I have a holy letter

Chapter 95, Kaneki Ken's Transformation

Chapter 95, Kaneki Ken's Transformation

The more Kaneki thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, he stared at the big cute eyes, and couldn't close his open mouth at all.Keep muttering, Kuklia... Kuklia...

Reason told him that what Wu Yue said was absolutely correct, the existence of the ghoul shelter was a deformed product, it was contrary to common sense, and it was also an unavoidable problem.

But it's completely unacceptable emotionally!

Wu Yue sighed for a long time, and said calmly, "You should have guessed it? The existence of Kuklia serves the place where we stayed. How do you think those investigators' Quinker came from? They were all researched and manufactured by researchers headed by Dixing A and B, using countless ghouls as experimental subjects!"

"Why?" Kaneki Ken asked with difficulty.

Wu Yue shook his head, "There is no reason! You should have a deep understanding of the power of ghouls. If human beings want to fight against ghouls, they must use some unconventional methods. These methods are often inhumane, because They only care about the result, not the process."

"Don't be stupid! When you make up your mind to capture those ghouls alive and send them to Kuklia, you are already an accomplice of those researchers!"

In the straightforward tone, there are chilling facts.

Kaneki held his head in his hands, and said in pain, "I, I never thought that this would be the case. Isn't there a law that specifically restricts ghouls? Why is it still like this..."

Wu Yue seemed to think that the attack was not enough, and continued, "Do you know what the bottom layer of Kuklia is called? Abandoned stamping factory! As the name suggests, since it is called this name, then what is the abandoned thing?"

"Those ghouls captured alive by you will be kept as white and fat as animals. They will be sliced ​​and studied day after day, and then they will eat meat, grow their bodies, and then be cut off... until they are gone. Use value, will be thrown into the abandoned stamping factory, minced meat! Completely end the tortured life!"

"I have a ghoul friend. Her father has been imprisoned in Kuklia for almost ten years. Do you know why he hasn't been dealt with yet? Because Earth A and B have been using him as an experiment to create new ones. Quinker's..."

What Wu Yue was talking about was Kirishima Touka's father, Kirishima Shin.

"Think about it, in the past ten years, how many times has he been injected with a needle into his eye and injected with Rc inhibitors? How many times has his body been dismembered by a chainsaw? How many times has He Bao been poached? How many times have he tried to commit suicide, There is no chance of suicide..."

"No!! Stop it!!! Please stop it..."

Wu Yue's words were like sharp knives, piercing into Jin Muyan's heart one by one, he was so shocked that he was sweating profusely, but he couldn't say a word.

"Now tell me, what do you think what you see and hear can help you? Can it really help you recognize this sick world?"

Kaneki-ken was completely silent.

Wu Yue stood up, and said coldly, "What I said are all facts, if you don't believe me, then go and ask local party A and B, and ask him where he got the materials he usually studies. Ask him about the abandoned stamping plant."

"When you understand this and think that my method of directly killing the ghouls is more cruel, but sending them to Kuklia is a more benevolent act, then I have nothing to say!"

"I didn't tell you this before, just because I didn't want you to see the dark side of this world, but I didn't expect that you would go against my wishes in the end."

Wu Yue's disappointment is palpable, just like Arima Kisho looked at Sasaki Kaishi in the original book, "The time I spent on you is all in vain!"

"If you can't do the job of investigator, tell me, I will help you to apply for resignation, and then you can live any life you want. But, if you still want to continue to work, just do as I say! Think Come find me after you understand!"

"In this distorted world, if you don't want to lose, you have to plunder! Do everything possible to arm yourself, and wait until you are strong enough to be eligible to change anything."

The last sentence, Wu Yue not only said it to Jin Muyan, but also said it to himself.

Boom, boom, boom...

After Wu Yue left, Dixing A and B anxiously knocked on the door, urging, "Jin Mu, don't be lazy, come with me to the research room."

Jin Muyan stood up in a daze, and followed Jia and Yi out of the office.

On the way, thinking of Wu Yue's words, he suddenly asked, "Dr. Dixing, where do the research materials in the laboratory come from?"

"Huh? Are you asking about those ghouls? Every once in a while, there will be full-time personnel sending them from Kuklia. If I want to find some ghouls with special abilities, I will send someone to get them."

Taking prisoners as research is an open secret in CCG, and there is no need for A and B to hide it.

In their thinking, being both a prisoner and a ghoul, of course, has no human rights.

Jin Muyan felt cold, smiled awkwardly, and then asked, "What about after the research?"

"Things of no value will of course be disposed of directly!"

Speaking of this, Dixing A and B suddenly smiled strangely, and said in a low voice, "Those ghouls that have been disposed of, I will make them into food and feed them to the living ghouls... I will send someone there Keep an eye on it, collect data, and study what kind of changes will be made in the abilities of the ghouls after the communist ghouls... This matter has not been approved by the General Administration, so don't say it!"

It turns out...it's all true!Moreover, it was even crueler than Ah Ying said!

Kaneki Ken's lips and teeth were cold, trembling, he followed the ground like this mechanically, continuing the research of Quinkers.

Outside the laboratory, when Wu Yue came out, the twin sisters immediately went up to meet him, hugging Wu Yue's arms from left to right.

Just listen to the little underworld, "Brother Jinmu just can't think about it all the time, don't be angry with him."

Xiao Bai followed up and said, "In the future, we will help my brother watch him, let us do the murder."

"Go home! Don't worry about that idiot. Let me show you what you want to eat today."

Seeing Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, the gloom on Wu Yue's face suddenly decreased a lot, and he thought to himself, what a wonderful twin sister!Let them do whatever they want, and never disobey their orders!He didn't even take the initiative to ask why.

Cute, gentle, elegant, ruthless...

Please forgive Wu Yue's poor vocabulary, but compared to Kaneki Ken's idiot, he's just two little fairies, so it's not perfect!


In the early morning, Wu Yue's home was still brightly lit.

This night, he didn't do anything, just sat in the living room, waiting patiently.Sister An Jiu sat on the other side of the sofa, silent.

Although the two sisters are simple, they can clearly feel the complex thoughts of their brother.I want to help him share some, but I don't know where to start.

Wu Yue didn't know whether he could wait to come to Jinmuyan, but he was still willing to wait.

I wanted to take back the soul fragments countless times in my heart, but I rejected this idea countless times.

"Hey! After all, I still can't be ruthless! Just think of it as paying off the debt for this body?"

Wu Yue found an excuse for himself that wasn't an excuse, and suddenly found to his surprise that the long night didn't seem so boring anymore.

Whatever you do, think of an excuse first and be the one who blames you...

Is this the sequelae of throwing the blame too much?
Boom, boom, boom...

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door. Wu Yue smiled in satisfaction, stood up and yawned, and said to Sister An Jiu, "Go." After finishing speaking, he went straight back to the bedroom.

The two sisters stood up at the same time, opened the door, and saw Kaneki Ken standing outside the door at a loss.

Kaneki Ken originally held back his words and wanted to tell Wu Yue, but when he saw Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai who opened the door, he said depressedly, "Where is Ah Ying?"

Xiao Hei shook his head, "Brother said to see your performance tonight before making a decision!"

Xiao Bai raised the small notebook in his hand, "This is the list, we will follow you."

"……All right!"

Kaneki Ken took the small notebook, took the two sisters downstairs and left together.

This night, Jin Muyan did not catch the ghouls but did not kill them as before. After knowing the truth about Kuklia, he killed those criminals with a single knife. Instead, he was truly benevolent and saved them from many unreasonable tortures.

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(End of this chapter)

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