I have a holy letter

Chapter 37, Hunting in the Night

Chapter 37, Hunting in the Night
In Tokyo at night, the neon lights on both sides of the road are constantly flashing with charming brilliance, illuminating the city like daytime.

In the dark alley where the lights couldn't reach, a young man in sportswear with yellow hair put his hands in his trouser pockets, whistled, and strolled leisurely.

Even in the real world without ghouls, this kind of dark alley is a place where crimes frequently occur, but the young man is unaware of this, and his sloppy posture is almost written on his face——

If you want to eat people, please eat me first!
The smell of human beings, even the smell of sweat emanating from the pores, is fatally attractive to ghouls.Especially those ghouls who haven't eaten for a long time and are extremely hungry can't resist this temptation.

Using himself as a bait, Wu Yue wandered around the 20th district for more than an hour, beheading a total of nine ghouls, including an A-level ghoul, which contributed 40 points to him.

From crossing to the present, he has obtained 120 points.Although it is not as time-saving and labor-saving as scoring points in the Reaper World, the efficiency is definitely not low.

"In the future, who the hell dares to say that the 20th district is more harmonious, I immediately slammed him!"

From Yongjin Yingliang's memory, I know that the 20th district is considered to be an area with a very low frequency of ghouls, but in just over an hour, nine ghouls came to the door, and the ghouls that Wu Yue did not touch were all More, how can there be a little harmony?

In Wu Yue's mind, the reason why the injury rate in District 20 is relatively low is because of the control of the antique coffee shop, the ghouls try their best to reduce the frequency of eating to a minimum, which makes it seem more harmonious on the surface.

Under normal circumstances, the corpse of an adult is enough for a ghoul to survive for several months, and it can't eat many people in a year.

But cannibalism is cannibalism, and no amount of beautification can change this disgusting fact!
Take the nine ghouls killed by Wu Yue as an example, which one of them would jump up and want to eat him the first time they saw him?

For this kind of beast who regards human life as worthless, Wu Yue has no mercy at all, and directly kills them with a holy arrow, sending them to see God, maybe they can have a good pregnancy in the next life and live a normal life.

Of course, during this process, their Hezi was accepted by Wu Yue with a smile.

"Ahhh... help! Don't eat me..."

"Don't come here! Go away!"

When Wu Yue walked near a building under construction, there was a terrified scream in his ears.

"This kind of time... this kind of place, and such a miserable cry... tsk tsk tsk, here comes the points!"

Wu Yue stopped and looked up at the tall building beside him.Then he sneered, stretched his feet, stomped on the wall a few times, and rushed into the floor where the sound came from in the blink of an eye.

Walking into it, with the light coming in from the floors, Wu Yue barely saw a human-like young woman with disheveled hair lying on the ground, crawling backwards in horror.

In front of him, a masked ghoul followed step by step, his scarlet eyes were extremely eye-catching in the dark space.

When Wu Yue jumped in, one person and one ghoul spotted him almost at the same time.The human woman burst out with prehistoric power in an instant, struggled to stand up, bypassed the ghouls, and ran to Wu Yue's side.

"This gentleman... please help me!"

The woman clutched Wu Yue's arm tightly. Although she hid it well, Wu Yue still keenly caught the greedy gaze covered by that long hair.

Even though he was about to be slaughtered and eaten by the ghouls, yet he was greedy towards himself...

"Sorry! Only God can save you!"

While speaking, Wu Yue condensed a Lingzi lightsaber, raised his hand and pierced the young woman's left chest.

"Oh, you……"

The bodies of the two were almost touching each other, Wu Yue's movements were fast and fierce, without any hesitation, the young woman couldn't react at all, and was just pierced through the heart by a sword.

"Meihui! Damn it! How did you find out?"

Seeing Wu Yue violently killing people, the ghouls on the opposite side were startled, two scales jumped out from the back waist, and swayed gently around the body.

"It's really stupid enough!"

Wu Yue heard the words, and looked at the other party directly with the eyes of the mentally retarded.

"A young woman, why did she run into an unfinished building in the middle of the night? And this is the fourth floor, how did she climb up? Don't tell me, it's all because you couldn't bear to eat her. Bring her here for some heinous atrocity."

Having said that, Wu Yue turned his head to look at the woman called Meihui, grinned and said, "Besides, miss, your acting skills are too bad, you are so scared that you are dying, but your breathing is not messy at all, which makes me very sad. It's hard to believe you're human."

Speaking of the latter, Wu Yue turned the hilt of the sword with his right hand, breaking the opponent's heart.


Seeing the young woman lying on the ground, motionless, the ghoul screamed in pain, his eyes full of remorse and anger.

In fact, the two were a ghoul couple, they ran out to hunt at night, and happened to find Wu Yue wandering nearby.

The ghoul woman originally planned to join forces with the two of them to sneak attack Wu Yue together, but the ghoul man pretended to be smart and showed a wave of clumsy acting skills, which directly caused the female companion to be beheaded before even Hezi could use it.

If you treat others as fools, the last fool will be yourself!

"With such a painful expression, is she your girlfriend or wife?"

Wu Yue flicked away the blood stains on Lingzi's lightsaber, with a cruel smile on his lips, "I don't intend to trample on the love of ghouls, but I'm sorry, you have to die here!"

"You... just die for me!"

Gritting his teeth, the ghoul roared, and stomped on the ground with both feet. The hard concrete floor was split apart by the force of his feet in an instant, and he rushed towards Wu Yue at high speed like a cannonball.

However, what greeted him was a sacred destroying arrow shining with blue light.


While advancing at high speed, the ghoul brandished two scales and stood in front of him, ready to resist the incoming arrows.Then catch that damned human being and ravage him to death.

But what frightened him was that in front of the arrow, his body was like paper, not only was it pierced through, but a bloody hole the size of a thumb was also shot out of his own throat.

Following the inertia, the ghoul's body fell to the ground and slid all the way to Wu Yue's feet.

"Lots, charges, charges..."

The throat was shot through, and he couldn't even make a sound. The ghoul's body twitched, and he looked at Wu Yue with deep doubts.

"What you want to ask is why the wound can't heal?"

Wu Yue asked himself and answered, "Sorry, the Holy Mie Ya pierces not only the body, but also the soul!"

After struggling, the ghoul tilted his head and died.

(End of this chapter)

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