Fighting monsters and upgrading since the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 2 From now on the road to the jungle

Chapter 2 From now on the road to the jungle
Luo Yuan really wanted to give Xiaoyi a combo of left and right uppercuts, "Then what's the use for you?"

"Big brother finally got the point. This system is designed to allow big brother to grow and become stronger through constant tempering. Therefore, as long as you kill the target, you can get points. The number of points you get will be based on the strength of the target you kill. Weakness and big brother’s strength to judge.” Primary One students feel that they have found themselves.

"What's the use of points?" Luo Yuan asked after taking a sip of Coke.

"Points can be used to upgrade the system to reach different levels, and you can also use points to unlock new functions. The use of new functions also requires points." Primary One students replied very seriously.

"Well~ it's okay, how do you count the lottery?" Luo Yuan thinks it's not bad, it's just wild farming, the more you brush, the higher the economy, it's understandable.

"This system does not provide a lottery function. The previous [-] lottery draws were used as compensation for system bugs." Xiaoyi explained.

He was a little disappointed to hear that there was no lottery draw, but when he thought of his dark face, Luo Yuan didn't care.

At this time, Luo Yuan moved his nose, as if he could smell some smoke, "Xiaoyi, do you smell smoke?" Luo Yuan sniffed his nose vigorously.

"According to my elder brother, I can't smell it. However, I can tell my elder brother responsibly that the Huoyu Villa is on fire about 800 meters ahead, and the smell of smoke that my elder brother smells should come from there."

Hearing what Xiaoyi said, Luo Yuan remembered that when he first came here, the kid who ran away seemed to have told him that he was near Huoyu Villa.

But I should be at the back of the villa, and I could vaguely see a few eaves through the forest. Seeing that the villa was on fire, something must have happened.

But I left it here for a long time and no one yelled at me.I was so busy chatting with the two systems that I almost forgot that I was not in my home now.

Do you want to go see it yourself?It seems that Huoyu Villa was burned by Liu Yi, right?I remember that when I was watching anime before, it was almost the same. I went, wouldn’t it be just in time?

But it seems that there are still two beauties, I must go, the system is in hand, I have the world.Be careful and there should be no problems. The real wild king should go forward bravely, Aoli!

With this in mind, Luo Yuan took action, for the sake of beauty, bah, for the sake of innocent people, to rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering, since he was hit by himself, there is no reason to ignore it.

As the son of destiny, shouldn't you help those who are suffering?The more I think about Luo Yuan, the more I feel that I should support justice.

It was natural for Luo Yuan to mobilize his internal strength. It seems that the novice gift pack still has some gold in it, otherwise he would not have been so smooth in his old late-stage lazy cancer.

Luo Yuan, who had received the information explosion, kept shuttling through the woods as the scholar had seen on the screen, and quickly approached Huoyu Villa.

Three minutes later, Luo Yuan stood on a treetop and looked at the burning villa in front of him, secretly thinking that it was a pity.

Turning his head to look at a group of people walking in the distance, burning the Huoyu Mountain Villa is Liu Yi's private work, right?He probably didn't bring many people with him, and he fought with the people in the villa just now, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with.Luo Yuan hypnotized himself.

But I still don't feel at ease, after all, I haven't even had a group fight in school before. "Xiaoyi, what level am I in this world?"

"Brother, don't be afraid. According to your thinking, you are considered a quasi-second-rate in Qin Shimingyue's world. If there is no accident, it will not be a problem to deal with the team in front of you." Xiaoyi replied very rigorously.

Give it a go, turn your bike into a sports car, and get on—for justice.Looking at the group of people who were getting far away and were about to disappear from sight, Luo Yuan became what he thought was the son of destiny again, and this time he swept forward at a high speed.

Slowly, Luo Yuan saw the group of people clearly. There were 29 people on horseback, there must be Liu Yi inside, and [-] people on foot. There was a carriage surrounded by a group of people, and the carriage should be the Hu sisters. up.

A group of shameless, big Zhuangzi, just caught two beauties, and the rest are probably gone.I want to save just two people. Justice will not give up on anyone. Luo Yuan is very firm in his belief.

In his thoughts, Luo Yuan had already approached the convoy, and the opponent was a well-trained soldier after all. He was also spotted when Luo Yuan approached the convoy, "Enemy attack!"

Although Luo Yuan is considered a fledgling, but still relying on the gap in strength, he quickly resolved the last eight when the opponent had not yet fully set up his battle.

Although it was the first time to kill, these soldiers were all fully armed. After Luo Yuan approached the target, he slapped their helmets covering the sky spirit cap with his palm.

With his quasi-second-rate strength, he still has the confidence to smash the contents of the opponent's head into a ball of paste with a slap through a layer of inferior iron.At the same time, Luo Yuan was not lucky enough to witness the true faces of these senders.

Using Tai Chi, and then using his strength to attack, Luo Yuan continued to charge forward. If there was a chance, he would draw out the opponent's sword and throw it out with internal force. After the thrown sword was inserted into the target's chest, the internal force on it would spread out and directly hit the target. His internal organs were shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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