Ye Luoli's fairy dream

Chapter 33 Raiders Pang Zun (8)

Chapter 33 Raiders Pang Zun (8)

Ye Lingxi came to Gao Taiming and looked at Pang Zun.

Pang Zun looked up at the person who came, but he didn't expect it to be Ye Lingxi.

Why are you here, Pang Zun asked Ye Lingxi in shock.

Heh, if I don't come, how can I see this big show.

Pang Zun wanted to explain, but he still didn't say it.

Ye Lingxi looked at Pang Zun more and more disappointed.

Turning to Gao Taiming and asking: I will give you two options
First, give up Bai Guangying, and I will give you a healthy heart.

Second, if you choose Bai Guangying, you will lose the chance of getting a healthy heart forever.

This option is very difficult for Gao Taiming, Gao Taiming remembered the unpleasant things that happened because of his heart.

Master, give up on me, so that you can have a healthy heart, Bai Guangying said firmly to Gao Taiming.

Gao Taiming's memories ended because of Bai Guangying's words.

He also determined his options.

I choose the second one.

After speaking, he looked at Bai Guangying.

Master, just choose the first one, so that you will be happy in the future, Bai Guangying said.

Guangying, my life has changed a lot since your appearance.

What I promised you will never change, and you should never say it again.

Are you sure?" Ye Lingxi asked Gao Taiming.

I'm sure, Gao Taiming is back.

Congratulations, you passed my test.

Ye Luoli gave Gao Taiming a new heart with magic.

Then a ball of light floated away like Gao Taiming's heart, and Gao Taiming's heart gradually recovered under the healing of this ball of light, and finally this ball of light slowly merged into Gao Taiming's heart.

If you choose the first one, I will not heal your heart.

Ye Lingxi said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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