Doomsday Infinite Escape

Chapter 471 Can't Take Chopsticks

Chapter 471 Can't Take Chopsticks
"This story is called Chopsticks."

It is rumored that a West Street alley is 100 meters long in total, and the road is paved with bluestone slabs. There are antique shops on both sides of the street. People come and go, and keep in touch.This is a well-known shopping alley. The shops are lined up from No. 98 to No. 98 from the beginning to the end. Ninety-nine is the highest number, comparable to the Son of Heaven. Therefore, according to the custom of the old alley, the shops can only be opened to No. [-].

"In Mishi APP, the spicy braised chicken recommended here is super delicious!"

All kinds of people come here every day, looking for delicious food, or taking pictures.

Two men were walking in the alley, two of them were college roommates, during the three-day long vacation, the remaining four went on vacation happily with their little girlfriends.Only the two of them are single, ready to come here to get drunk.

"Where is that shop?"

The man asked, they have walked this alley back and forth no less than three times, and they have not seen the restaurant of Zuifang Pavilion. The signature dish is spicy braised chicken. The app reviews are particularly good, and the color and fragrance of the pictures are attractive.

"It's clearly here..."

The other person frowned, and the map navigation came to this place, "Shop No. 90, Qinglin Street!"

As soon as he finished his words, the boss on both sides of the road who was wiping the table at the door raised his face and said loudly: "Young man, the address must have been written wrong. The shop here only ends at No. 98, and there is no No. 99 at all!"


The man frowned, looked at the phone again to confirm, and it was true that the number 99 was written.Maybe it's a typo...

"It's better for us to look for it one by one." The two nodded as they looked at each other, but this day...they still couldn't find the shop.

At night, Fang Lin lay on the bed and kept tossing and turning, thinking that the less something he can get, the more attractive it is.And his roommate was not interested in this kind of food, so he went to bed early.

[Search: Shop No. 99, Qinglin Street. 】

There are various things found in the search below, almost all of which are a question, is there a No. 99 shop... until I found an unpopular post in the most news strange column, which wrote a food review.The most striking thing is the address, No. 99, Qinglin Street.

The quaint gate is older than the surrounding shops.

According to legend, this shop can only be seen in the thick fog. The food inside melts in your mouth, which is not the taste you have tasted on weekdays.

In the picture, a torn chicken leg, red fan oil, can make people drool across the screen.

Fang Lin swallowed subconsciously, and continued to pull down.

Below the post is the exclamation of the evaluation.

"There is an unwritten rule here. You can't take your chopsticks away after eating. Why should I take my chopsticks away...they are obviously ancient wooden chopsticks."

There is also a picture below the words, that is a pile of chopsticks on the chopstick barrel, which is the wooden chopsticks you see on weekdays, giving people a dirty and old feeling.

"But the taste is really amazing! I'll come back next time when it's not foggy. What's so mysterious about this shop?"

The last time I spoke was a year and a half ago.

After that, the blogger never logged into the forum again, as if the world had evaporated.

After Fang Lin finished reading the post, he also looked puzzled, "Why... can't you take the chopsticks away?"

(End of this chapter)

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