You are sweet without talking

Chapter 9 I'm sick, I have to go and see!

Chapter 9 I'm sick, I have to go and see!

The little assistant has been a little flustered recently.

Because she found that the big boss, who used to be supernatural, was very abnormal these days, he stopped whistling, stopped making coffee, and didn't even appreciate that big golden face he was so proud of.

She occasionally went in to deliver documents, or she saw him staring at the phone in a daze at 45 degrees, or he looked up at the sky at 45 degrees and sighed.

The back is inexplicable...sad.

Although she understands that the boss may be following the nostalgic, bright and sad route of retro literature and art recently, she still can't help getting goosebumps on half of her arms.

After she went in to deliver the documents, she immediately slipped out.

"Small, wait!"

She heard the big boss's "love name" for her, and she felt a "thump" in her heart, stepped on the brake in time, and turned around slowly: "Yu...Mr. Yu?"

Yu Zhiyan glanced at her, then sighed again: "Forget it."

look look look!

On weekdays, the boss who is always gags and occasionally a little "secondary two" suddenly turns into a melancholy teenager in the rainy's scary.

She stroked her chest silently, and backed out cautiously.

Before leaving, the boss ordered again: "The meeting will be postponed until tomorrow, so give me an afternoon."


She thought for a while, then glanced at his face and added, "Then, does Mr. Yu have any other arrangements?"

Yu Zhiyan raised his hand and took off his coat from the hanger, got up and went out: "I'm sick, I have to go and see!"


Yu Zhiyan didn't lie.

He really felt that he was sick, and the specific symptoms were insomnia, palpitation, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and inability to concentrate... In short, he just didn't like what he saw.

All diseases are one, and wine is the antidote.

He threw his coat on the co-pilot, stared blankly for a while with his arms drooping on the window, and then called Ye Nansheng, the drunkard.

As expected, as soon as they heard that there was wine to drink, they rushed over there immediately without saying a word.

Yu Zhiyan hung up the phone, drove all the way home, bought two dozen beers in the supermarket downstairs, and carried them upstairs.

Ye Nansheng rushed over in a hurry, and felt that the atmosphere was not right as soon as he entered the door.

The living room was as bright as ever, Yu Zhiyan's clothes were randomly piled up on the sofa, and a lot of beer cans had already accumulated on the floor.

He looked around for a week before he found a "cluster" of people behind the coffee table, matching the overheated air conditioner in the room.

—He almost suspected that he had entered the morgue.

In broad daylight, I don't know what kind of monster this ancestor is doing.


Ye Nansheng changed his shoes at the entrance, walked in with a bent body, and pushed the guy who was sitting barefoot on the floor.

Yu Zhiyan propped his head and stared at the pitch-black phone screen, motionless as if in a trance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's the matter, what is this?" Ye Nansheng went to grab the phone, accidentally touched the power button, the screen lit up, and on it was a photo that looked like a snapshot, the girl with cold eyebrows turned her head away and slightly bent her mouth.

for real?
This was Ye Nansheng's first reaction.

Since the last blind date, he made fun of Yu Zhiyan with Gu Wei from time to time, and then watched him help her with Gao Jing's affairs, and went to the company to find a little girl again and again...

But the two played with bare buttocks since they were young, and he could see Yu Zhiyan's character clearly, and he always thought that he was just looking for some new tricks to play.

But right now...

He glanced at Uncle Yu whose face said "I was dumped by a woman, I am angry and sad", and felt... things were not simple.

Yu Zhiyan came back to his senses, jumped up and snatched the phone from him: "Ye Nansheng, do you know how to respect other people's privacy?"

Ye Nansheng laughed out loud.

I have seen naked buttocks wearing flowery skirts when I was a child, and you still talk about privacy with me now?

"Yu Zhiyan, do you know that you look like a Huaichun girl now?" He sat down on the ground, glanced at Yu Zhiyan, raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you lost your mind?"

"Screw you!"

Yu Zhiyan raised his head and took a sip of his drink, and thought of the words he said to Gu Wei that day as if he was finally possessed by a ghost. What he couldn't bear the most was that the woman turned her head and left without saying a word.

What kind of attitude is this!
Ye Nansheng smiled, and didn't argue with Yu Zhiyan. He lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to find out a series of numbers, turned on the speakerphone, and waved in front of Yu Zhiyan: "Come on, I'll interview your female compatriots on the spot."

Uncle Yu glanced at the overseas call on the screen, but said nothing.

The call was connected quickly.

A cold female voice with a smile came from over there: "Ye Nansheng, didn't you go out with Ah Yan today?"

"No, I want to ask you something!" Ye Nansheng gave Yu Zhiyan a wink, and said into the phone, "Ayin, if there is a man, he will give you a very bad impression when we meet for the first time. , and then appeared in front of you twice in three days, such as giving you a snake as a gift, asking you to help take care of the children, and..."

