Quick Cross: Time and Space Judge

Chapter 436 The prince is so scary 14

Chapter 436 The prince is so scary 14
When His Majesty and the most favored imperial concubine learned that their son was seriously injured and still unconscious, they immediately left the palace without stopping and rushed to the ghost palace without any delay.

In the eyes of the world, the ghost prince is a terrible evil ghost, but only the mother, the imperial concubine, knows that is not the case. The son has been poisoned since birth, and every time the poison flares up, he looks like a mad beast Like a howling sound.

In the middle of the night every month, people heard the horrible howling of ghosts and wolves near the ghost palace. The emperor and the imperial concubine knew that it was their son who had a severe poisoning attack.

However, they searched for famous doctors all their lives, but they couldn't find a cure for the severe poison on Ye Lintian's body. He was in pain, so why don't parents feel sorry for this son.

Therefore, when the two elders learned that their son was seriously injured and unconscious, where could they stay, they hurried out of the palace, just to see what kind of pain Ye Lintian was enduring.

"My God!"

As soon as the imperial concubine arrived at King Lin's bedroom, she saw the sick and unconscious person on the bed at a glance, and ran over crying bitterly.

As a man, the emperor did not appear to be in such pain, and approached the bed with a somewhat ugly expression.

Seeing her son suffering from illness, the imperial concubine angrily yelled at the imperial physician at the side: "If my son can't be cured, I will let the entire imperial hospital be buried with me!"

"God, my poor son..."

The imperial doctor broke out in a cold sweat and remained silent.

They tried all available methods, but they couldn't find out what kind of poison was in King Lin's body. What could they do?
"Aifei, our days will be fine."

The emperor comforted him, but he didn't know whether he was comforting the imperial concubine or reassuring himself.

The emperor turned his eyes to look at the imperial physician majestically, and asked: "Emperor physician, find out what kind of poison is in my son's body, what is the situation, and how much time does he have left?"

There was a heavy atmosphere, and the imperial doctor didn't dare to say more, so he could only answer in an official way: "Return to Your Majesty, King Lin's auspicious person has his own aura, and he will live a safe and sound life. Please don't worry, Your Majesty."


Auspicious people have their own celestial features. If this is the case, will his celestial being suffer from illness for more than ten years?

Because of this poison, Tian'er was able to start a family when he was weak, but none of the daughters of a minister's family dared to marry Tian'er.

I'm afraid, on the day when heaven and man are separated forever, Tian'er is still alone, how can he live with his conscience as a father?

Seeing the uncomfortable appearance of the emperor and imperial concubine, the imperial doctor couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, he finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan. When someone in the family is seriously ill, folks usually use weddings (such as marriage) to drive away evil spirits, hoping to turn the crisis into peace. This is just a legend, and there are no consequences. We can only resign ourselves to fate."

Although it was absurd, the imperial physician didn't want to do that either. King Rin was pitiful enough. If he had someone to accompany him on Huangquan Road after he went there, King Rin would be less lonely, which would be great.


The emperor sighed solemnly and shook his head: "If only you had said something simple, who would marry his own daughter to Tian'er?"

Everyone is afraid of the rumored ghost prince, who eats people without spitting out bones, and who kills without blinking an eye. Who would dare to marry him?
"Your Majesty, if you want to find a suitable Princess Lin, what's the difficulty?"

The emperor looked over in puzzlement, and the imperial physician said meaningfully: "Who would dare not follow a national teacher?"

The emperor's eyes lit up: "It makes sense, why did you forget the national teacher?"

After being reminded by the imperial physician, the emperor soon left the Ghost King's Mansion and specially went to the State Teacher's Mansion. After discussing with the State Teacher in detail, the Emperor Mao Sai suddenly understood.

According to the national teacher, if you really want to be happy, you must find a woman who matches the horoscope of King Lin and was born in the cloudy year and moon.

(End of this chapter)

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