Chapter 266 Can You Guess?
For a while, the office was a little too quiet, Luo Yuan looked at the five Flanders indifferently, and the five Flanders were also a little unnatural under Luo Yuan's gaze.


After a while, Flender, who was the leader among the five, spoke first, with an unavoidable embarrassment in his tone, "Mr. Luo, I don't know... what is your condition?"

"Before I put forward my conditions, I think I can let you know my identity first."

Glancing at the five people, Luo Yuan said indifferently, "You must also know that there has been an extra pope in Wuhun Hall in recent years, right?"


The others didn't speak aloud, but Flender agreed in cooperation.

"I am the Pope."

When he said this, Luo Yuan's tone was as flat as usual, and then he quietly watched the reactions of the five people.

Although Luo Yuan's tone was very flat, the shock it brought to the five Flanders was undoubtedly huge, and it was incomparably huge. Zhao Wuji, who thought he knew something about Luo Yuan, also had an unbelievable look on his face. Even confused...

Originally, when Luo Yuan mentioned the Wuhun Palace, everyone thought that Luo Yuan was going to fight against the Wuhun Palace, and the conditions proposed might be to go to the branch hall to find fault, rob the Wuhun Palace's materials, and assist Luo Yuan in stealing Get information and treasures from the Hall of Spirits... Unexpectedly, Luo Yuan, who has been teaching at Shrek Academy for almost two years, turned out to be the mysterious pope who does not show himself, this reversal is a bit too big!
The most shocking thing was Zhao Wuji, and Zhao Wuji always thought that Luo Yuan was a transformed 10-year-old soul beast, otherwise, how could a human being hold a 10-year-old soul beast in the Star Dou Forest? A stroll in the mixed zone?He clearly remembered that when Luo Yuan rescued Zhao Wuji a few years ago, he really saw the rabbit in Luo Yuan's arms talking...

"Don't believe it?"

Seeing that Flender and the others hadn't calmed down, Luo Yuan also spoke again, and looked at them quietly after speaking.


Flender also opened his mouth with a cloudy expression, and said incomprehensibly, "If you are the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, how is that possible...and you are just a Contra with eight rings... ..."

Luo Yuan knew what Flender wanted to say, and it was nothing more than that if Luo Yuan was the Pope of the Wuhun Palace, how could Liu Erlong be his woman? In addition, Flender and the others had seen Luo Yuan's eight soul rings. , although the eight black soul rings are a bit unbelievable, but they are still soul rings, and the appearance cannot be faked.

"Ha ha……"

Luo Yuan smiled contemptuously. Of course, he was not laughing at Flender and the others, but he just felt that it was ridiculous to judge the infinite possibilities with limited cognition, "Contra?"

As he said that, under the once again shocked eyes of Flender and the others, nine soul rings rose slowly under Luo Yuan's feet——

Two years, from Soul Douluo to Title Douluo?

The most important thing is that each of Luo Yuan's nine soul rings is extraordinarily red and dazzling, and the aura and coercion emanating from each soul ring made everyone in the room jump with fear.


Flender was the one who lost his composure the most. After all, as Yu Xiaogang’s former combat partner, he was inevitably affected. Even if he often listened to Luo Yuan explaining theoretical knowledge to the students, the thinking that had been ingrained for decades was not so good twisted.

"Is it incredible?"

Looking at Flender's expression of seeing a ghost, and seeing that the other people looked almost the same as Flender, Luo Yuan couldn't help but chuckled again, "It's very interesting, isn't it..."

The voice fell again, and with Luo Yuan's voice, the nine bewitching scarlet soul rings under his feet began to change colors, and various colors came into play in turn, which really made Flender almost People have seen a lot of colors.

Not only that, but the nine soul rings under Luo Yuan's feet not only changed their colors, but also shone with dazzling light, just a little emotional music and dance...


The five Flanders who were still shocked a moment ago were amazed again by Luo Yuan's reversal, and the atmosphere that was still unusually quiet just now suddenly felt a lot of joy.

"The condition for me to go is very simple..."

Seeing what should be said, I said it, and the atmosphere that had been immersed in it became active again. Luo Yuan brought the thoughts of Flender and the others back on track, "After Lanba Academy changed its name to Shrek Academy, it will still be you Flender’s is what it was before, and my only condition is that Shrek Academy joins the Hall of Spirits, or joins the camp of the Hall of Spirits.”

At this time, including Zao Wou-ki, the four teachers honestly stopped talking. They knew that the next one was the negotiation between Flender and Luo Yuan, and there was no need for them to speak again up...


Originally, I was quite happy to hear Luo Yuan reconfirmed that Shrek Academy was still his own Flender, but after hearing that Luo Yuan asked him to bring Shrek Academy to join the Hall of Spirits... then this is the same as Shrek Academy. What is the difference between giving it to Wuhundian?
"Your Majesty the Pope..."

Although Flender is still not sure whether Luo Yuan is really the mysterious Pope who emerged from the Wuhun Palace in recent years, this does not prevent him from promising the strong one, "If I join the Wuhun Palace Soul Palace, what does it mean that Shrek Academy is in my hands?"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Flender's respectful but stubborn appearance, Luo Yuan also felt for the first time that he was indeed the Pope of Wuhun Temple, "How can it be the same? Perhaps, I should explain to you what I said mean--

What I mean by joining is not to make you submit to me or Wuhundian, and I don't need your surrender, I just need you to bring Shrek Academy to join Wuhundian, to acknowledge the importance of Wuhundian to Shrek Academy. leadership.However, Wuhundian will not interfere with Shrek Academy's affairs, and when Shrek Academy needs help, Wuhundian will also provide help and rescue. Of course, if Wuhundian encounters any trouble, as a The affiliated Shrek Academy also needs to actively provide assistance within its capacity..."

Luo Yuan and Flender talked a lot, except for some nominal and basic affiliation, Shrek Academy and Wuhundian are more like an alliance, but Wuhundian is always in the upper hand, and Shrek Academy only It can be a vassal of Wuhundian, but Shrek Academy has a high degree of autonomy and absolute autonomy.

In addition to talking about the relationship between Shrek Academy and Wuhundian after joining Wuhundian, there are also many obligations that Shrek Academy needs to undertake to Wuhundian and some benefits of Wuhundian for Shrek Academy, including Wuhun The benefits and privileges open to all Shrek Academy staff and outstanding students.

Of course, Luo Yuan didn't just say it to Flender, he also said it to Zao Wou-ki and the others. If the elders of Shrek Academy had intentions, it would naturally shake Flender's mind. And in that case, it will be easier for Shrek Academy to join the Hall of Spirits, and at the same time, it is also for the four people in the office who don't talk much to have a sense of participation...

After finishing speaking, Luo Yuan waited for Flender to make a decision without saying a word, thinking that it was time to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School...


Finally, Flender spoke again, and asked Luo Yuan nervously, "If I don't agree to you, won't Shrek Academy have the opportunity to participate in the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition?"

"Ha ha……"

Luo Yuan seemed to smile casually, tilted his head slightly, and grinned slightly, "Guess?"

(End of this chapter)

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