LOL I am invincible

Chapter 140 Psychological Game Analysis

Chapter 140 Psychological Game Analysis
Lin Yu's evaluation made the members of Team Yanhua look sideways.

"Lin Yu, what do you mean by that? Isn't the UD team in the bottom lane at C?"

Li Mao asked, as an ADC player, he has been observing the gameplay of Shu King, and he feels that he has learned a lot from this veteran player. The female policeman has a record of 4-0-2, 25 dollars in 238 minutes, which is an excellent record. up.

He also successfully won the MVP. This Theshy and Dashu are basically invisible, so it has something to do with the top laner.

Team Li seemed to know something, nodded and said, "What Lin Yu means is that since the BP, Ai Ji has been at a disadvantage, right? And the UD team has a big tree that makes Ai Ji's team want to let it go, first make sure The abacus of the development of Shangzhong was miscalculated. If the top lane cannot open up the situation, it will not be able to extend the advantage to the middle lane, and the middle lane will be messed up again..."

Lin Yu's words are quite reasonable. As expected, Team Li has won the world championship as a coach. As expected, his understanding of the game is not at the same level as that of the players.

But Lin Yu nodded and added: "Yes, but you must have missed one point, that is, this big tree deliberately missed the knife."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yu proposed a new vocabulary, which surprised everyone.

As we all know, in the LOL game, the number of last hits of the solo lane generally needs to keep up with the time to be regarded as a very good development. In the World Championship, which requires 0 turnovers of last hits, most of the solo laners can follow the world to make last hits. Unless more team battles broke out.

And what's the use of deliberately missing the knife?No one has even heard of it.

Especially Chen Ming, his expression was distorted from frowning, what kind of game understanding is Lin Yu?Could it be that I have been suppressed by Lin Yu all the time because of the suppression of the game understanding?
Chen Ming couldn't help pricking up his ears, wanting to listen to Lin Yu's evaluation of Dashu's game.

Lin Yu might as well start the lecture: "Accordingly, the big tree's resistance to stress is to ensure its own development, and finally playing a team will play a role. So at this time, even if Theshy knows that the big tree wants to resist pressure, there is still the best one. The route, that is to suppress Dashu frantically, but I have developed very well as a top laner, so if I open the situation in the mid-term team battle, Dashu will not be able to stand up."

As Lin Yu said, everyone nodded. This is the truth that everyone agrees with.

It is because of the online pressure, the mid-term team battle will take the initiative, so even if there are many players against the pressure, many teams are unwilling to use such tactics-it is too risky.

But Lin Yu explained again: "But this time, the prince didn't mean to wait for the big tree to fight for support. He just let the big tree do nothing and force the rhythm directly. This is also the second point of Ai Ji's mistake. I didn't find it." The key person, that is, the position of the prince, has fallen into the rhythm."

"Dashu has deliberately missed the knife and experience many times online, which is to fulfill Theshy's sense of accomplishment that suppresses people. When people have a sense of accomplishment, they will feel that they are playing a role, and they will want to continue to move in this direction. This It's a mental game, it's like you're going down a road, you're looking for a fire, and you see darkness ahead, and you immediately turn back because you know you're going wrong. But you keep seeing a little Xinghuo lights, you are not willing to give up, you want to try again, and look for it."

As Lin Yu spoke, Chen Ming was taken aback and marveled.

He is playing top laner, so it is obvious that the psychological game is extremely important in the top lane position. Sometimes it is because you can’t figure out the opponent’s top laner’s mind, so your TP difference is hit, or when the support time is full, the line of troops is at a loss. Being stuck and the like, the top laner is a position that tests the player's delicate mind.

I didn't expect Lin Yu to reach this level!
"Theshy thought he suppressed Dashu, and only waited for him to play a bigger role than him in the later stage of the team. In fact, Dashu was boiling the frog in warm water. They planned to let Dashu hold theshy from the very beginning. From BP This was the case when they were playing, but the Aiji team didn't realize that when they BP, they focused on the top and middle fields. The stalemate in the top lane affected the flexibility of the jungler, and the flexibility of the jungler made it impossible for the enchantress in the mid laner to move. When you get up, it is difficult to support the bottom lane if you are taken care of. Every time and every step, you step into the trap designed by the UD team, and thus smoothly lost the game."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that there are so many tricks hidden in the seemingly simple game.

As the coach, Team Li, although not particularly surprised, gave Lin Yu an appreciative glance.

As a player, he sees more clearly than his coach, which is really admirable, and Lin Yu guessed the UD team's thinking and BP strategy right from the very beginning...

Is this the strongest game analysis ability?The corner of Lin Yu's mouth hooked slightly, and the ability that had been exchanged in his mind played an extremely important role at this moment.

Although his own skills cannot be shared with his teammates, Lin Yu can make his teammates understand these high-intensity psychological games through dictation, so that his teammates can also improve their awareness.

Speaking of this, Lin Yu is also relieved.

Originally, Lin Yu was forced to watch this game. He just wanted to wait for the group stage to play so that these professional players could know what it means to be a real strong player.

"Okay, these competitions are just a little tricky, the rest is nothing, let's not watch the finalists, the real excitement is behind!"

As Lin Yu said, he stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and wanted to leave in a hurry.

At this time, Chen Ming suddenly stood up, hesitant to speak.


"Tell me." Lin Yu could see Chen Ming's embarrassment, his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Brother Yu, if you were Theshy, what would you do?"

This question asked the voice of everyone.

Lin Yu pondered for a moment, then said lightly: "Of course I won't make such a low-level mistake like him!"

"If I were this Jess, I would choose the second path."

"The second way?"

Lin Yu faced the doubtful crowd, like a church lecturer in medieval religion spreading knowledge to everyone: "When Jess is suppressing the big tree, he can take the opportunity to provide support. If I can't kill the big tree, of course I choose another expand the advantage! This game is to establish the advantage faster than anyone else, so I don’t have any idea of ​​messing around.”

As Lin Yu said, he raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The big tree resists pressure, so the prince's first half of the jungle is very dangerous. Because the big tree resists pressure, there is no need to prevent gank at all. The field of vision should be in the red side wild area. Once the prince enters the wild area, he will go against the wild..."

"Taking a step back, this approach can make Ruiz in the middle lane always think about coming to the upper half of the jungle to support and liberate the enchantress, and it can also make the prince not so comfortable in developing the jungle and fighting for the rhythm of the wine barrel. Further speaking, if you can Just jump off the prince's wild area, then on the line, Ai Ji has a big advantage!"

After all, Lin Yu suddenly lowered his head, with a smile in his eyes: "However, I will definitely not meet this kind of situation, because I will definitely be able to kill the top laner on the opposite side!"

Chen Ming was deeply shocked by Lin Yu's confidence. In front of his eyes, Lin Yu seemed to be shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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