LOL I am invincible

Chapter 113 Found an Opportunity

Chapter 113 Found an Opportunity

"The dragon is gone!"

Lin Yu escaped the golden cicada's shell with one hand, which made the five members of the Black Yao team never expect it.

At this time, they suddenly realized that the other four members of Team Yanhua also had a sense of existence!This is a team 5V5 game, but they put too much attention and attention on Lin Yu!

Even though the five of them held together so that Lin Yu had no chance to fight back, Lin Yu still tried his best to delay the time and escaped successfully.

By the time they realized it, the other four had already sneaked up on the road and stole the dragon!

As soon as the big dragon dragged on, the stable push of the four guarantees and one immediately became extremely difficult.

The five members of the Yanhua team split up to lead the line, the dragon line quickly pushed the ordinary line over, and the Black Yao team had to split up to defend the third line.

In this case, there is no chance to form a group at all. It is originally a lineup with four guarantees and one. If you don't play 5V5, you can't give full play to your advantages.

So in the future, the Obsidian team is bound to fight very hard, as long as they are accidentally kicked out of the group, they will suffer countless consequences.

And in order to prevent the opponent from forcefully opening, the people on the Obsidian team did not dare to stay on the line for a long time, even if they ran up to clear a wave of soldiers, they could only rush back immediately and form a group to occupy the view of the river.

"Lin Yu..."

Team Li took a deep breath. He thought of what Zhong Lao said to him just now. Zhong Lao was not an ordinary person. He noticed that Lin Yu proved that Lin Yu must also have some special identity.

Every time Lin Yu performed such a wonderful performance, Team Li was shocked.Is this really something that ordinary people can accomplish?Lin Yu may be a genius.

No, he is a genius.

Team Li has always believed in this, so he led the entire Yanhua team to win the world championship with Lin Yu last year.But after that, Lin Yu's condition continued to decline, and other players left the team one after another. Only Li team remained in Yanhua team, dedicated to their duties in front of the coach.

All this is because of Li team's trust in Lin Yu.

He is confident that this child is a genius, a genius who is rare in a century or a thousand years!In the history of LOL e-sports, it is impossible to have such a bright star again.

Now Lin Yu has finally awakened. Whether it is the Obsidian team, the later Huanglang team, or the European and American teams that have been blown up by foreign media in this World Championship, Team Li believes that Lin Yu can deal with them with ease.

But it happened that Lin Yu was being targeted. Maybe there were many dark forces surging behind the world competition. Team Li sighed.Lin Yu is a basic player of the gods, but he is just an ordinary coach...

"How can I help you win the championship? Lin Yu..." Team Li sighed, turned around, and left the venue.

His back was slightly lost, and only Letme, who had been watching the game less seriously in the auditorium, noticed this scene.

And the others are all engrossed in watching this thrilling game, especially the puppy. He really wants to know, the lineup of four guarantees and one, when facing a team with a big player like Lin Yu , how much effect can it achieve?

On the other side of the game, the Obsidian team, which relied on the four guarantees and one lineup, barely suppressed the Yanhua team in the team fight. Once the dragon was lost, it was like a kite with a broken string, which was not within the controllable range at all. up.

"Protect me! Protect me!"

Lord Chong sighed, seeing that his teammates had to clear the line, but only Lulu followed him with a big mouth, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to step forward to point people.

"How to protect it? The dragon soldiers are all pushed up to the high ground, wait a moment!" At this time, Wang Yao, Sty, Blind Man and Kidney are handling the line of soldiers on the road together.

Sty is a little helpless, he is playing kidney, and in order to fully play the effect of four guarantees and one, he did not use Tiamat, so the dragon line is also very stressful for him, so he can only call the jungler one stand up.

In this way, he won't worry about the opposite sword demon rushing out to cause too much pressure on him at any time.

To put it bluntly, the advantage of four guarantees and one is to play a team and raise a BOSS-level ADC, but the disadvantage is also that if there is no way to keep the ADC, there will be no other cores.

The heads of the group, the main line of soldiers and the economy of the wild monsters were all voluntarily given over to Dazui here. Coupled with the mechanics of the rest of the heroes, without Dazui, their combat effectiveness plummeted.

"wait for me!"

As Wang Yao said, he was about to look this way.

But at this time, Carter, who saw Lin Yu, went straight forward.

"Open him!"

Brother Feng of the Obsidian team has always been stable, but after such a big ups and downs, he finally couldn't sit still. He suddenly caught Lin Yu's misplacement and flashed up to activate the W skill to bind him.

Immediately after Karma gave a RE, all the staff accelerated, stuck to Carter, and was about to start the second W segment.


Lord Chong became excited, as long as Carter died, the Yanhua team would basically be defeated, and they would be able to take advantage of the trend to win this game!

With a golden body, the three members of the Obsidian team froze in place!
"Haha, have you been fooled?" Lin Yu chuckled, and the four people who were crouching in the blind spot rushed up at this moment!

"He's cheating on skills! He has a golden body!"

Wang Yao said very eagerly, feeling very annoyed. He is the jungler of the Obsidian team, and the jungler's consciousness is naturally ahead of the audience, so he can see through Lin Yu's thoughts at a glance, but his teammates are helpless. Ji's heavy blow confused his mind, and they all fell into the trap carefully prepared by Team Yanhua.

Then I saw the excavator digging through a tunnel, flashing and holding up Big Mouth, and Lulu naturally quickly gave Big Mouth a big move to bounce the excavator away, and then the excavator activated the big move and disappeared into the air.


The excavator jumped out, and Kidney's shield immediately landed on Da Zui.

Coupled with Karma's E skill, the shields on Dazui's body are too numerous to count, and they are so thick that people doubt life.The damage of an excavator alone is definitely not enough, and the skills of Sword Demon, Ice, and Morgana also followed.

In the chaos of the crowd, Lulu, who lost her skill in a panic, accidentally hit Morgana's Q skill.

At this time, Lin Yu's Carter has contacted from the state of golden body.

In an instant, an E skill flashed to Lulu's side, and a W skill was thrown at her feet...

The moment the dagger flew into the air, the astonishment on the faces of several members of the Obsidian team froze. Almost all of them were left with blood in this wave, and the shield on Dazui's body was also knocked out, but Carter was cut with all skills. The center of several people.

"call out"!
The rotation speed of the dagger even overwhelmed the speed of Lulu's flash.

Flying blades, dancing lotus flowers.

With a charming teleportation figure, the blood-red figure is like a bright red in the scorching sun.

It started with Lulu, followed by Dazui, and then Karma who was at the end of his rope.

The blind man who rushed over wanted to kick Carter away, but Morgana threw a dark shield, which made the blind man lose all hope.

Everyone in the Obsidian team also lost all hope on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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