Chapter 314 Killing God for a Thousand Years
Poseidon, the God of the Sea, was the Seagod who was achieved through the power of faith in the beginning. He is also the most powerful first-level god besides the five main gods, and one of the speakers of the God Realm...

If you just look at it this way, there is no problem, but if you look at it in the context of the time, it will be different. You must know that the guy who competes with the Sea God for the Sea God has a cultivation base of nearly a million years The Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King, whose cultivation base has reached more than 90 years very early, has experienced countless times of fighting and thunder calamity, both physically and mentally, he has been tempered to be unrivaled.

But it was such a powerful existence, but when it condensed the god position, it lost to a human soul master who had practiced for only a few hundred years, and this human soul master was Poseidon.

And the answer is——

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is a soul beast...

No matter how powerful the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is, and no matter how heaven-defying his talent is, he cannot match the so-called will of God after all...

Ever since the Dragon God, one of the creators of Douluo Continent, launched the so-called rebellion in the God Realm, and after he was besieged by the five main gods of the God Realm, the God Realm has set a very strange rule——

Soul beasts are not allowed to become gods...

It's really weird...

Therefore, this is why the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who obviously crushed Poseidon in terms of strength and practice, lost to him.

And Poseidon was able to become the god of the sea in the end, not only because the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is a soul beast, but also because of Haibodong's own advantages, he is a god who condenses his faith——

However, after becoming a god, what kind of favor did Sea God bring to Douluo Continent?It's nothing more than suppressing sea spirit beasts to make it easier for fishermen to fish...

what else?
In addition, it is worth mentioning that -

The first god of angels who established the Wuhun Temple also sacrificed heroically in the Dragon God Rebellion...

When Luo Yuan saw Sea God launching the second form of the trident, seeing that he didn't take into account the safety of the two little golden men as team members, although it was expected, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

In a trance, Qianzaiyouyou's offensive has rushed to Kerrigan and You Ming, but Luo Yuan has no plans to make a move. If the two of them don't even touch the sea god's clothes, they will be cool, then Luo Yuan There is no need to save them.

How can he take the blame for Luo Yuan and attract firepower if he can't even touch the sea god?

If there is, even if Luo Yuan kills the Sea God, the God Realm will know that it was not the abyssal creatures who did it, so they will not fight with the abyss plane, so Luo Yuan doesn't want to expose his presence An extraordinary existence other than Abyss on Douluo Continent.

Fortunately, Kerrigan and Nether are not so easy to cool down. In the nick of time, the two bugs that relieved the indeterminate storm also exerted [-]% to [-]% of their power in an instant, directly arousing the space distortion. The location has shifted.

Seeing this in the dark, Luo Yuan directly fueled the flames, using his own space power to make Kerrigan and Nether's teleported landing point shift to the front of Sea God, forcing them to launch an offensive against Sea God.

"Abyss vortex!"

"Fear of the abyss!"

At the moment when the spatial shock occurred, Luo Yuan's voice also appeared in the minds of Kerrigan and You Ming, making them clear about their situation.

Therefore, when they reappeared, the two of them cooperated very tacitly and launched an offensive towards Sea God, and it was an extremely violent attack——

I saw the nether world expanding in an instant, but it was not as round as the time when it swallowed the black mist. A pair of compound eyes that looked like thousands of wormholes changed directly from the original dark shadows to blood red, and streaks appeared on the body. Criss-crossing bloody lines.

As for Kerrigan, the eight bone claws extending from her back, together with her hands, pointed straight at Seagod.

The abyssal vortex is Kerrigan's skill. When she instantly bounced her bone claws and arms away, a circle of distorted space ripples appeared around Seagod. However, before Seagod made any moves, the ghostly fear of the abyss It also arrived on schedule——

In fact, the moment Kerrigan and Nether appeared in Seagod's line of sight, although he was surprised that they were able to teleport to him in an instant, they had already raised the Seagod Trident in their hands again, obviously intending to launch it again. offensive.

