Chapter 227 Encounter in Soto City

The Barak Kingdom is located in the south of the Heaven Dou Empire, bordering on the province of Fasino. It is said to be a kingdom, but in fact its area is only about three quarters of the province of Fasino. It is one of the four kingdoms and One of a principality.

The two most important cities in the Kingdom of Barak, one is Barak City, the capital of the Kingdom of Barak, and the other is Soto City, which is located in the center of the most fertile Barak Plain in the Kingdom of Barak, and has the reputation of Barak Granary. .

At this time, it was noon, and the sun was scorching hot. A handsome young man was sipping a cup of tea in a tea shed at the north gate of Suotuo City. He kept looking towards the gate of the city, as if he was Waiting for someone.

"Well... Notting City is in the northwest direction of Soto City. Xiaosan may enter Soto City through the north gate, or through the west gate. But... Notting City is in the north-northwest direction of Soto City, and walk through the north gate The probability should be a little higher, right?"

The unbelievably handsome young man is naturally Luo Yuan. He knows that Tang San and Xiao Wuhui entered the city two days before Shrek Academy recruits students, but he doesn't know which door they won't come in...

However, after 12 years of nurturing in elementary school and high school mathematics, Luo Yuan also has a glimpse of the surface. Although he has not yet started to learn about problems such as probability, the situation of four gates in a city is still a problem. From looking at the east-west, north-south directions on the map, he can also infer one or two, of course, as long as his face is not so dark... Before going out, Luo Yuan specially washed and washed his face, especially his face...

More than an hour later, under the guidance of the goddess of luck, Luo Yuan also understood that Tang San entered Soto City through the west gate...

"What the hell!"

Luo Yuan walked alone on the streets of Suoto City, which became lively after noon, cursing in a low voice, "Did I wash my face when I went out? Brother, I even spent a point to exchange it for bleeding." Wash your hands with a "hello2020" hand sanitizer, and then wash your face with "Three Thousand Stars" facial cleanser!
I knew... even the goddess of luck is jealous of my peerless beauty, it's really disgusting, it must be the goddess of luck who has avenged her own revenge and made me wait for more than three hours in vain..."

In desperation, Luo Yuan decided to find that rose hotel first, anyway, Tang San must stay in the hotel when the time comes... It seems wrong!Xiao Wu is no longer Tang San's younger sister... She definitely won't live with Tang San in some shit Rose Hotel...

I rely on-

Where the hell am I going to find someone!I'm so devastated!Am I so white?

Just as Luo Yuan was walking towards the familiar Rose Hotel, just as he was about to reach his destination, Luo Yuan remembered that the situation had changed again. Obviously, he ran away for nothing...

Originally, Luo Yuan had stayed in Suotuo City for more than half a month, and he had already figured out every street here, and he would not get lost at all, but before his little self-satisfied emotions arose, he was overwhelmed by his own awakening. Killed the signs...

Afterwards, Luo Yuan could only wander aimlessly in the street, maybe he could meet Xiao Wu who came out for a walk with a good face...

Ok?It seems that Xiaosan will go to Flender's store to buy hair gold?I can go to Flender and wait!
Just do what you say, adjust your mood, Luo Yuan raised his head and was ready to go to Flender's shop to wait... Isn't it?I fucking seem to have given Xiaosan so much metal!Especially after Wuhun City began to develop soul guides, all kinds of metal needles were available, and there were dozens of dragon whisker needles made of plate crystal hair gold...

Depend on!
Luo Yuan collapsed again...

Luo Yuan felt that he was completely cheated by himself, and he walked a little absent-mindedly without looking at the road, and knocked down a person all of a sudden, but it made Luo Yuan's waist feel soft.


Luo Yuan also realized that he had bumped into someone, and it was obviously a girl when he hit someone.Although the girl still lowered her head, Luo Yuan knew from her bustling white long dress, neat short ear-length hair, and fair and slender neck that the girl he bumped into must be a beautiful girl. sin.

As he said that, Luo Yuan wanted to help the girl who fell down, and the girl who fell on the ground also grabbed the hand that Luo Yuan handed over. Under Luo Yuan's force, the girl also stood up.

