Ye Luoli's fairy dream

Chapter 10 Raiding Water Prince (9)

Chapter 10 Raiding Water Prince (9)

"Human girl, why did you appear in my clear water lake," the water prince asked.

Ye Lingxi stood up and said, "I'm here to play in Wonderland! Can't you come here?"

Prince Shui didn't answer her question, but stretched out his hand to caress Ye Lingxi's face.

Ye Lingxi stepped back a little and asked, "What are you doing?"

Master, master, at this moment Princess Ning's call sounded outside.

At this time, Ye Lingxi said to Prince Water: "I'll go first, goodbye."

"Ye Luoli made a magic colored aperture, and then a colored aperture appeared, and Ye Lingxi went inside and controlled the aperture to fly outward.

As soon as she came out of the water, Ye Lingxi shouted: Ning, I am here.

When Princess Ning heard Ye Lingxi calling him, she immediately flew to him. Seeing that he was covered in water, Princess Ning asked, "Master, you didn't fall into the water, did you?"

"What do you think?" Ye Lingxi asked back.

Hearing this, Princess Ning couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Is it that funny?"

"Master, you are on the shore, how did you fall into the lake?" Princess Ning asked curiously.

I was frightened by a voice, or would I fall in?Ye Lingxi returned.

"Water Prince?"

As soon as Princess Ning asked, Prince Water came out of the water.

At this time, Princess Ning looked at Prince Water and said, "Prince Water, long time no see."

Princess Ning, you have gone far enough to hide from Prince Yan, Prince Water said.

Princess Ning smiled helplessly.

Well, master, it's time for us to go.

At this moment, a voice said, "Xiao Ning, you have been hiding from me for long enough, where are you going?" Prince Yan said a little angrily.

Master, I have some things to deal with, you are here waiting for me, Princess Ning said to Ye Lingxi

"Ning, can I help you?" Ye Lingxi asked.

No need, master, I can solve it, Princess Ning said.

(End of this chapter)

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