Chapter 335

The wind blows...

The ultimate battle between the Abyssal Plane and the God Realm has come, and Douluo Continent is inevitably involved in it, and has no choice but to be crushed by two powerful forces——

This is the sorrow of being weak...

After visiting the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, Luo Yuan then returned to the Hall of Spirits. For the next two months or so, he devoted himself to being the commander-in-chief of the "Douluo Continent Pre-war Soul Guidance Equipment"...


After the fight started, he was almost the boss of logistics...

Another point is the most precious thing that Luo Yuan wants to obtain from Gu Yuena——

It is Gu Yuena's inheritance power...

Of course--

After Luo Yuan walked into the shadows with Gu Yuena, he was a little confused to see Gu Yuena neatly take off the two layers of light shirt she was wearing...

When Luo Yuan saw Gu Yuena's clean, delicate, and silky body openly, he almost opened his door...

Unexpectedly, in order not to hand over what Luo Yuan wanted, Gu Yuena actually learned to bribe, and... still so... such a generous bribe——

Luo Yuan couldn't help but secretly scolded Gu Yuena for being treacherous...


After all, he is an old driver. What kind of car has he never driven?What kind of road have you never seen?Could it be that Gu Yuena, an old antique that has been in disrepair for a long time, can be tempted?Who knows whether to keep fresh or not to keep fresh...

Although this car is... very good...


Our garage is not bad either...

Anyway, Luo Yuan still resisted Gu Yuena's temptation, and told her righteously——

"I just want your power to pass on, don't give me what I have, I won't eat your way..."

Inheritance of power?


After hearing Luo Yuan's words, Gu Yuena, who was still naked, couldn't help trembling. Although the trembling movement was very slight, it was still captured by Luo Yuan——

"You also know that standing on the street is cold..."

However, when he finally left, Luo Yuan did not immediately take away Gu Yuena's inheritance power. Their alliance has just begun, and it is not time to ask for rewards...

In the following two months, Luo Yuan also participated in the discussion of the pre-war layout, distribution of combat power, and wartime leadership in the Douluo Continent as a soul instructor and as one of the representatives of the Wuhun Temple. .

And the result of the discussion was——

According to the instructions passed down from the God Realm, in the final decisive battle, the battlefield will be divided into four battlefields around the four directions of the abyss vortex, that is, four battlefields in the east, south, west, and north.

Among them, the southern battlefield will definitely be the main battlefield, and the combat power invested by the abyss plane will definitely be the largest, because the southern battlefield is located in the middle of the sea between the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent. As long as the abyss plane captures this If you have the dominance of one battlefield, you can freely support the other three battlefields. At the same time, you will have the conditions and time to directly invade the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent——

At that time, most of the combat power of humans and soul beasts will be devoted to the battlefield, and the continent without enough combat power to guard it will inevitably be quickly invaded and occupied by the abyss plane...

In order to ensure that the Douluo Continent will not be captured by the abyss plane, the God Realm must be in a hurry because of this...

In order to ensure the enthusiasm of all participants and for the mutual trust between the alliance, Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent will join the battlefield separately instead of joining forces to fight——

The abyssal creatures in the eastern battlefield of the abyss plane are fought by the main force of Douluo Continent, plus some soul beast power from Douluo Continent; the abyssal creatures in the western battlefield are fought by the main force of Sun Moon Continent, plus some from the The strength of the soul beasts from the Moon Continent; the main battlefield in the south is the joint force of the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent plus the main force of the soul beasts from the two continents; …

After the battlefields are allocated, there is also the establishment of the leaders of the respective battlefields. Each battlefield also needs a commander. As for the commander-in-chief of the four battlefields, this is meaningless——

On the eastern battlefield, the main force of the Douluo Continent is led by Qian Renxue, the representative of Wuhun Temple, as the frontline commander, and Luo Yuan is the logistics commander; on the western battlefield, the main force of the Sun Moon Continent is led by Prince Xu Tianquan, the representative of the Sun Moon Empire. The front-line commander, Baili Hongchen, the representative of the Hongchen family, is the logistics commander; the southern battlefield is the main force of the Soul Beast Alliance. The emperor is the logistics commander; and the final northern battlefield is the main force composed of sea soul beasts, and the most powerful deep-sea demon whale king is the front-line commander. This guy was personally invited by the God Realm. , and the original High Priest of the Sea God, Bo Saixi, was more or less appointed by the God Realm to become the logistics commander...

And the God Realm, after receiving the strategic arrangement of the Human Alliance, also passed down their preliminary strategy to the Human Alliance——

The God Realm also regards the southern battlefield as the main battlefield, and the god in charge of this battlefield is the Shura God who has been active in the eyes of all living beings from the very beginning. The god of darkness and the god of space, that is, the gods of the other six elements except the god of fire.

The first time Luo Yuan saw the God of Water on the list, Luo Yuan hadn't forgotten his silent commitment to the God of Fire alone, and his two big sharp eyes could not help but light up...

Then, there is the western battlefield, the southern battlefield and the northern battlefield——

Among them, the gods in charge of the western battlefield are the old couple, the God of Kindness and the God of Evil; the gods in charge of the southern battlefield are the God of Destruction under the God of Destruction, and there are also God of Cookery, Goddess of Colorful, God of Death, God of War, and God of Speed. , the God of the Phoenix, a total of seven gods; as for the northern battlefield, the gods responsible for protecting the sea soul beasts are also under the command of the God of Destruction, and they can be regarded as his strongest subordinates, they are the gods of the seven original sins...

If it weren't for the fact that Destruction and Life, as the creation gods of the God Realm, couldn't easily leave the God Realm, and three of the five main gods had already gone to fight in the lower realms, the God of Destruction wanted to go down and be happy with the Abyss by himself—

You can't leave the house alone, can you?

And the God of Destruction, who is dismissive of everything on the surface but loves his wife very much in his heart, cannot let the God of Life look after the house alone——

Besides, the God of life, who is full of love for everything, is the obvious Virgin Mary, and he is not a housekeeper... If it is a seller, it may be a good hand...

When the abyss vortex, which had been quiet for nearly three months, surged again, this time, the gap in the plane space opened in the vortex was also unprecedentedly large, and it was bigger, violent, and powerful than ever before. out-

In all directions, in the sky and in the sea, there are tyrannical creatures from the abyss everywhere, and following these abyssal creatures are the last twelve abyssal demon gods in the abyss plane, including the four strongest abyssal demon gods. The devil is inside...

The war is on the verge of...

(End of this chapter)

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