Seeing the girl's exquisite appearance, she also gave off the aura of a dusty aristocratic girl, coupled with the information fed back by Xiaoyi, Luo Yuan also confirmed that the girl knocked down by him was Ning Rongrong, that Qibao The eldest lady of the Glazed Sect.

Seeing Ning Rongrong, Luo Yuan was indeed a little surprised, and was stunned for a moment.And Ning Rongrong saw that the person who knocked him down turned out to be a handsome guy, and Ning Rongrong, who still had some facial features, didn't want to care about it, but he saw Luo Yuan holding his hand and watching it by himself In a trance, I couldn't help but want to be a monster in front of the handsome guy——

I saw that Ning Rongrong stepped on Luo Yuan's foot fiercely with one of her own feet, and Luo Yuan also cooperated with her performance, showing just the right appearance of suffering.Ning Rongrong was wearing low-heeled cyan-blue leather shoes and low-cut stockings painted with cyan-blue patterns. The small leather shoes on her feet also exposed half of her insteps wearing silk stockings.

Ning Rongrong's step down was originally intended to show her intentions, and there was no limit to exerting a little effort, but she saw Luo Yuan staring at her feet with her head down, and she still stared intently.Being stared at by a handsome guy, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but blush a little, but she was also a little annoyed, and took advantage of the opportunity to use the other foot.

Ning Rongrong didn't know why she blushed a little angrily, and even acted indecently.

Ning Rongrong's other leg spread its wings like a roc, and lifted it towards Luo Yuan's crotch. It was about to have a violent friction with Luo Yuan's little brother like sparks hitting the earth. How could Luo Yuan do that? Sit back and watch his brother, who is more affectionate than Jin Jian, be humiliated like this?

Luo Yuan's legs lightly joined together, and firmly blocked Ning Rongrong's kicking foot. At a place very close to Luo Yuan's little brother, Luo Yuan clamped Ning Rongrong's foot with his legs The wrist also made Ning Rongrong unable to advance or retreat.

One of Ning Rongrong's feet was still on Luo Yuan's instep, and the other was pinched by Luo Yuan's legs at the ankle. For a moment, Ning Rongrong was very ashamed.

Normally, in this situation, Ning Rongrong would be able to quickly pull back the foot that was on Luo Yuan's instep, and she would be able to maintain her center of gravity, but the momentary sense of shame made her panic. Almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Luo Yuan reacted in time and took Ning Rongrong's hand hard, and hugged her into his arms, the posture was also extremely ambiguous.

"Little girl."

Leaning into Ning Rongrong's ear, Luo Yuan said softly, "There are many ways to greet my brother, but this one is definitely not included!"

Saying that, Luo Yuan also put Ning Rongrong down.And this series of things just happened in a few breaths. Except for a few good guys who stopped to take a look, there was no more interesting progress, so no one paid attention to it.

At this time, Ning Rongrong, who was put down by Luo Yuan, had already blushed completely, lowered her head, and did not dare to look at Luo Yuan anymore.

Before, Ning Rongrong was able to lose her temper because she was knocked down suddenly, and she was a little angry.But when he saw Luo Yuan's peerlessly beautiful and handsome face, Ning Rongrong lost his temper, and the next step on Luo Yuan's instep and the indecent act he just made were nothing more than nothing. It's Ning Rongrong's eldest lady's disposition at work, but she just wants to win Luo Yuan's attention.

And at the last moment just now, Luo Yuan hugged Ning Rongrong, and when he hugged her, Ning Rongrong felt Luo Yuan's open and solid chest, and his heart beat directly to 180 miles.

Especially Luo Yuan's last sentence, "There are many ways to greet my brother..."

Although Ning Rongrong is only 12 years old, she is also a young lady from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. After all, she can be regarded as a noble young lady. Many things will be known early on. How could she not understand the meaning of Luo Yuan's words? ?
Gathering up her courage, she raised her head again, and Ning Rongrong saw that face that could make her fall in love again——

Dad, I'm in love!

(End of this chapter)

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