The little ancestor was addicted to develop a villain

Chapter 437 Recruiting the Black Queen (47)

Chapter 437 Recruiting the Black Queen (47)

Because Feng Si took good care of him, Shi Jiu regained his energy after sleeping for three hours, and went on to filming.

When the director saw her coming out, he asked several times with great concern: "Are you all right?"

"It's really fine." Shi Jiu said with a smile.

The director nodded, and then told her to wait a while and finish filming the scene here.

Shi Jiu nodded, and was about to sit on the small stool next to him. Feng Si, who came out from behind, pulled Shi Jiu to the side, where there was a soft sofa.

"Sit here, I'll turn on the electricity for you, and you'll be very warm wrapped in a blanket." Feng Si pushed Shi Jiu on the sofa and sat down, while wrapping her in the blanket in his hand.

Shi Jiu didn't even react, and was wrapped into a silkworm chrysalis.

But it's really comfortable.

The staff of the nearby crew kept looking at this side, with excited smiles in their eyes.

Before they came into contact with Shijiu, they all believed those gossips, but after they got in touch with Shijiu, they didn't believe those gossips anymore.

Moreover, their affection for Shi Jiu has increased exponentially. They have never met actors who serve better than Shi Jiu and Feng Yingdi. get off work.

Both of them did it once, which greatly improved the efficiency.

Shi Jiu was filming on the set, and the variety show finally ushered in the third episode.

The third episode was the day when Su Xiang was eliminated, and Shi Jiu and Fengsi specially watched this episode in the waiting room when they were taking a break on the set.

They all knew the results of this episode, but Shi Jiu felt that it was time for Su Xiang to do something, so he opened this episode of the variety show during the break, waiting for someone on the Internet to attack.

As for Feng Si, he came here by himself.

Sure enough, she had only watched half of the variety show, and the assistant who went to buy her milk tea sent her a WeChat message: "Sister Shi Jiu, look online, that Su Xiang posted on Weibo again."

The corner of Shi Jiu's mouth hooked, and he replied that he knew, but he was not in a hurry and continued to watch the show.

On the contrary, Feng Si over there also received a WeChat message from his assistant, and after knowing that Su Xiang was giving wine secretly on Weibo again, he couldn't sit still.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it while avoiding Shijiu.

Su Xiang probably found the navy by herself, and bought hot searches. Her Weibo obviously has no fans, but her Weibo has 2 likes and more than [-] comments, and all of those comments are in favor. Her, praise her.

And what is the content of Su Xiang's Weibo?She said throughout the article that Shi Jiu was biased against her, and that it was because of Shi Jiu's prejudice against her that she was eliminated, but there was no evidence at all.

Passers-by would curse at such a mentally handicapped article, not to mention Shijiu's fans.

But what's interesting is that when they cursed, they found that one sentence was deleted, and one sentence was deleted after scolding.

Fans of Shijiu plus passers-by, that would be a huge amount of work. They all suspected that Su Xiang spent money to find someone to program and set up keyword deletion.

But in fact there is really no, and since the account can only log in to two devices at most, all comments were deleted by her assistant and herself.

It was annoying to delete, so Su Xiang simply saw one and blocked the other.

When Feng Si saw that Weibo post, he felt the same as all Shi Jiu fans and passers-by, that is, Su Xiang is an idiot.

She has no logic throughout the article, no evidence, and she is completely running out of a mental patient.

(End of this chapter)

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