Sick favored: He Shao, fierce and fierce!

Chapter 160 Intentionally Framed

Chapter 160 Intentionally Framed
Fang Anning's knowledge of delicious places is also very limited, thinking of a restaurant that He Tingchen took her to eat before.He felt that the taste was not bad, and He Min should be satisfied, so he mentioned the name of the store.

He Min smiled and said: "I know this store, I went there with Zhao Yuanyuan last time, and the taste is not bad."

"You and Mrs. Qi have a very good relationship." Fang Anning said.

He Min nodded and said: "The two of us knew each other before we got married. We have been best friends for decades, so we have a good relationship."

"What about Qi Wenli?" Fang Anning asked.

He Min coughed lightly in embarrassment and said, "It was Zhao Yuanyuan who begged me before, so I reluctantly agreed to help her. Now that you and Ting Chen have settled down, what else can I do to help her? And for that flirtatious woman, I also agree to help her." I don't like it."

Fang Anning smiled.

"Originally, I wanted to be in-laws with Zhao Yuanyuan, and the best way was to match her daughters, Qi Yaya and Feng'er. But I didn't expect that the two children had a surprisingly consistent attitude and firmly expressed their disapproval. I was really attracted I'm so angry, but there's nothing I can do about it, it seems that Feng'er is very interested in that little sister of yours, do you know about this?"

"I know a little bit, but our Xiaoxiao is no longer interested in Master Liao. Auntie can rest assured about this." Fang Anning said with a smile.

He Min was indeed relieved to hear this, showing a satisfied smile.

Fang Anning couldn't help raising her eyebrows secretly. It seemed that He Min accompanied her here so well, so she still wanted to inquire about Liao Kanfeng and Li Xiaoxiao's situation from her.

Forget it, Xiaoxiao let go of Liao Kanfeng at first, which also made her feel at ease.

Soon, the car sent them to the door of the restaurant, and the two got out of the car to eat.

Fang Anning asked He Min to order, and after ordering a few dishes, the two chatted about their children while eating.

After eating, He Min and Fang Anning came out of the restaurant again, ready to board their cars and go home.

Fang Anning's car has been following behind, so there is no need for He Min to see her off.

It's just that they didn't expect that the car hadn't arrived yet, and as soon as the two of them reached the door, a man rushed over to beat Fang An Ning.

He Min stepped back in fright, turning pale.

But Fang An Ning had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed the arm that was waving towards him, and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

The person who came to beat someone was none other than Zhou Zhaoguo who hadn't seen him for a long time.

It's just that Fang Anning almost didn't recognize him.

Now Zhou Zhaoguo has lost weight several times, with an unshaven beard and dirty clothes.

Where is the high-spirited look before, it's like a beggar under the flyover.

"How did you make yourself like this?" Fang An Ning frowned.

She knew before that because Zhou Muyan stole the family property, Zhou Zhaoguo almost went bankrupt.

But for such a big company, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how the Zhou family falls, it won't fall into what Zhou Zhaoguo is now.

"You still have the face to say that it's all your fault." Zhou Zhaoguo was thrown away by Fang Anning and cursed, "It's all about you, a vicious and unfilial daughter. Give it to Mu Yan, how could I become like this? I will beat you to death today, I gave birth to you, so I have the right to take your life."

Fang An Ning was so angry that she trembled all over.

She didn't know anything, so Zhou Zhaoguo put a hat on her.

Still have the face to say that he gave birth to her?

He gave birth to her, but he didn't raise her, so he might as well not have had her.

Now he still uses this matter to pressure her, thinking that she is easy to bully?
"Come here, teach him a lesson. Forget it, I'll grab him and hit him myself." Fang Anning said coldly.

The bodyguards had already arrived at this time, and upon hearing Fang Anning's order, they immediately arrested Zhou Zhaoguo.

Fang Anning raised his hand and slapped Zhou Zhaoguo twice, then kicked him twice and said, "You regard yourself as my father, but I have never regarded you as my father. Until now, your fate is your own. What does it have to do with me? I didn’t have any contact with you 22 years ago. The only connection was that you bought my life with money. Use your father's identity to suppress me. Let me tell you, it won't work here. I am not a filial and humble person. I don't know who made you trouble me like this. But if you dare to find fault, next time This time is not as simple as slapping a few times, be careful that I will send you to prison."

Fang Anning threatened coldly.

Sure enough, when he saw Zhou Zhaoguo, his face turned pale with fright.

But at this time, a few reporters appeared out of nowhere, and they were shooting and videoing.

After Fang An Ning found out, he asked the bodyguards to chase after him, and those people dispersed in a hurry.

And Zhou Zhaoguo also took advantage of the chaos and ran away, not knowing where he went.

Fang Anning frowned fiercely, it was indeed planned by someone deliberately, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

She turned to look at He Min.

He Min didn't know when she had already returned to the restaurant, sitting inside and waiting.

When her side was over, He Min came out and said: "After all, I am the boss wife of Huayu Group. If someone photographs me with you and sees you beating your father in public, I am afraid that Huayu's shares will drop. But you Don't worry, I will let Lao Liao pay attention to those reporters who took pictures, suppress the news, and try not to let you be exposed by the Internet."

"You didn't know what happened today?" Fang Anning asked.

He Min immediately raised her hands and said, "I can swear, this matter has nothing to do with me. Otherwise, you would think I would be so stupid to have dinner with you and plan these things? If Ting Chen knew about it, he would definitely not forgive me, even the old man won't tolerate me."

Fang Anning frowned, she believed what He Min said.

"Who else knows that I came here with you for dinner?" Fang Anning asked again.

He Min said: "Who else knows? Of course it's you and me, after all, you booked the place."

That's right, she booked the place on a temporary basis, He Min is not that stupid, she would secretly notify the other party.

In this way, isn't there no silver 300 taels here?
"Then who else did you tell about me going to meet the wedding dress designer with you? By the way, how did you know this Linda designer?" Fang Anning asked again.

"It was Zhao Yuanyuan who introduced me. Linda and the Qi family knew each other a long time ago. She..."

He Min shut her mouth after saying this, and looked at Fang An Ning in surprise.

After a while, she said again: "You mean, Zhao Yuanyuan sent someone to follow us, saw us coming to this restaurant, and then called your father to find fault and find someone to shoot?"

"It may not be Zhao Yuanyuan, but it must have something to do with her." Fang Anning said.

He Min said angrily: "It's too much, I'm going to find her."

"I'll go with you." Fang Anning said.

He Min thought for a while and nodded, then took Fang Anning to find Zhao Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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