Chapter 68 Code Name: Terminator!
"Fatty man, what's your name, I'm afraid others don't know, right?" Dai Mubai said angrily.

Although this place is still remote, it would be a bad thing if people saw the three corpses on the ground.

"Okay, okay." Ma Hongjun shook his head, wiped the blood off his face vigorously with his sleeve.

The blood with a strong smell of blood sprayed on the face is enough to scare people.

Tang San said in a deep voice, "Brother Yun, what about this corpse?"

Xiao Wu's face turned pale, it was too shocking to have three lives in front of her.

"That's simple." With a wave of Lin Yun's hand, the purple fire immediately covered the bodies of the three of them, and in a blink of an eye there was a burning smell, and the three of them were completely turned into a pile of black charcoal.

The five people looked at Lin Yun's proficient technique and were a little confused. Why did they feel that Lin Yun did such things like destroying corpses and eradicating traces?

Looking at the faces of the five people, Lin Yun sneered twice, "You must be ruthless when dealing with the enemy. Do you think it's enough to beat the other party hard today? It's impossible, don't be naive."

"Oh, what Boss Lin said is true." Oscar sighed. The other party was obviously intent on killing. If he didn't finish it completely today, he would definitely become a huge threat in the future.

"En." Dai Mubai and the others also nodded, after thinking about the pros and cons, it's not so difficult to accept.

Tang San asked curiously, "Brother Yun, how do you know we're here?"

Lin Yun said with a smile, "I was about to go back to the academy when I saw you walking here angrily, so I followed."

"Oh." Ma Hongjun nodded, "Fortunately, Boss Lin, you came in time, otherwise it is very likely that the five of us would have confessed here."

Lin Yun smiled and didn't speak, but he was also somewhat puzzled.

According to the plot, they shouldn't have met Old Goose and Tianya. Why did these two people come out early? Could it be that his appearance triggered the butterfly effect, although the main line has not changed, but the sub-line has changed?

But no matter what, it can be regarded as solving two troubles in advance, so as to save trouble in the future.

Dai Mubai said, "Since Boss Lin is back, we must go back and celebrate."

"Hey." Ma Hongjun laughed, "I'm treating guests today, we'll pack more delicious food and go back later, and then we'll invite Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong to have a big meal in the cafeteria together."

"Okay!" Dai Mubai nodded, "Then I'll go buy two bottles of good wine!"

"Okay, okay, let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long." Lin Yun laughed.

The six of them bought a lot of cooked food in the city and took them back to Shrek Academy, then ate a big meal in the cafeteria.


Time passed, and soon their seven-day vacation was over. After breakfast that day, the familiar bell rang again, and they gathered at the playground again.

The master still had the same look that strangers should not enter, his deep gaze swept over everyone present.

"It has been three full months since I was in charge of your teaching at Shrek Academy. I am very satisfied with your performance, and you have not let me down, but only relying on these Teachers are never enough."

"I will start the second stage of teaching for you. The teaching of this stage is mainly about actual combat. The place where you train is no longer the Shrek Academy, but the Great Soul Arena of Soto City. I believe you are already familiar with this place. It’s very familiar, Flender has taken you there before.”

"You don't have to go back to Shrek Academy during the training period. I will arrange the nearest hotel around the Great Soul Arena for you. Of course, you have to bear the cost of staying in the hotel yourself."

After listening to the master's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. In some respects, they would rather go to the Great Soul Arena to participate in actual combat than be trained by the master's devil.

The master continued, "My request to you is that you must not only get the personal silver fighting spirit badge of the Great Soul Arena, but also a group silver fighting spirit badge. The daily duels in the Great Soul Arena are first one-on-one and one-on-one. Two-on-two, and then the group duel, what I suggest is that you participate in the two-on-two first, and then participate in the subsequent group duel."

"By the way, you are not allowed to reveal your real names and appearances during the Great Soul Arena. You must use code names and wear masks when fighting."

After listening to the master, the few people were a little puzzled, it's okay to go to the Great Soul Arena for actual combat, why use code names and masks.

But since this is the master's request, the few people didn't ask carefully.

"Okay, for the rest of the time, you are free to divide into groups and choose your own code names. In the afternoon, we will be in Suoto City." After the master finished speaking, he turned and left.

As soon as Grandmaster left, Dai Mubai couldn't wait to say, "Zhuqing, let's be a team!"

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Third Brother, shall we be in a group?"

"Of course!" Tang San nodded.

Oscar coughed twice and said anxiously, "Rongrong, shall we be a team?"

"Us?" Ning Rongrong shook his head, "The two of us are auxiliary soul masters, how can we be in a team? In this case, we can't duel with others at all!"

Oscar scratched his head, "It seems to make sense."

Ning Rongrong looked at Lin Yun, "Boss Lin, let's form a team!"

"Us?" Lin Yun shook his head, "I don't suggest us as a group, because your support from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is useless to me, so I suggest you to be in a group with Fatty, your soul power levels are similar , and his martial soul has a huge advantage, the combination of you two is the most suitable."

"Then... alright." Ning Rongrong nodded aggrieved.

"Hey." Ma Hongjun scratched his head embarrassingly, "After hearing what Boss Lin said, I think I'm quite useful."

"Heh!" Lin Yun chuckled disdainfully.

Immediately Lin Yun turned his attention to Oscar, "Oscar, you can only team up with me. Although your sausage is useless to me, I will try my best to train your ability to escape and get beaten on the field."

"No, Boss Lin." Oscar suddenly had a bitter face, he could already foresee how miserable the days ahead would be.

Lin Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will give you a hard push."

Dai Mubai said, "Then the next thing is to get a nickname, you guys think about what name you should get."

Tang San: "Thousand-handed Asura!"

Xiao Wu: "Sexy Charming Rabbit!"

Dai Mubai: "Evil-eyed white tiger!"

Oscar: "Sausage Monopoly!"

Zhu Zhuqing: "Ghost civet!"

Ning Rongrong: "Seven Treasure Glazed Glass!"

Everyone's eyes stayed on Lin Yun, Lin Yun hesitated, "I'll call it the Terminator, which means to end all opponents."

"Domineering!" Everyone expressed their agreement one after another, a person who is awesome should be given a nickname of awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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