"

"That's right! Make him super ghost!"

"To be honest, other people say that I don't believe it, but I believe Lin Yu, after all, the number one in the world!"

However, in contrast, there will naturally be some voices of opposition, which emerge in endlessly.

"No matter how good you are, you can't be so confident, right? Retire directly? Have you asked your teammates what they think?"

"That's right, I think this Lin Yu is a team bully, right? Can he be the master by himself?"

"Hehe, it's just for attracting people's attention. Who believes that he will really retire? When the time comes, he will post an apology on Weibo and it will be over, and it will attract a lot of stupid fans!"

The guesses on both sides were not unreasonable, and they began to quarrel on the barrage.

However, many viewers are still in a neutral position. After all, the game is about to begin, and no one knows which side will have the last laugh without seeing the end.

Wall grass is a role that people dislike, but it is the best way to let yourself live with peace of mind.

If Lin Yu really let P be super ghost, these people will naturally praise Lin Yu, but if Ah P makes Lin Yu look down, this group of people will still spray Lin Yu the worst!
So these games, from the very beginning, have already pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

And because it was the broadcast of the World Championship, and it was the first BO3 match of the group stage, naturally, the popularity was ridiculously high.

The game starts and enters the BP link.

The Yanhua team is still starting with Lin Yu and Chen Ming as a substitute. The other four are jungler Liu Xiaofan, mid laner Ji Zheng, and the bottom lane combination is Li Mao and Chen Le.

Lin Yu glanced at the ID of the G2 team. The unfamiliar and familiar ID made Lin Yu's blood rush to his heart again.

The top laner Wunder, the jungler Jankos, the mid laner Caps, the bottom lane support is Mikyx, and the ADC is Perkz, which is affectionately called ah P by Chinese netizens.

"The double C on the opposite side is the core, and the jungler is rhythmically activated. It is similar to the style of the Emperor Wolf team. Although it is a little different, it is similar. In this game, let's wait for Brother Yu to come to C? Much bigger than the road."

Chen Le still helped everyone prepare for the investigation of the opponent as always, and shared it in the BP session, but to be honest, it was not because the opponent decided to let Lin Yu come to C, after all, no matter who the opponent was, Lin Yu was invincible status.

"Doesn't Lin Yu want BP? Lin Yu, if you come to BP, you can choose whatever you want!"

Ji Zheng suddenly mentioned that he also wanted to learn Lin Yu's game understanding.

But Lin Yu just said: "You choose some control and endurance heroes, and stick to them until I come to support. The World Championship may not be as simple as other competitions, but just wait for me to C."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, several people were a little surprised by the brief request.

Especially Li Mao, suddenly felt guilty: "Lin Yu, you have said such cruel words on stage, is it really okay to be so casual?"

Lin Yu only said: "Don't worry, I will beat them violently."

Li Mao understands.

All in all, Lin Yu seems to be really serious!
In this set of BP, Lin Yu is on the blue side, Lin Yu locks the hero Klein, and the other four are the jungler Barrel, the mid laner Ice Girl, the bottom laner Verus and Thresh, all of which are controlled. group.

And G2 is a very scientific lineup, top laner captain, jungle blind man, mid laner Zoe, bottom laner female gun and Japanese girl, there are team starts and protection, there are bursts and poke, there are early lanes and late team battles, basically The above is the perfect lineup.

"It seems that this game of G2 is well prepared. The Yanhua team has been at a disadvantage from the very beginning! This captain is here to resist pressure, and it will be difficult for Lin Yu to kill..."

The cat emperor rubbed his chin, hinting something vaguely.

At the beginning of the game, Lin Yu was really targeted. The blind man and the captain came directly to stand in the grass on the road, planning to squat Lin Yu, but the moment Lin Yu walked near the grass, he turned around and left.

The blind man learned W and didn't make a move.

"Wow! Lin Yu's consciousness!" The commentator was surprised, and the stadium burst into cheers.

Lin Yu chuckled. There are so many people watching the game, and they will get feedback soon. The World Championship is really different from the usual competition!
At the beginning of the laning, the captain with the grip of the immortal is really hard to kill. The A soldier stacks the grip of the immortal, and he will come up and Q himself when he is full.

But in the first wave of soldiers, Lin Yu was Q twice by the captain.

"I don't think anything will happen on the road. The captain can't kill Yakelei even if he suppresses him, and he probably doesn't dare to step forward..." Cat King said, suddenly, things changed.

"No!" Remember to frown.

I saw that the moment Kled was upgraded to level 2 with the captain, he went directly to the previous E skill and came up. On the way to E, he handed over the Q hook and hit the captain's neck accurately.

One general attack, two general attacks, and then pull the second part of Q!
The captain was decelerated, and was directly forced to learn W at level 2, eating oranges to decelerate and retreat.

The captain of this wave was disabled, and Kret was about to dismount, so there was no danger.

Just when everyone thought this was over, Lin Yuping reached level 3 experience!
Because the captain was suppressed, so he was only level 2, Kled directly and decisively flashed an E skill through the captain's body.

Wunder's reaction was also very fast, and he flashed back to the tower immediately, but Lin Yu did follow up the tower directly in the second segment E!
"What is this for? The level 3 jumps directly over the tower!" I remember being amazed.

Lin Yu learned to play W only after E entered the tower. W's passive A was very fast in the first few times.

Before dismounting, Lin Yu threw out the Q skill at the speed of light. After being dismounted by the defense tower, he fired a pistol again, and exited the tower directly while receiving a blood!
(End of this chapter)

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