Chapter 41

The kill came very quickly.

Qiao Yunmu had only been in Guangning County for three days, and was about to fall asleep at night when he heard movement outside the door.

It was the sound of blocking the door and splashing water, and soon, the flames shot into the sky.

As soon as Qiao Yunmu kicked open the door, more than a dozen cold arrows shot at him, forcing Qiao Yunmu to retreat back to the room, and then rushed out holding the table.

There was no one to be seen outside the door, but Qiao Yunmu was splashed with kerosene as soon as he went out, and more than a dozen people took out torches from somewhere and threw them at the same time.

There is a great feeling that Qiao Yunmu will not give up until he is burned to death.

Qiao Yunmu grabbed the table legs and swung them around to block all the torches, then threw the burning table aside. Finally, a man in black with a knife and a sword rushed over.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Qiao Yunmu's face.

A machine gun appeared in Qiao Yunmu's hands out of thin air, and after a burst of shooting, the men in black fell to the ground one after another.

And Qiao Yunmu suddenly took out the explosion-proof shield to block the cold arrows shot from behind, pulled a grenade and threw it in the direction of the arrow.

With a bang, the surroundings fell into a deathly silence.

There are no cold arrows or people coming out.

Qiao Yunmu left here before others came to check, and went to another house in Guangning County.

At the same time, she murmured in her heart: She has a B-level physical fitness, and there are various objects stuffed in her portable space for her to open and hang.

Luo Jiaoniang in the original plot must also be treated like this, can she live?
Qiao Yunmu expressed his incomprehension.

The author of the original plot said: Ah~ I only thought about Mrs. Xiangguo's ruthless hand, and I didn't write it at all.

The fire burned the house and spread half the street.

There were more than a dozen men in black with strange deaths, and an attic seemed to have been bombed.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Guangning County. Some people said it was a punishment from God, while others said it was a man-made disaster.

Because it was Qiao Yunmu's house that was first burned, Qiao Yunmu was invited by the master in the county early in the morning, only to hear the master say:

"Miss Yun, I heard that your house was burned last night."

Qiao Yunmu nodded and said, "It was burned. Fortunately, Yunmu lived in another house last night, otherwise it would have gone with the fire."

The people whose other houses were burned were also here, and they all couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

There was a lot of commotion last night, no one was killed in the fire, and the days to come will be sad.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Qiao Yunmu say: "Although I escaped by luck, I have ordered someone to investigate what happened last night. The fire was the fire that killed me. Everyone was implicated innocently. How could Yun Mu Ignore it, and please list the price of the burned items, and Yun Mu will compensate for it."

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention the people who were burned were all dumbfounded, even the master held his goatee in one hand and murmured to himself:
No wonder this man was able to do something that cost money to build roads, and he himself suffered, but he first thought that others' lives would not be easy.

But Qiao Yunmu said so, and the people beside him felt relieved when they learned that Qiao Yunmu would give them money.

I was immediately separated by the guards to record the loss.

There are so many things, nearly a thousand taels of silver are pasted in this half of the street.

He also took the opportunity to make a good name in Guangning County.

Quite a few literati who claimed to be noble and disdain merchants also praised Qiao Yunmu.

Oneself suffers an innocent disaster, but first thinks of the people involved, which is called great kindness.

Regardless of what they said, Qiao Yunmu took the opportunity to open braised pork and hot pot shops in several counties in Guangning County.

After these two things were established, the branches of Juyinlou and Tai'an Restaurant were introduced into Guangning County.

As for the unique silk and satin in Linshan County.

That silk and satin family has long been dominant, but the roads are impassable, and only a small part can be sent out for offerings.

Now that the road is open, Qiao Yunmu still can't compete with them in silk and satin, so he doesn't want to sell only silk and satin, but starts the embroidered Linglong brand, and goes to the capital from Guangning County all the way.

Qiao Yunmu, who originally planned to enter the capital in half a year, entered the capital a month later.

And sneered at the tall city gate of the capital.

The ultimate move, right?

Come on!
When he first arrived in the capital, Qiao Yunmu only opened three shops.

There is a hot pot, a braised pork, and another is Xiu Linglong.

The capital is a place where every inch of land is expensive.

Qiao Yunmu didn't do it on a large scale, and the shop was stable, so he found a small house, on a street behind Xiufang's shop.

On the first day Qiao Yunmu moved in, he felt the malice from the plot master.

Because Luo Jiaoniang's voice sounded from across the wall:
"Brother Qi, it's a good thing you've come to Beijing, otherwise what would I do?"

Immediately afterwards, Qi Shen said: "I learned in the village that you were missing in the county, and I was always worried. The school teacher told me that if I want to find you, I must have fame and rights. I studied poetry and books hard, and finally passed the exam. I went to Beijing to rush for the exam, but I didn't expect to meet you in Beijing. Jiao Niang, who abducted you?"

Luo Jiaoniang immediately wiped away her tears when she heard the words, and said in tears, "You also know that the village doesn't allow me, so I can only go to my uncle and aunt. My uncle and aunt are working as porters in the county, but they don't want me to go. I know, that is Yun Mu's house, and Yun Mu kicked me out."

"So, it's all because she kicked you out that you..." Qi Shen had a look of disbelief.

Luo Jiaoniang cried and nodded, she has been in the Prince's Mansion for more than a year.

She only needs to prepare some stewed meat and different food to send to the prince every day.

For the rest of the time, she hangs out with the concubines of the Prince's Mansion.

Today, what Luo Jiaoniang knows is the method of fighting for favor in the deep house compound.But obviously, her pear blossoms and rainy weeping are very useful to Qi Shen.

Qi Shen immediately forgot everything and hugged her, the anger in his eyes became more intense:
"She was kicked out of the village because of you, and you were kicked out of the village because of her. It's already even. How could she treat you like this!"

Qiao Yunmu was separated from them by a wall. Hearing this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

But she didn't say anything, she just winked at Cuilian who was following her.

Cuilian immediately yelled: "The one next door wants to flirt and go back to your room and talk about it. Stand by the wall and you want to say that we don't want to hear it."

After Cuilian yelled, the other side of the wall really quieted down.

Cuilian raised her chin proudly and looked at Qiao Yunmu, as if there was a dog's tail begging for praise behind her.

Qiao Yunmu couldn't help laughing, reached out and tapped her forehead lightly, and said with a smile, "Add chicken legs tonight."

"Okay." Cuilian smiled even more happily.

The small courtyard is not big, so Qiao Yunmu left Cuilian and an old woman behind.

Qiao Yunmu ignored the two people next door, and Cuilian yelled at them when their voices got louder.

Qiao Yunmu just went out early every day, and went to Embroidery Linglong to point out the new embroiderer.

Embroidered Linglong is not well-known in the capital yet, so she has to work hard on quality.

Therefore, Qiao Yunmu taught them how to embroider better with an old embroiderer from Linshan County almost every day these days.

That day, Qiao Yunmu arrived at Xiulinglong early as usual, but before he reached the door, he was stopped by two men in entourage.

"Are you Miss Yun from Linshan County?" The two men said arrogantly and arrogantly:

"My master wants to see you."

Qiao Yunmu knew that their master was Xie Cheng'an, and also knew that they had been squatting for two days.

Xie Chengan, who is as indescribable as Xiangguo today, Qiao Yunmu has long wanted to know who this person is.

"Please lead the way, both of you." Qiao Yunmu had a genuine smile on his face.

On the contrary, the two attendants were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly led the way to another street.

Looking at the direction, it is her Linshan hot pot restaurant.

 Thanks to the little angel Bingling Angel for the recommendation ticket, love you biubiu

(End of this chapter)

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