LOL I am invincible

Chapter 119 The Real 4 Guarantees 1

Chapter 119 The True Four Guarantees and One

Wolf Xing suddenly felt bad, almost all his blood had been wiped out in vain, but he didn't touch Akali!
At this time, Xiaolongbao turned his head, but without his skills, he could only wait for CD, trying to scare Akali away.

But Akali moved as if wandering, as if she was probing, but at the most critical moment, she struck a fatal blow!
"The Outlier Stab has killed the Desert Butcher!"

Only after the wolf walked to the end did he realize that he had really been shown off.

Afterwards, Xiaolongbao manipulated the prince to reach Akali's side, A was passive.

But even so, Akali, who killed the wolf, has already reached level 8, and the prince at level 6 will not be Akali's opponent even if his EQ improves!
Xiaolongbao was very witty, he ran away when the situation was not good, and EQ walked outside.

But on the way of EQ, Akali's R skill improved, and she followed the prince in the first paragraph of R in seconds!

"Don't want to run!"

Lin Yu snorted coldly, and his fingers jumped back and forth on the keyboard nimbly. A first R followed the prince, and he used Q skills in the air to cut off the prince's idea of ​​running away!
Immediately, the E skill improved, reversed the E and pulled out the ring of the Q skill, and a passive general attack hit the prince. Only the prince's level 6 equipment was not formed, and this set directly wore off half of the blood.

Then there was a Q skill plus an R two-stage beheading, which was so coherent that it was half of the same skill, beheading the prince without looking back.

Go back to the line and continue to eat soldiers.

Lin Yu didn't pay much attention to the operation of the two of Tianxiu, but calmly returned to the line to fight.

After all, his goal is to suppress the wolf by level 10, and now level 8 is only 6 levels lower than level 2. The goal is huge and the responsibilities are long, and the most important thing is to eat soldiers!
Lin Yu won the double kill and returned to the city. At level 8, Akali made a technological gun and magic shoes. This equipment can be described as gorgeous.

And because Lang Xing didn't choose to make magic resistance at the beginning, now he can only quickly make up a magic resistance cloak.

After going online, Lin Yu relied on his flawless operation to make the wolf who wanted to eat the cannon cart return to the spring again!

And this time eating alone was already expected.

Because the level and equipment are too far ahead, the wolf has no room to resist at all, unless it stands directly under the tower without even gaining experience.

Lin Yu successfully rose to level 9, while the wolf-walking crocodile, which died when he went out, was still at level 6.

"Lin Yu, did you get bloody today? It's even stronger than you usually are!"

Ji Zheng couldn't help being amazed. Although Lin Yu had never lost at all, most of the time Lin Yu would not have such a huge advantage in the early stage, and most of the time he won by a narrow margin.

Today's Lin Yu doesn't seem to want to save face for the other party at all, it's just like beating Sty, which makes people wonder whether wolf line has hatred with Lin Yu.

"Wolf Walk is going to lose fans today!" Liu Xiaofan smiled, as a jungler, he couldn't stand it any longer. Obviously Xiaolongbao lived on the top road, but Wolf Walk played like this.

But the situation in the bottom lane is not optimistic. Nakano and Ueno joked easily, and Chen Le and Li Mao were once again killed by the bottom lane duo of the Emperor Wolf team.

"Hey, why didn't you give me the shield earlier?"

Li Mao is already a little impatient, he is already 0-4, and the support is also 0-3, if this continues, their bottom lane will be blown up faster by the opponent's top lane!
And UZI on the opposite side is already super god! 8-0!

"I was fucked by the nanny, I told you not to be so forward, now that the VN is so well equipped, what else can we do if we are not wretched?"

Chen Le was also dissatisfied. Compared with the puppy on the opposite side, Li Mao's ADC was more than one or two points worse. Chen Le also hated iron for being weak.

It is even more impossible to tolerate a player who is not as good as the opponent's AD and complains about support.

Li Mao also knew this well, so he stopped talking and just played the game. Anyway, he just waited for Lin Yu to carry. Against the strongest bottom lane team in the world, he had no choice but to fight like this.

"The red side has pushed down the first defensive tower!"

In 13 minutes, VN and Nanny's bot duo teamed up with Prince's gank to kill the Yanhua team's bot lane duo again, and took down a blood tower in one fell swoop.

On Lin Yu's side, he killed the wolf line alone again. Now the wolf line has curled up in the second tower, trembling.

Seeing this, Lin Yu was not in a hurry to push the tower. Seeing that the prince was going down the road, he crossed the tower instead, and started to cut off the line between the first tower and the second tower on the top road.

At this time, the wolf line is level 7, and Lin Yu is already level 11, with a difference of 4 levels.

"The Red Army has killed the Purgatory Dragon!"

"The fire dragon is gone..." Liu Xiaofan felt a little helpless. The middle and lower ranks are at a disadvantage. Now that the opponent has taken down the fire dragon, I'm afraid the disadvantage will continue to spread.

After taking the dragon, the red team went back to the city in a group, and the blue team could only wander in the wild area to line up wards and push the line online, there was no way.

At this time, although VN has a record of 10-0, broken attack speed boots, a recurve bow and a luxury equipment of 875, but the level is only 10, after all, the bottom lane duo.

But Lin Yu, who was pressing the line on the road, was upgraded to level 12, and the wolf walk was still level 7.

"Can you come?" Wolf Xing was miserable.

"Something might happen if I go up now, brother, this nanny I'm playing with can easily be cut by Akali." Xiao Ming has always been the brain of the Imperial Wolf team, responsible for consciousness and command.

The little dog also felt right, and said: "It's okay, brother, let's push, they can't hold it anymore, if we stay together, we can only let Akali come, Xiao Ming, you have a good vision."

"Well, it's okay, I'll watch you." Xiao Ming said, manipulating the nurse to go to the river to control the vision.

At 15 minutes and 33 seconds, a tower in the middle road was broken.

At 16 minutes and 09 seconds, Canyon Pioneer was won by the Emperor Wolf team.

At 17 minutes and 55 seconds, the four members of the Emperor Wolf team formed a group in the middle lane, jumped over the tower and killed the bottom lane duo of the Yanhua team, and Nakano barely escaped.

At 17 minutes and 59 seconds, the jungler prince crushed the Eye of the Pioneer and released the Canyon Pioneer.

At 18 minutes and 05 seconds, the second tower of Lanfang Middle Road was broken.

At 18 minutes and 16 seconds, the blue square height tower was broken.

At 18 minutes and 23 seconds, the crystal in the middle of the blue square was pushed away...

"No, I can't beat it."

Although Ji Zheng's enchantress didn't make any major mistakes, they couldn't beat the opponent's four guarantees and one. As a nimble assassin, he didn't dare to step forward to kill others, so he lost most of his effectiveness.

"This is the real four guarantees and one..." Chen Le swallowed, with helplessness in his eyes.The four guarantees and one against the Black Obsidian team was nothing more than the opponent's example. The current four guarantees and one is the four guarantees and one lineup that made the whole world fear...

But at this time, Lin Yu was very happy on the road.

The red side's first tower on the road was finally pushed down by the minions, and the wolf line has almost no experience of eating any minions for 3 consecutive minutes.

In 20 minutes, Lin Yu was already at level 15, but the wolf line was only at level 8, which was a full 7 levels!
"It's okay, you all try your best to hold on, and you'll be done watching my performance!" Facing the real four guarantees and one, Lin Yu didn't seem to panic at all, and he seemed to have his own way to win the game.

(End of this chapter)

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