Chapter 22 Resentment
Seeing that human being constantly busy outside, the three-headed dragon felt more and more uneasy.

Any kind of soul beast has its own ferocious side, even the cute Xiao Wu is no exception, not to mention the descendants of the three-headed dragon with the blood of ancient beasts.

Jiaolong has the blood of a real dragon in his body, and it is relatively tall.

Ye Wuxin provoked it so much that he didn't say anything, but he was still preparing some means outside openly. This is simply deceiving people too much, no, it's bullying the dragon too much.

The ferocity in the hearts of the three-headed dragons is gradually waking up and revealed.

After a period of observation, this human being should be a strong soul emperor level, maybe he is about to break through the soul sage, but he probably hasn't yet.

In addition, he came to obtain the soul ring this time, which means that he has not obtained the soul ring of the soul emperor yet.In this way...

This human being may not be pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, but arrogant.

The fierceness in the eyes of the three-headed dragons has increased a bit.

Judging from his age, he should not be more than 20 years old, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to be stronger than himself.

Having made up his mind, the corners of the three-headed dragon's mouth began to bleed, it hadn't tasted human flesh for a long time.

Looks like it's time for a meal today.

Ye Wuxin clapped her hands, and after working for a long time, it was already night.

But the Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder Array was finally set up.

Aren't you coming out?
Here's a thunderbolt for you to strike three dragons.

It's a pity, if there is a Pikachu, there is no need for such a thing, directly one hundred thousand volts, that scene, tsk tsk...

After everything was ready, Ye Wuxin directly started to activate the formation.

The formation is only temporarily arranged and cannot last for too long.

The formation was activated, and the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, piling up like a mountain. At a glance, there was an extremely depressing sense of fear that the sky might collapse at any time.

This kind of fear has completely aroused the fierceness of the three flood dragons.

The surface of the lake was churning.

In the meantime, purple lightning flashed continuously.

The dark clouds are still gathering.

The movement in the sky was so loud that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were already alarmed.

Looking up, it was already dark at this time, but the sky was extremely bright.

The brightness reveals the weirdness.

The thicker and thicker thunder and lightning gathered, making one's heart tremble just looking at it.

"No, the thunder and lightning are too strong, and it will also affect our place, so retreat quickly."

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang hurried to the outside.

This Ye Wuxin is a lunatic when he fights, completely ignoring us pond fish.

Just after leaving the battle circle, the two heard voices:

"Nine days of thunderstorms, the first thunder, fall!"



A purple lightning struck the lake.

Bodies of water conduct electricity.

The three flood dragons groaned in pain, flew out of the lake, and attacked Ye Wuxin.

Do you really think that my three dragons are soft persimmons and have no temper?
The ultimate ice!

This is the attack of the three flood dragons.

The three heads completely blocked Ye Wuxin's retreat with three extreme cold currents.

As soon as the three extreme cold currents came out, the surface of the lake began to freeze instantly.

It's just a blink of an eye.

Just horrible!
It was completely frozen within a radius of ten miles.

Ye Wuxin, who was facing three cold currents, could be imagined.

I feel that my soul is frozen at this moment, and my thinking is also slowed down.

The three-headed flood dragon is his strongest attack method when he makes a move.

This is also in line with the usual style of timid and cautious people.

"Star Sword Intent!"


Ye Wuxin instantly cast the sword intent of the stars, and then teleported and flickered in the field of sword intent, successfully avoiding three extreme cold currents.

Jump into the air and quickly launch the formation.

"Nine days of thunderstorms, the second thunder, fall!"

"The third thunder, fall!"

"The fourth thunder, fall!"



Six streaks of purple lightning struck down without interruption.

And one is stronger than the other, and its power doubles.

The whole bodies of the three flood dragons were blackened by the electricity, their skins were torn apart, and they fell onto the ice on the lake.

There are a total of nine thunderbolts in the Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder Array, and the further back they are, the more powerful they are.

The dark clouds in the sky are still gathering.

The dragon swings its tail!

The huge tails of the three flood dragons quickly attacked Ye Wuxin.

Ye Wuxin could have dodged it, but after hesitating for a while, Ye Wuxin chose to head-to-head with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

See the dragon in the field!

The dragon soars in the wild!



The war continued.

However, Ye Wuxin no longer used the Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder Formation, but fought with the three flood dragons.

In the sky, a dragon with three heads and a giant golden dragon are constantly fighting.

Punch to the flesh.

The golden dragon was transformed by Ye Wuxin's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The earth-shattering movement has alarmed the Wuhundian Law Enforcement Team and the Royal Guard, who are constantly rushing here.

The three dragons came out of the lake, and with Ye Wusheng's strength, they could have been killed in one move, but these three dragons were far behind Tang Hao.

Not a class at all.

According to Yu Xiaogang's research, there are two situations where the probability of a spirit bone exploding is relatively high.

The first type is that the soul beast sacrifices to you voluntarily, the kind that is willing, so the probability of the soul bone falling is very high.

The second type is that the soul beast is full of great resentment towards you, which can also greatly increase the probability of the soul bone dropping, but the person with resentment must personally kill the soul beast and obtain the soul ring.

What Ye Wuxin is trying now is the second one.

Ye Wuxin could have easily killed the three flood dragons, but he kept beating them violently.

Moreover, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms have been used all the time, which has a humiliating meaning.

In the distance, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San listened to the movement inside, their faces twitching constantly.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can imagine the brutal scene without seeing it.

After fighting for about 10 minutes, the inside finally calmed down.

The three flood dragons were already dying on the ice.

Three heads and three pairs of eyes stared fiercely at Ye Wuxin.

Obviously resentment is deep!

Suddenly, Ye Wuxin's face changed slightly, and the three dragons wanted to expose themselves.

Cut out with a swift sword.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and the shot was fast enough, otherwise it would have been a waste of work to let it reveal itself successfully.

After a while, a black soul ring floated out from the corpses of the three flood dragons.

Ye Wuxin crossed his legs into meditation and began to absorb the soul ring.

The impact of the energy of the soul ring on the body was more violent than Ye Wuxin imagined.

The body seems to be tearing apart, and the soul is about to come out.

Heart-piercing, Ye Wuxin tried it today.

The limbs seem to be no longer under their control.

That kind of powerful energy is running around in the body.

The true essence reversed, and the sea of ​​consciousness shook.

It is estimated that Mount Tai will be much more comfortable than this.

Gather the true essence in the body together, use it to pierce the surface, and gradually eat away and absorb the energy of that soul ring.

Ye Wu's forehead was already densely covered with sweat, and drops of sweat rolled down.

The magic sword automatically protects the master, setting up a protective shield around Ye Wuxin.

Suddenly, Ye Wuxin's hands began to condense into black ice, which gradually extended to his whole body.

The mysterious ice on both hands continued to condense and sublimate, and a pair of dragon claws gradually appeared.

Soul bone, it's done!
(End of this chapter)

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