Quick Cross: Time and Space Judge

Chapter 1 The destructive power explodes

Chapter 1 The destructive power explodes

"Alarm, alert—"

"The space of plane No. [-] collapsed."

"The space on the second plane collapsed."

"The space on the third plane collapsed..."

In the main god's space, the high-intelligence computer screens in all directions flashed red light, reminding the alarm of the collapse of the plane space, and more than a dozen plane spaces collapsed one after another.

A white light flashed on the chair of the high-energy intelligent brain, and a tall, handsome man with a transparent body appeared.His sword eyebrows, which were faintly shining with white light, twitched invisibly, and his temples throbbed non-stop.

The corners of his mouth twitched again and again, looking helplessly at the warning displayed on the screen of the boxy brain, his eyelids twitched once he couldn't help it.

"What did this dead girl do? Since she has destroyed more than a dozen planes, let's check and see what she did?"

I didn't know who the man was talking to. At this time, the reason for the alarm in the plane space was displayed on the smart screen, and a cold and emotionless voice came.

"Respected Lord Lord God, according to the investigation, the reason for the collapse of the plane space is that someone wiped out the luck chosen by the heaven. The plane space collapsed due to excessive pressure without the support of the pillars. According to statistics, there are nearly hundreds of millions of people in a plane space. Human lives have collapsed in more than 770 planes of space one after another, and statistics have killed [-] people."

"Dear Lord Lord God, if I'm not mistaken, the character whose destructive power, destructive power and cruelty have exploded to the limit should be your precious daughter."

The indifferent voice of the main god system was full of jokes, and it was extremely weird in this main god's space.

Apparently our lord god has a headache so much that he doesn't want to know what that dead girl did, so he brought back a troublesome spirit.

Helplessly flattening his beating forehead, he waved his hand and ordered, "Bring that dead girl back!"

As soon as the main god gave orders, the main god system obeyed, a light flashed on the screen of the brain, and a petite figure suddenly appeared in the main god space.

She staggered unsteadily, and sat down on the cold floor. When she came back to her senses, she looked around in doubt, and said in a daze, "I'm going, am I not in the doomsday world? Why did I come back here, eh, You are here too, old man."

Su Ling was surprised at first, then suddenly saw the transparent person on the main seat exclaimed, stood up from the crystal floor and walked towards the main god.

When she said 'old man', she heard the main god's eyelids fight, scratched her head angrily, and touched her face in doubt. Is he very old?

If the main god system knows the words of the main god it worships, it will definitely become a fan girl in a serious manner, and say: not old.

"Come here, damn girl, look what you did? Are you overwhelmed with destructive power! Didn't you tell you to travel in time and space? Look what you did?!"

The main god called Su Ling over, pointing to the alarm displayed on the brain, with an angry and hateful tone.

Su Ling glanced at Zhinao, and blinked suspiciously, "I'm traveling in time and space, and I'm having fun in a doomsday world, and I almost kicked that ugly and smelly Zombie King flying away. The world will be restored to peace, and the hero and heroine will have a happy ending, isn’t this the best enchantment, didn’t you ask me to do it?”

"I was having a good time, who knew that scum pulled me, and I appeared here, old man, do you know who did it? If you let me know, I must first tie up the person who ruined my good deeds , hanging in front of him every day, to see if he dares to spoil my good deed!"

Lord God: "..."


Inside the system: I am that scum.

Ten thousand grass mud horses are galloping in the Lord God's heart, and he even wonders if this dead girl is his seed.

In terms of personality difference, in terms of looks slightly better than her mother, in terms of conduct, forget it, he doesn't want to admit the existence of this daughter anymore.

It must have been a genetic mutation to produce such a strange species.

After the Lord God comforted himself countless times in his heart, he turned to look at her, "Tell me about how you travel?"

Before the memory was erased, this girl had a normal personality, especially after she fell in love with someone, she became more sensible.

Isn't it lovelorn?What's the big deal, it's a fight to the death, right?

After the memory is erased, it feels like a different daughter.

He became more and more presumptuous, and Hao didn't take him seriously, and he used to say that the old man is old and the old is short from time to time, and he is used to it.

After erasing the memory, he is like a newborn baby, innocent and innocent, without any desires or desires, but——

I overestimated the character of this dead girl, I can't keep up with it at all, it's unpredictable, even this old man can't figure it out.

Su Ling rubbed her chin, and explained: "Isn't this... the taskers from other planes doing the task? I saw that those people were so hateful, they were calculating in front of me, and I kicked them in a fit of anger. That person kicked, who knew they kicked so relentlessly, they didn't even spit out a mouthful of blood, and they couldn't sleep forever."

Lord God: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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