The little ancestor was addicted to develop a villain

Chapter 494 Recruiting the Black Queen (104)

Chapter 494 Recruiting the Black Queen (104)

Shi Jiu blushed even more and pinched him.

Feng Si laughed softly, squinted his eyes and tilted his head to look at her, his whole body was soft.

After arriving at the shooting location, the director personally came to greet them, Shijiu looked around and found that it was really a deserted island.

It's just that there is a huge old castle on this deserted island, which looks a bit dilapidated and gloomy.

Shi Jiu blinked: "How did this become a suspense show?"

Feng Si frowned: "You don't want to play and escape from the castle, do you?"

"Of course." The director answered with a smile.

Feng Si raised his eyebrows, Shi Jiu looked indifferent.

"You can stay on the third floor of the castle, all the actors live on the third floor of the castle, and the lower two floors are the game venues." The director said lightly.

Shi Jiu pulled Feng Si away, the director's words got stuck in his throat, and he shouted at their backs: "I haven't finished yet."

Shi Jiu waved his hand: "Let's talk about it later when they all come, anyway, you have to say it again when the time comes."

The director twitched the corners of his mouth. When others are in an unfamiliar environment, they must know as much as possible. But this one is not so conscious of being in an unfamiliar environment at all.

They followed the field manager into the room with their names written on them. The two of them were next to each other, on the left and right sides at the end of the corridor, and the doors were facing each other.

Feng Si didn't go to her own room, but just came to her room after this incident, and nodded in satisfaction after seeing that everything in her room was complete and the lighting was good.

After the stage manager asked if they needed anything, Shi Jiu said that the stage manager would bring her some candles.

The field manager was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a stiff smile on his face.

Feng Si raised his eyebrows, understood something in an instant, and said to the field manager: "Send me some candles too."

The field manager nodded again with a stiff smile, and then went downstairs.

The director downstairs saw the scene manager coming and asked him in a low voice. After learning that Shi Jiu and the others wanted candles, the director smiled: "These two are really smart."

"Give it to them. Since we designed the hidden rules ourselves, we can't abolish them."

The field manager nodded and went to do it.

Shi Jiu and Feng Si didn't communicate about this either, but talked about their new play coming soon.

Later, four guests came one after another, including Shi Jiu and Feng Si, the number is six.

For the other four, the field manager also asked them if they needed anything when they were sent into the room.

Because there are cameras in their corridors, when the door was open, the field manager asked them things were also recorded by the cameras.

The stars participating in the variety show can accurately perceive the position of the camera, after all, they have been on the stage for many years.

So everyone guessed that this might be a hidden rule, but no one guessed what it was.

So they just carefully selected some daily necessities, such as mineral water, bread and lighters.

Two of them wanted mineral water, the other wanted bread, and the other wanted a lighter.

When they were all set up, the director called them to assemble.

The appearance of Feng Si and Shi Jiu made the others very happy, because they could be said to have ratings.

In fact, the director had this consideration in mind when he first invited Shi Jiu, but she didn't expect to sign the contract with Shi Jiu and give him the Best Actor.

However, seeing the recent news, he felt nothing strange. After all, who doesn't know that Feng Yingdi ran all over the set for drinking?
(End of this chapter)

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