However, just like when Kerrigan and Nether threw the two statuettes out before Seagod launched the Unsettled Storm, as Seagod raised the Seagod Trident, distorted space ripples appeared around him In addition, the ghosts also launched an offensive together.

Obviously, Nether's fear of the abyss is a skill similar to Unfixed Storm, which not only restricts his actions, but also directly makes Seagod lose control of his body.

Because, Sea God not only stopped waving the Sea God Trident, but also appeared to be on the verge of falling for a moment, and after stabilizing his body in an instant, from his eyes, Luo Yuan also saw obvious shock, and there was a trace of palpitation look.

At the same time, Luo Yuan also slightly sensed that the skill of Nether Abyss Fear should be a short-term restriction skill in the soul. By interfering with the target's soul, it can achieve the effect of restricting or even controlling the target...

From the looks of it, Kerrigan's abyssal vortex is a ranged attack launched with charged power, and its power will definitely not be small, which requires the restriction effect of Nether.

Poseidon, who could easily dodge or defuse Kerrigan's offensive, lost his mind under the fear of the Nether Abyss. This is a hundred times more terrifying than being restricted in form and movement. Annihilated, practicing the kind with no chance of escaping, Seagod also accepted Kerrigan's attack abruptly.


The Sea God let out a soft moan, although the sound was very weak, even very, very weak, but it was absolutely real, it was a weak neighing made by pain...

Kerrigan's abyssal vortex, what Seagod didn't expect again, really caused damage to himself, and it was a very special kind of damage——

The moment he was hit by the vortex of the abyss, Seagod immediately felt the oppression and strangulation from all directions, and tried to destroy his body in a frenzied manner, but in the end, it didn't cause much harm to him——

Or rather, the wound...

Kerrigan's attack, under Nether's control, only caused a dozen or so cracks on Seagod that even a god would be too subtle to detect with the naked eye.

But these cracks made Seagod feel the pain that went deep into the bone marrow, that kind of pain that seemed to be tearing his body apart bit by bit.

It was just two breaths of effort, even though Seagod had escaped Kerrigan and Nether's offensive, the pain brought to him by the abyssal vortex did not disappear.

Slow, light, but painful...

Opportunity is here -

Luo Yuan also realized that Kerrigan's Nether's offensive had taken effect, and realized that his chance had come...

Suddenly, You Ming rushed towards the slightly trembling Seagod holding the trident, and teleported again, this time, directly appearing closer to Seagod.

How about the blood mist...

Nether, who rushed to the sea god, directly used his two front pincers to hit the sea god's head, and when the two front pincers were about to touch the sea god, the sea god also reacted instantly, but just as the sea god turned around The moment before leaving, You Ming's two front pincers exploded directly, and two clouds of blood mist exploded suddenly.


Another sound like flesh breaking and bone cracking sounded...

Sea God couldn't think of it, how did Kerrigan know where she was going?

Sea God, who hadn't fully recovered from the vortex of the abyss, was attacked by You Ming at close quarters, and even had two front pincers blew up by You Ming, and was so shaken that he couldn't completely stabilize his figure when the landing point appeared.

Moreover, the most unexpected thing of Seagod was that when he appeared at the landing point, Kerrigan's attack followed, as if Jiu knew his actions completely, how could people not be shocked...

The eight bone claws on Kerrigan's back, plus the two hands with sharp armor popped out, a total of ten indomitable sharp blades, respectively pierced Seagod's brain, heart, neck, lungs, stomach, Large intestine, small intestine, kidneys, and anus...


Another soft sound...

Kerrigan inserted her hands into Seagod's heart and lungs, and squeezed them hard again...

Slowly raising his head, his blood dripped unhurriedly through the ten sharp blades of Poseidon. He couldn't see Kerrigan behind him, but could only look at Nether, who had exploded his two front pincers. When the four eyes met, he saw that pair of blood-red compound eyes again...

(End of this chapter)

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