At the beginning, the prediction of natural disasters shocked the whole world!

Chapter 102【102】Storm prediction system, confirmed from the side!

Chapter 102【102】Storm prediction system, confirmed from the side!

Just when there was a wave of anti-"prophets" on the Internet.

It specializes in research in meteorological related fields such as atmospheric physics, synoptics, dynamic meteorology, marine meteorology, and meteorological applications. It is also the 701 Research Institute with the largest reserve of research talents and the most scientific research patents in Daxia Prefecture.

Director Wu Wanli sat in the lobby of the research room, looking at the pictures just taken from the live broadcast room, including the evolution path of the doomsday typhoon in the sea area and the important parameters of various nodes provided by the "Prophet", fell into a deep depression. In silence.

Behind him, a large group of professionals and scientific researchers in related fields were equally silent.

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

It wasn't until the "Hongmeng" supercomputer, which ranks at the top of the Daxia Mansion, in the hall of the research room, issued the kind of alarm sound that would only be issued after a certain calculation model and running the program to 100% completion, that Wu Wanli became violent. Come to yourself.

His eyes quickly swept across the screenshots of the live broadcast room in front of him, and then he looked at the staff operating the supercomputer, and said in a hurried tone, "What's the result?"

"The global storm prediction system shows that the matching degree of tropical low-pressure circulation is 92.18%, the matching degree of the total energy released by chemical reactions is 81.92%, and the matching degree of sea area evolution path is 73.****** Occurrence probability judgment: high!" The voice of the staff replied , visibly trembling slightly.

In the entire world, except for the chief member of the Daxia Mansion High Council and a few high-level officials, almost no one knows that there is such a group of people who risk their lives and spend decades studying the global storm prediction system with their lives.

No one can tell clearly how much manpower, material and financial resources this research has consumed.

All I know is that hundreds of top mathematicians, physicists, and meteorologists gathered in Daxia Mansion to collect climate change data, air pressure change data, warm and humid air flow data, and storm data from various regions around the world for decades. and other data, analyze them and establish a basic calculation model for various data...

Finally, this year, the underlying data of all calculation models were connected in series to create the world's first global storm forecasting system with real-time coverage of the whole region!
Moreover, in the world, except for some scientific researchers of the scientific research institute, no one knows for the time being. Before this, they have used this system to completely predict the birth and travel path of the two typhoons that have already occurred!
At this moment, the system is once again operating at full power and full load.

Wu Wanli's pupils constricted momentarily when he heard the staff say that the probability of the incident was "high".

And behind him, all the researchers who knew what the results of this global storm prediction system meant could not help but gasp.

This is the third time that the system has given a "high" probability of event occurrence after many times of full-power and full-load calculations.

They all know that this result means that the doomsday typhoon predicted by the "prophet" is already close to ten.

Because the first two times the system gave the judgment of "high" probability of occurrence of the event, it was almost perfectly predicted by it, and the two typhoons that had already occurred in June and July of the new ephemeris 6 respectively!

Wu Wanli got up and walked to the deep-sea supercomputer.

After carefully comparing the calculation results of the system with the path of the typhoon predicted by the "Prophet", he took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said loudly, "To summarize the data and prepare to report the information to the report."

"At the same time, write papers and apply for patents!"

"Ready to announce our scientific research results to the world!"

"To our ultimate goal!"

"Blue Star Physics Supreme Award!"

"Initiate an impact!"


at the same time.

Daxiafu Space Station, inside Liuquan Ground Master Control Center.

Academician Yang Zipeng, a top expert in Meteorological Applied Science of Daxiafu Academy of Sciences and vice president of Daxiafu Academy of Sciences, is looking solemnly at the monitoring screen inside the outer space station on the huge screen of the master control center.

In the picture, several people are floating while waiting to report the recent global weather monitoring results to the master control center.

This is one of the few doctoral students in Yang Zipeng's scientific research team who were sent to the Waifu space station to do meteorological research.

A female astronaut and scientific researcher with a fat face was the first to report.

"Dean Yang, according to the monitoring results of 133 satellites in orbit globally."

"The results of our previous observations are completely correct. Around August 8, at least three tropical low pressure areas are expected to appear in the western part of the Bohemian Ocean."

"One of them is in the Sisma Sea in the southwest of the Bohemian Ocean."

"In addition, near the southeastern sea area of ​​Dalufu, there will also be a tropical low pressure area around August 8."

"As for Coconut Fragrant City and the sea area near the coast of the southern state of Daxia Prefecture, there have been some abnormalities recently!"

"According to the analysis of the historical meteorological data of the above-mentioned regions recorded by satellites, the probabilities of forming local low pressure areas are 99.1599%, 76.5697% and 0.0289% respectively."

"All the data has been synchronously sent back to the ground master control center."

After she finished speaking, a male scientific researcher next to him grabbed the armrest of the space station with his hand, straightened his body, and began to report to the camera.

"According to the data monitored by global satellites, our observations of the possible extreme warm and humid air flow in local areas are also completely correct."

"Recently, there has been an unusually strong warm and humid air flow in the northern waters of Australia, the Akaman Islands, and the northeastern part of the Qianchuan Ocean near the Great Strait in Blue Star."

"These three super-strong warm and humid air currents have all merged into the Bohemian Ocean circulation, and there is a trend of further strengthening!"

"After calculations based on continuous monitoring by global satellites!"

"These three warm and humid air currents will converge in the southeastern waters of Dalu Prefecture during the period from August 8th to 4th, and this time is also just before the tropical storm generated from the Xisma sea area is about to arrive in Dalu Prefecture. The probability of the two meeting is 5%."

"Coupled with the tropical low pressure area that is very likely to be formed in the southeastern sea area of ​​Dalufu, once these three factors are superimposed, the tropical storm will inevitably transform into a typhoon! And the wind level will not be low!"


Academician Yang Zipeng listened to the reports from the team members of the outer government space station, while staring at various satellite renderings and various dynamic data analysis results on the screen of the master control center, his voice was a little low: "Where are the ground observation team and actuarial team? The results how?"

As his voice fell, two researchers ran over from the master control center.

The first one to report was the ground observation team, his voice visibly trembling.

"President Yang, the observation results of the ground observation team show that there are abnormal fluctuations in atmospheric temperature and humidity in the Sisma sea area, and the atmospheric indicators in the sea areas such as Daxia Prefecture's Coconut Fragrance City and the coastal areas of the southern state also fluctuate slightly compared with the past, and Dalu Prefecture. In the entire sea area, there is a warm and humid airflow brewing around the island, which forms a land disturbance effect, resulting in an extremely low peak of low pressure inside the newly created tropical low pressure area!"

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the actuarial group will then report the summary calculation results.

"The probability of a super typhoon above level 17 forming is 65.358754%!"

"The probability of an epic typhoon above level 20 forming is 23.457813%!"

"And the probability of a typhoon above level 25, which can be called the doomsday level, is no less than 11.114545%!"


(End of this chapter)

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