Yu Zhiyan wanted to interrupt the defense, but was forced back by Ye Nansheng: "I even deliberately pretended to touch Cier because of your injury..."

Where Ye Nansheng couldn't see, Jiang Yin's expression froze into a zombie: "Is there something wrong with this person?"

"I'm not doing this for..."

Yu Zhiyan's face was so ugly, Ye Nansheng covered his mouth, and continued to talk to the phone: "Then what if this person said he was chasing you?"

Jiang Yin: "?"

"Are you kidding me? Did this kind of man stay sober without being beaten to death?" Jiang Yin said, "Hey, is Ah Yan by your side? I seem to hear his voice? "

Ye Nansheng glanced at the pale-faced person next to him, and held back a smile: "Ayin, you must not guess who the man I told you just now is, hahahaha!"

"Don't tell me it's Ah Yan?"

Ye Nansheng didn't pay attention, and turned his head to talk to Yu Zhiyan in a hurry: "Look, I'll tell you that your method won't work. A Yin grew up with you, and she's a girl again. Her thinking can explain the situation well. ?”

Yu Zhiyan pursed her lips, kicked the can at her feet, and said nothing.

"Ah Yan?" Jiang Yin's aura of righteous indignation just now disappeared in an instant, and her voice was much gentler, "I heard that Grandpa Yu arranged a lot of blind dates for you, you..." After a pause, she smiled lightly, "Should Could it be to deal with Grandpa Yu? I..."

"Little Ayin," Yu Zhiyan took the phone from Ye Nansheng, "Do you really think I'm so annoying? I'm actually helping her."

He didn't go on.

There was also a brief silence on the other side of the phone. After a while, there was the sound of typing on the keyboard. Jiang Yin suddenly smiled: "A blind date, you are so affectionate and righteous? Then what do you plan to do when I return to China next month?" Shall I take the wind and wash away the dust?"

"Ayin, are you going back to China?" Ye Nansheng rushed over, "When? When?"

The three grew up together. A few years ago, Jiang Yin and his parents settled abroad, and they hadn't been together much. This sudden return to China was beyond their expectations.

"Okay, come back," Yu Zhiyan responded inattentively, and returned the phone to Ye Nansheng, "It's absolutely necessary to clean up the dust, I'll listen to you!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhiyan nestled on the floor again, and began to reflect on what he had done before.

Ye Nansheng called two people and ordered takeaway, until the takeaway arrived and he ate half of the pizza by himself, Yu Zhiyan was still as unmoved as a Buddha.

Ye Nansheng took a look and was amused.

It was the first time I saw Yu Zhiyan thinking hard and helpless, it was really embarrassing and there was something he couldn't think of.

He grabbed a chicken leg and put it under Yu Zhiyan's nose for a long time.

Forget it, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.He, Ye Qingsheng, will try his best to save this poor fellow.

"Ah Yan, it's actually very simple!" He ate a chicken leg, drank a sip of beer, and happily said, "Think about it, if you were a girl, under what circumstances would you be attracted to the opposite sex?"

Yu Zhiyan turned his head away and stared at Ye Nansheng with a mouth full of oil for a long time——uh...can't figure it out.

"Forget it," Ye Nansheng had expected this result a long time ago, and shook his head, "Yu Zhiyan, do you know where you lost?"

Where did you lose?

Yu Zhiyan has never written the word "lose" in the past 26 years!
"Rough!" Ye Nansheng complained about him while flipping through the phone, "You're just a rough guy who doesn't understand women... Let me show you something."

He pulled out two screenshots of WeChat chat records.

In the front, there were all kinds of small talk and compliments, and then the topic suddenly turned to himself——

"Actually, I have a superpower."


"I like you so much."

Another one -

"I've had a cold recently."

"Really, then you should wear more clothes and pay more attention."

"Because I have no resistance when I see you."

Yu Zhiyan swallowed her saliva, the corners of her mouth were a little stiff.

"I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you!" Ye Nansheng put away his phone and glanced at Yu Zhiyan, "This is a screenshot of the chat history Yuzi sent me. Look at it, those elementary school students are a hundred times better at teasing girls than you, admit that you are a rough guy !"

Yu Zhiyan let out a disdainful "heh".

Unexpectedly, Yuzu is young and charming!
He ignored Ye Nansheng's plot and analyzed it secretly.

Yuzu and Xiaowei are the same type of people.This kind of tricks played by elementary school students can't even move pomelo. It is definitely useless for him to learn these fancy things. With his double quotient, naturally he has to find another way——

Yu Zhiyan pulled the corner of his mouth and chuckled, stood up and made a phone call: "Old K, find someone to keep an eye on Gu Wei for me, observe 24 hours a day, be careful, and report to me immediately if there is any trouble!"

What's the use of talking like those little monkeys?

He has always relied on doing!

