Chapter 302 Warm-up is over
The five people in the front row of the second Huangdou team are all soul masters of the assault system. The five souls are lion, bear, tiger, leopard, and wolf. The impact of this combination is obviously very powerful, but when they meet It was the Shrek Seven Monsters, and their reaction was a bit slow at the beginning. Although they woke up immediately after hearing the petite man's shout, the shock brought by the Shrek Seven Monsters was not yet complete. After calming down, coupled with the hasty and somewhat awkward greeting, the result can be imagined

Dai Mubai raised his head to the sky and roared, and at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, he directly lit up his first and third spirit rings without any reservations, that is to say, he directly used the white tiger vajra cover and the white tiger vajra Change.

Tang San also vigorously swung his sledgehammer vigorously, directly lighting up his fourth spirit ring, ten thousand years spirit ability, strengthening defense——

No one could have imagined this, the two attacking soul masters who took the lead among the Shrek Seven Monsters used such a huge amount of consumption as soon as they came up, is this going to be crushed directly by relying on the suppression of the level of soul power?
Even so, the second Huangdou team was helpless.
And when Dai Mubai and Tang San lighted up their respective spirit rings, the five spirit masters in the second Huangdou team who greeted them couldn't help trembling, but they still exhausted their greatest strength to shine brightly. They picked up all their own spirit rings, and they were obviously very frightened.

Black light floated on Tang San's body, and Dai Mubai's body also entered a yellow and a purple light, and the two just ran into the five people who came up from the opposite side regardless.

Dai Mubai, who is relatively strong and bulky, faced the three people on the opposite side, including the tiger on the opposite side, while Tang San was one for two, facing the attack of the two people, he also swung his hammer regardless. Just smash into one of them.

Five low-pitched landing sounds sounded one after another——

The five members of Huangdou's second team just lit up their spirit rings, they didn't have time to release any spirit skills, and after colliding with Dai Mubai and Tang San, they flew upside down, what a coincidence Unfortunately, they collided with that petite boy and that tall girl, a team is also neat.
Just when Dai Mubai and Tang San and the five attack-type spirit masters of Huangdou's second team collided passionately, Gong Jiali and Meng Yiran also successfully attacked the control-type spirit master of the opposing team as the captain. The petite boy of the teacher and the girl of the auxiliary soul master, these two sissies and the hooker girl in Gong Jiali's mouth also have no power to parry. The sword fell sharply to the ground.

And when the five attack system spirit masters of Huangdou Second Team collided with Dai Mubai and Tang San, although Dai Mubai and Tang San also lit up quite bluffing spirit rings, the two of them They didn't release any offensive soul skills, but the two strengthened their defensive abilities to a very strong level and their own not-so-weak offensive still knocked out the five opponents.

"The first soul skill, Phoenix Firewire!"

A dark red fire light descended from the sky, instantly spread across half of the fighting arena, directly wrapping the seven members of Huangdou Second Team who fell together tightly in it.

"We admit defeat!"

When the seven members of Huangdou Second Team were at a loss, they heard a voice like the sound of heaven.

The leader of Huangdou No. [-] team couldn't do anything about it, and he chose the most correct way very wisely. He simply threw a white towel on the stage and ended the game that had just started. Just kidding.

Compared with honors, the members of Huangdou Second Team are all nobles, and their lives are also very important. As the team leader, it is very necessary for him to pay attention to the physical and mental health of the students...

The spectators, who were still a little noisy just now, also fell silent for a short time after seeing such an unexpected match. Even when Shrek showed his powerful momentum at the beginning, they already knew what the result would be, but No matter how you say it, the second team of Huangdou is also a famous family, and the name of genius is more or less deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but this result makes them feel too hasty...

Including those audiences who knew and supported the Shrek Seven Monsters, all of them had expressions of disbelief. It was a bit too fast, and the interest had just been raised...

"Let's congratulate the Shrek team for winning!"

Doudou, who was the referee, also froze for a while, then reacted quickly, and then announced the result of the game.

So far, the opening ceremony of the day has officially come to an end. This exhibition match is also equivalent to the first match in the Tiandou sub-division. Therefore, Huangdou, who shoulders the honor of the Tiandou Empire and more or less represents the face of the Tiandou royal family The second team was eliminated at the beginning...

At this time, the day was in the sky, and it hadn’t even arrived at noon. The exhibition match of the opening ceremony, which was supposed to be very interesting, ended hastily. The powerful strength displayed by the seven monsters is also empathetic and somewhat passionate.

Although the Seven Shrek Monsters just simply crushed the Huangdou [-]nd Team, and it can be said that there is no entertainment, but the age of the Shrek Seven Monsters changed the nature of the battle that should be regarded as bullying. , who doesn't like to see the birth of a genius?

This is like chasing a star. It doesn't necessarily mean that the much-anticipated star must be so good, but there must be one thing about him that fans like, and this will cover up all other flaws.

The reason for chasing stars, why?
Just because there is one thing about the person being pursued that the person being pursued agrees with, maybe it is something that the person admires, maybe it is something that the person is looking forward to, or maybe it is something that the person who is pursuing is empathetic, similar, and close to sharing. a little bit.

This will make fans feel-

this is me...

I'm like this...

That's how I should be...

In the future, I will also be so much-anticipated...

The Shrek Seven Monsters are not as high-ranking as the other teams of famous families. In the eyes of most people, they are a group of commoner geniuses who have risen from the humble beginnings. The arduous and step-by-step journey has made many young and old men and women feel the same way.

Although Tang San, a disciple of the Clear Sky School, is among them, this is also a bonus point——

Why did the Haotian School who had been reclusive for many years have disciples born, and why did they hide from the world back then?And what is the purpose of this birth?

Makes one wonder...

Another thing is-

Compared to Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai's identity as the prince has not been revealed yet, and Oscar and Ma Hongjun are ordinary geniuses discovered by Flender. Most importantly, they are very handsome , this image of ordinary background but extraordinary talent and handsomeness is naturally useful to many people...

As for Tang San, this genius from a famous family has an ordinary appearance, and he doesn't appear to be rebellious or superior. Compared with Dai Mubai and the three of them, it makes many people think——

I am no worse than those nobles...

(End of this chapter)

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