Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 318 God-level hidden occupation in the game!

Chapter 318 God-level hidden occupation in the game!

Following the supreme fully submerged helmet, Lin Fan put it on his head.

The soft material immediately wrapped Lin Fan's head.

Lying on the bed, Lin Fan closed his eyes.

At the same time, the electronic sound of the system resounded in Lin Fan's mind at this moment.

[The host can choose Jarvis instead of the AI ​​in the helmet to get more functions! 】

[Note: After the host enters the game world, unlike other ordinary game helmets, it will fully reflect the host's physical fitness. 】

Hearing the system's words, Lin Fan understood.

In other words, relying on his physical fitness, he is still the strongest at the start!

In addition, Jarvis can bring more functional manifestations to himself.

Although there is no cheating in the game, why is he not a cheating himself?
But this can't be blamed on him, is there something wrong with being physically strong?
Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth rose slightly.

Lin Fan said to the system in his heart: "System, let Jarvis replace the AI!"

Afterwards, Lin Fan said again: "Start linking!"

As Lin Fan's voice fell, he only felt that there was a lot of rainbow light in his mind.

The light spun rapidly, and one picture after another appeared in front of Lin Fan.

Finally, when Lin Fan opened his eyes again.

I found myself in a blue space.

And his body is floating in the center of the space.

Only Jarvis' voice was heard, resounding in the space at this moment.

"Sir, you can change your appearance now, may I ask if you want to change it?"

"No, I'm still a little confident about my appearance!"

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth rose slightly, and his body was touched by his parents.

Although he is just an orphan, but he has been at the peak for a long time, what he lacks most is self-confidence.

"Sir, there are tens of thousands of occupations in the God of Force game now. May I ask which occupation you want to choose?"

Thousands of career options.

After Lin Fan heard Jarvis's words, he felt that it was exaggerated.

Should it be said that it is a god-level game?

Just when Lin Fan felt hesitant.

At this moment, the sound of the system resounded in Lin Fan's mind.

[1: Choose a lifestyle profession, blacksmith.Reward: Casting success rate increased by [-]%! 】

[2: Choose a life-related occupation, Pest Catcher.Reward: The success rate of catching rare bugs is increased by 20.00%! 】

[3: Choose randomly.Reward: You must get a hidden job with only one place, and increase the attributes ten times! 】

[Please choose the host! 】

After hearing the words of the system, Lin Fan's eyes lit up immediately.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan chose the third option.

Immediately, Lin Fan said to Jarvis: "Jarvis, make a random selection."

"Yes, sir."

As Jarvis's voice fell, he could only see this blue space.

A huge turntable appeared, and the turntable began to spin rapidly.

Then as time went by, it slowly slowed down, and finally stopped at one?No. above.

This is obviously a hidden profession.

According to the words of the system, there is only one quota.

After the pointer of the turntable landed on this "?", the electronic sound of the system rang in Lin Fan's mind again.

[Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Cthulhu profession!And increase the attributes ten times! 】

[Cthulhu: In the game setting of God of Force, he belongs to one of the creator gods, but was beheaded by other gods, and finally fell and disappeared.Talent Skill: Infection!It can erode the opponent's various values ​​to enhance itself, or pollute weapons, making them unusable. It is an extremely powerful talent skill! 】

"Sir, after choosing a career, do you want to enter the game world?"

"Of course!"

As Lin Fan's voice fell, the surrounding environment changed again.

The blue space disappeared.

Immediately afterwards was the splendor-looking Black Jade Palace.

The palace that looked very clear, but exuded a strange luster, appeared in front of Lin Fan.

There is a black crow badge with blood pupils on it, which looks full of evil spirits!

"Jarvis, don't tell me that the Novice Village in the game is so gorgeous!"

"Sir, this is the special awakening location for the evil god profession - Black Jade Palace! It is your territory exclusively for you, sir!"

After hearing what Jarvis said, Lin Fan didn't ask any further questions.

Instead, he looked at his body.

At this time, he was wearing a crow feather black robe, looking very strange and evil!
He obviously just came to this game world, but Lin Fan felt a steady stream of power flowing in his body.

Jarvis: "This is the element contained in the game. Except for special skills and fighting techniques, using any skill will consume the elements in the body!"

And this is one of the charms of the god-level game God of Force!

The unprecedented sense of substitution allows people to experience the feeling of burning the sky and fleeing the earth in the game world, and blowing up a mountain at will.

It can be imagined that once this game is released, it will definitely become a hit.

No matter what game it is, it will be scum in front of the God of Force!
After familiarizing himself with the various skill mechanisms in the game, Lin Fan walked out of the palace.

I don't know where the Black Jade Palace is on the map.

After Lin Fan walked out, all he could see was lava black rock.

Before Lin Fan could take a closer look, he saw a big bubble bulging from the molten lava in the distance!
The cannon burst violently, and the magma fell on the black rock.

The voice of "Chi Chi Chi" drifted into Lin Fan's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a western black dragon with two wings was reflected in Lin Fan's eyes.

This black dragon was glowing with black light all over its body, and its wings spread nearly a hundred meters.

The wings fluttered, setting off a turbulent hurricane, blowing Lin Fan's crow-feathered black robe.


Just listen to the sound of the dragon's roar in the sky like thunder, reverberating through the sky and resounding through the sky.

Lin Fan only saw one floating above the black dragon, with a red mark showing its name and value: Abyssal Demon Lord—LV99—not breaking the rules!

After seeing the level, Lin Fan looked at his level again: Novice—LV1!

LV is the meaning of level.

The larger the number, it means that all powers have increased to a certain extent!

If there is no exception, the black dragon can only reach level 99 at the highest.

Once you break the rules, you can reach level 100, up to LV199!
But at this time, LV1 is not at the same level as LV99.

"Sir, in the God of Force game, once the character you control dies, you need to restart the game, and the job will be reset. Please be careful with the host!"

And as Jarvis's voice fell, only the LV99 black dragon marked with the abyssal lord was seen, and it roared towards Lin Fan...

(End of this chapter)

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