Let you experience the feeling of being a bossy woman!
Ye Nansheng: "..."

Gu Wei has been too busy recently.

Fortunately, the new project has finally entered the construction stage. After staying up late for several days, the work can finally come to an end temporarily.After attending the opening ceremony in the morning, she was relieved and sat in the car to take a nap.

He Qing bought two boxes of cakes, milk and fruit and came back.

As soon as the car door was opened, Gu Wei woke up suddenly, and He Qing was startled by her extreme reaction.

"What's the matter?" He Qing handed over the bag in her hand, "I didn't eat breakfast this morning, so I'll eat some of this to pad my stomach. Weiwei, after this period, you should rest for two days, I always feel that you are a little Uneasy."

Gu Wei took it over, tore open the packaging bag, took two casual bites of the cake with the milk, then rubbed his temples, and fell back on the backrest: "He Qing, do you feel that someone seems to be staring at us lately."

He Qing was stunned for a moment.

What you said was creepy.

She turned around and was about to ask a few more questions. This new project has just started, so let's not get into any feng shui problems.

Suddenly, Gu Wei's cell phone rang.

The sound is more urgent than the sound, just like the one calling for death.

Gu Wei picked up the phone and glanced at it. The movement of swallowing the cake suddenly froze, and he didn't answer the phone for a long time, and finally put the phone upside down beside him.

He Qing understood instantly.

It seems that it is not a problem of Feng Shui, but peach blossom.

He Qing coughed twice, then turned around and sat down, started the car, and smiled meaningfully: "Weiwei, have you ever heard the saying that when you miss someone too much, people will have hallucinations? "

Gu Wei took a sip of milk and couldn't swallow it down, her face flushed from choking.

I told you that I was being watched, but you told me it was a hallucination?

Don’t be afraid that it is not from some cult.

She touched the paper towel and wiped it for a long time, then raised her head and said, "Who did you learn this oblique and eccentric tune from?"

"No." He Qing pretended to be innocent, and replied casually, "I just found out that Mr. Yu doesn't seem to be here much recently."

Gu Wei swallowed the last bite of the cake, put the packaging bag together, leaned back a little, closed her eyes and said nothing.

The car drove on the road, passing through the cascading shade of trees, and the mottled light and shadow fell from the car window, and the consciousness of the drowsy person gradually dispersed.He Qing turned down the sound of the music, and the softly sung love songs sounded more like whispers from afar.

A rare moment of relaxation.

Gu Wei closed his eyes to relax his brain that had been stretched for too long, but that familiar figure involuntarily appeared in front of him. From the beginning, he hated seeing each other, and then he took her out to relax under the guise of asking her to help take care of the children. And when he calmly helped her clean up Gao Jing's affairs...

A lot of fragmentary pictures.

Also, that day——

"What if I just want to chase you?"

Gu Wei's breath stopped, and he opened his eyes suddenly, subconsciously returning to his previous vigilant posture.

"what happened?"

While waiting for the red light, He Qing stepped on the brakes and looked at her in the rearview mirror.

Gu Wei came over with a clear mind, collected his expression, picked up the phone next to him, four missed calls from the same number were displayed on the screen.

She shook her head: "It's okay."


Self-righteous trash second ancestor that's all.

She has seen quite a few, so why bother to mess with her mind?
"I've read the test report last time, the Xu family's side," Gu Wei took a long breath and then exhaled, raised his head and asked He Qing, "Have you been there?"

He Qing hesitated for a while, then raised her head and glanced at the rearview mirror: "I've been there before, Weiwei, actually..."


She interrupted.

In fact, she could guess what He Qing was going to say, it was nothing more than some words of comfort, but no matter what the situation was, after all, there was such a relationship, let alone the result, she would always want to meet.

"You find time to arrange it as soon as possible, just a few days. While the project is on the right track, I just have a little easier time, so I'll go to Xu's house."

Green light.

The car kept going.

Gu Wei closed the window of the car, and the hot wind rushed in, making people a little breathless.She leaned on the window with one hand, watching the endless stream of vehicles.

The phone vibrated, and a series of messages popped up on the screen:
[Yu Weiwei: How many times have I called you, do you dare to answer one! 】

[Yu Weiwei: Forget it, forget it, do it again. 】

[Yu Weiwei: Ms. Xiaowei, please answer Mr. Yu's call, please?OK 】

[Yu Wei: Alright, alright, I’ll be honest, what I told you at the company last time was indeed a little inappropriate, and I’m here to admit my mistake. 】

[Yu Weiwei: Sincerely, it's more real than true knowledge! 】


Yu Zhiyan.

She murmured unconsciously, then sneered.

Whether it's true or false, they are not the same people.

She glanced at the screen, pressed the phone again and threw it aside.

She has too many things to focus on. She is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really not interested in such a high-risk business as love.

(End of this chapter)

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