Chapter 35: Mountain of Beasts!

In front of the Lingxiao Hall on the top of the peak, there were almost full of people standing. Luo Chen counted about a hundred people, 98 of them were disciples, and with him and Jian Feng, it was just a hundred.

Chu Xijin and Bai Lao were also in the crowd.

Yan'er, Hei Lao's apprentice, was also there.

At the head of the crowd were the six great elders, as well as their personal disciples standing beside them, men and women, all of whom had extraordinary auras.

The arrival of Luo Chen, the great elder, and Jian Feng caused an uproar.

When landing at the gate of Lingxiao Palace, the gate opened automatically, and the suzerain walked out with his hands behind his back and sharp eyes.

"See Sect Master!"

More than a hundred people kneeled and saluted in unison, and the voice was resounding throughout the sky.

"Everyone get up." The suzerain smiled happily.

"Thank you suzerain!" Everyone got up.

"In this beast hunting conference, no matter whether you win or lose, everyone must do their best."

"Because the conference is held for your experience, not for the small bet between the three sects, so everyone should seize the opportunity as much as possible, bravely try and look for opportunities, explore the great way of the world, and improve your mind and realm."

"Otherwise, you will always be just a low-level person!"


"Understood!" Everyone opened their throats and shouted in response, exciting.

"Here, you should all know each other." The suzerain looked at Luo Chen with a faint smile.

"He is the young suzerain, how could we not know each other." Someone shouted.

"This time there is a young suzerain, do you think the end of our Tianshan sect this year will be the same as in previous years?"

"Of course not, it is inevitable!"

The suzerain smiled deeply, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and said: "Yes, it is inevitable!"

"It is inevitable! It is inevitable!" Everyone cheered.

Among the seven elders' personal disciples, none of them called. Jian Feng's expression was flat, showing no emotions, Feng Xiao was taciturn.

The other five, three men and two women, looked at Luo Chen with suspicion, as if they had regarded Luo Chen as a thorn in their side.

"Based on his level of cultivation, I'm afraid he will die before reaching the inner circle of the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts." The sixth elder's personal disciple, a woman in a pair of skirts with an arrogant attitude, said with contempt for Luo Chen.

"Qingying, you haven't seen how powerful the Young Sect Master is, so don't judge people by their appearance." The sixth elder said seriously.

"Amazing? Hehe, you all say he is very powerful, but I really can't see how powerful he is. He is quite handsome, but he only reached the early stage of the first level of Yutian Realm at the age of 16. This talent is really too bad." Qingying said contemptuously.

"Do you doubt the eyes of the suzerain?" The suzerain asked with a faint smile.

"Qingying doesn't dare." Seeing the suzerain's question, Qingying's arrogant attitude disappeared all of a sudden, and she bowed her head nervously and clasped her fists.

"It's so boring here, can we go?" Luo Chen didn't want to entangle these people endlessly and waste his feelings, so he asked the suzerain with a bit of impatience.

The suzerain pulled back the imperceptible chill from Qingying's body, turned to Luo Chen and nodded, "Well, according to what you see, let's go."

Afterwards, the people who lived on the mountainside saw the suzerain lead a large number of disciples and elders, flying towards the direction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

After flying for four hours, Luo Chen finally saw the vast mountains, rivers and sea forests in the distance. As he got closer, he also found that there were two groups of people waiting quietly on the edge of the forest.

"Hey! What's going on with your Tianshan sect? Can you come earlier, you are the latest every year."

"Sect Master Five Poisons, if you don't like it, you can let your sect's disciples in ahead of time, and no one will stop you." The sect master brought people down and said.

"I want my sect disciples to go in early to open the way for you, hehe, you really think about it too." Sect Master Baidu sneered.

"Don't be blind if you don't dare." The suzerain finished speaking indifferently, then turned his head to the right and smiled, "Fulong, I haven't seen you for many years, are you okay?"

"I'll be better if you're dead. If you're not dead, I feel uncomfortable all over." Sect Master Fulong's body was enlightened, with a real dragon tattoo on his thick right arm, his tone was deep and powerful, and his eyes were like torches.

"Of course we can't talk about it, let's start the beast hunting meeting." The suzerain turned to face his sect disciples, raised his hand and sucked them, and sucked out all the storage rings and cosmic bags on their bodies, and put them into his storage Among the rings.

The Great Elder waved his right hand without saying a word, white light flashed, and the rings were stored all over the sky. Under his control, these storage rings slowly fell into everyone's hands.

"In order to prevent you from stealing spirit beasts and spiritual objects, your storage rings and universe bags will be temporarily kept by the suzerain. After a month, when the beast hunting conference is over, I will return them to you intact." The suzerain Said undeniably.

"Yes." Hundreds of people responded.

"Two, are you ready?" The suzerain turned around and asked.

"When we came, we had already confiscated the storage rings of our sect's disciples. How could we do such a thing to you." The Five Poison Sect Master sarcastically said.

The suzerain didn't take it seriously, the index finger of the right hand that was raised above the height of the shoulder suddenly hooked lightly, and the direct disciples of the seven elders all took the lead and flew into the forest.

Luo Chen didn't move for a long time, as if he was waiting for something, he didn't start to act until he saw Chu Xixuan set off and leap into the forest.

"Old Bai! You fucking grandma, I actually believed your nonsense before, and I have nothing to do with the world. Tell me, when did your adopted daughter hook up with the young master, tell me quickly." Hei Lao saw Luo Chen go to Chuxi just now Jumping in the right direction, he gritted his teeth angrily, turned around and pinched Bai Lao's neck in a rage, his eyes and demeanor were as if someone owed him money and hadn't paid it back.

"Ahem, I don't have one." Bai Lao blushed from being pinched.

"No? I believe you, you bastard, you are a bad old man, strangle you, strangle you!" Hei Lao choked vigorously, without any hesitation of face.

A few minutes later, Bai Lao got angry and hit him with a backhand.

But Hei Lao couldn't beat Bai Lao at all, and was chased by Bai Lao all over the sky.

The great elder asked: "Sovereign, do you need me to stop these two old urchins?"

"No, let them make trouble." The suzerain didn't take it seriously.

In less than half an hour, the surrounding area of ​​the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain was filled with the sound of killing. The howls of mysterious beasts and someone's screams turned the originally sunny weather into a frightening purgatory.

Shuttle between trees, Luo Chen, who was chasing after Chu Xijin, could clearly smell the pungent and bloody blood!
Luo Chen sneezed a little uncomfortable, but because of this sneeze, he lost him.

"Damn it! Where did the person go?" Luo Chen flew to the place where Chu Xijin suddenly disappeared, looking left and right for signs of him.

"Why are you looking for me?" Someone's voice suddenly came from under the tree on the left, and Luo Chen flew down happily.

(End of this chapter)

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